Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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Anyone heard of internal vibrations or tremors? Ive been experiencing hypnagogic hallucinations for a year so I assumed when I was lying down, these vibrations were related to narcolepsy. But i have them awake, i can move. Just feels like my bed is shaking. I am not diagnosed with any narcolepsy but do suffer from insomnia. I just am finding these little episodes to be weird, but am afraid to tell anyone. I do have raynauds and suffer from neuropathy, at times. I got a lot going on, is this something to worry about?

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Lactose and gluten caused internal chest tremors for me for 15 years. But for two years, no tremors unless I blow my diet.


Hi. About 3 weeks ago I had some tightness on the left side of my neck into my shoulder. Doctor said it was muscle spasms and gave me a muscle relaxer and paxil for my anxiety. I have never taken paxil. I started experiencing internal tremors a couples days later. I went back to my doctor and she had me stop taking the paxil saying I was having a side effect from it. Two weeks later and I'm still having vibrating in my head and tightness in my eyes. She gave me topamax to help with vibrations but haven't noticed a difference. It's super annoying and scary


Hi. About 3 weeks ago I had some tightness on the left side of my neck into my shoulder. Doctor said it was muscle spasms and gave me a muscle relaxer and paxil for my anxiety. I have never taken paxil. I started experiencing internal tremors a couples days later. I went back to my doctor and she had me stop taking the paxil saying I was having a side effect from it. Two weeks later and I'm still having vibrating in my head and tightness in my eyes. She gave me topamax to help with vibrations but haven't noticed a difference. It's super annoying and scary

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Hello @ahannah2021, Welcome to Connect. It does sound super annoying and scary to me also and I don't have it. You mentioned that the doctor switched you to topamax after the paxil caused you to have tremors. From what I've heard paxil withdrawal symptoms can last up to a year if you suddenly stop taking the drug.

Paxil withdrawal: Symptoms timeline, and how to cope: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/paxil-withdrawal-symptoms

Have you mentioned to the doctor you are still having the tremors?


Hello @ahannah2021, Welcome to Connect. It does sound super annoying and scary to me also and I don't have it. You mentioned that the doctor switched you to topamax after the paxil caused you to have tremors. From what I've heard paxil withdrawal symptoms can last up to a year if you suddenly stop taking the drug.

Paxil withdrawal: Symptoms timeline, and how to cope: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/paxil-withdrawal-symptoms

Have you mentioned to the doctor you are still having the tremors?

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O great!!!! That doesn't make me feel better. Yes I did let my doctor know about the tremors and she gave me the topamax but to take only at night so during the day I have to deal with the tremors.


O great!!!! That doesn't make me feel better. Yes I did let my doctor know about the tremors and she gave me the topamax but to take only at night so during the day I have to deal with the tremors.

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Sorry about making you feel worse about it. My thinking is maybe there is some information in the how to cope part that might help. The other thing maybe a pharmacist might know more than your doctor about it is that you were only on paxil for a very short time and I'm not sure that is long enough to be a problem stopping it cold turkey. It might be good if you could pose the question to a pharmacist directly or through your doctor.


Sorry about making you feel worse about it. My thinking is maybe there is some information in the how to cope part that might help. The other thing maybe a pharmacist might know more than your doctor about it is that you were only on paxil for a very short time and I'm not sure that is long enough to be a problem stopping it cold turkey. It might be good if you could pose the question to a pharmacist directly or through your doctor.

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I'm alittle annoyed because I went into the doctor for stiffness in the left side of my neck, lump in my throat and my anxiety. Walked out with a muscle relaxer and paxil. A few days later had to make a trip to the er cuz I was feeling very wierd I was already vibrating and the tightness on my neck was bothering me. Left the er with Lymphadenitis and fluid in my ears. Took antibiotics for that and finished them that's completely better but still have the vibrating. I went back to the doctor and explained that I still had vibrating and I had tightness around my head almost like a band around my head. She gave me topamax. She explain while at the er my ct scan and blood work came back normal so she says it's side effects from the paxil, another week later and still have the vibrating and the pressure. Hasn't gotten worse nor better. Noticed warm compresses sometimes help and sometimes cold helps and then sometimes neither helps. I'm upset cuz I didn't have this when I went in the first time I want to feel like myself again


Hello @khc, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. Thank you for sharing your experience eliminating gluten and lactose. I found an article on the gluten connection that might be helpful for you and other members with questions.

Movement Disorders Related to Gluten Sensitivity: A Systematic Review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6115931/

Have you been diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity or celiac disease?

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Gluten “intolerance”


I have had internal vibrations, from head to foot, for 4 1/2 year. In the past year, my upper thigh muscles have begun to ache. They are very sore. My eyesight is also being impacted. I also have tinnitus. It began at the same time as the internal vibrations. No diagnosis. However, I also had a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and a dural arterial venous fistula in my brain. I believe it is likely the clot and fistula caused some nerve trauma or damage and may be contributing to the internal vibrations.

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Any relief/changes? I also have tinnitus and vibrations.


Any relief/changes? I also have tinnitus and vibrations.

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Hello @jvandiver72, Welcome to Connect. I'm not sure that @moondusk saw your reply to their post so I thought I would share the link to the members most recent post that has the latest information - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mortons-neuroma/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351939

Are you able to share any information on treatments you have tried?


Hi all, I recently develop internal vibrations from my stomach through my head.
On 28 sept I rushed to ER because my GERD acting up ( late eating, and not eating rice, I taken Nexium 20mg + Polysilene 10ml), took ecoricoxib (archoxia like) for pain & CTM to help me sleep (since gerd I cannot sleep well) and because I had my chest massaged. So the doctor run a blood test and found out that my leukosit is high, which caused inflammation on my chest caused pain when breathing. I was hospitalized for 3 days 2 night, got my body infused with bcomplex, also pottassium deficientcy they said, at the time of discharged my whole behind (body) were tingling. And doctor told me to check with neuro doctor & the Internist doctor prescribed me lanzoprazole + sulfacrate + neurohax 5000 (high dose vit b12 5000mg) sometimes I cmobine with polysilene to ease the acid. But I don't drink the neurohax while take GERD medication at home, somehow 5 days after discharged, which my gerd still acting up, not sleep properly, 2hours sleep and wake up to pee, I got high blood pressure that time because lack of sleep & then caused my right ear getting tinnitus (till now, I got tinnitus on both ear since kids because of playing with firecracker only acting up when in complete silent room, but now my right ear got tinnitus and hear it more soundly), I end up sleep on left side so my acid reflux don't disturb my sleep. But suddenly I feel my left body internally vibrate, others can't see me vibrating, but I'm feeling it light electrical sensation surged through my tongue and my head, and my eyes, I cried for days, now my right eye seems have problem (didn't see eye doctor yet), cannot see to right side properly.I thought it was sinus because the pain surged through teeth, ear and behind the head (inside the throat)and it feels like pulsating even now. My eyes acting up already 20 days, internal vibration already 2months.

I also have left shoulder problem which already MRI through my neck and shoulder no nerve problem were found (when MRI the doctor gave me alpazoram 1/2 tablet to ease my anxiety on MRI tube) I take those med only 1 when MRI taken. So I tried acupunture which helps me to cured my back pain problem, but internal vibration stay still, now If i see something focusly I can see it vibrate not severe but vibrating and feel my right eye vibrate, others cannot see. Neuro doctor told me I just deficient in vit b & calcium, so she recipes me with Neurohax 5000 + Calcium, without proper blood test (how come!). No meds for neuro I taken (past I taken Eperisone HCL + Methyprenisolone), only some vitamins, VIT C 250mg non acidic holisticare ester c & kirkland daily multi + Kirkland calcium + 400mg vit D.

I tried consult with 1 online internist via apps like HALODOC (in my country), she said its psychosomatic pain, But I'm not under stress lately. Please help anyone with symptomps like mine?

My EKG report were good, Kidney function Urine test (Urine test,Ureum Creatinine) came back fine 100% working properly, Glucose level normal, still not done full blood test, I suspect b12 deficiently because taking Gerd Meds. But will check with my doctors (internist, neuro, eye, & ear nose throat to check with sinus). I don't have difficulty on breathing like sinus patient have, but upper cheek and under eye were tingling sensation when pressed.I don't know if my eyes were tired because I cried, or because I cried there's sinus infection.

Externally, I'm fine, I can go to work without any pain. My sinshe told me for my eye vibtration it can be caused by my neck (mild spondylosis + c3-c6 bone spur), MRI results told me that c3-c6 mild indentation on thecal sac. So my neuro doctor told me, I'm okay, no need of therapy just do regular swimming & exercise to sthrengthen my neck.

I'm under stress lately because my internal vibration and my eyes acting up. I suggest for those having back pain or neck pain to see accupunture therapy, it helps a lot and don't require to take meds which not good for kidney. I still on journey to finding my diagnosis right.

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