COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Should I get the covid vaccine , since I had blood clots in my legs from Covid


Should I get the covid vaccine , since I had blood clots in my legs from Covid

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Hi, since we are patients ourselves and not medical professionals, this is not a question we can answer for you. The decision needs to be made in consultation with your docs.


"chosen not to become part of the health system in the US" would not be accurate. I have health insurance, although it is not comprehensive and would not cover the costs of seeing specialists. Prolonged fasting(calorie restriction) has a body of clinical evidence RE: improvement of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. I do not have chronically high blood sugar levels by any current medical standard. I don't even have pre-diabetes. I would not describe my current condition as "very painful." Very concerning would be more apt. Unfortunately, not a lot of doctors in my area are immediately taking new patients. It would take months to navigate an appointment with a specialist. I have scheduled an appointment with a combo MD/DC neuropathy clinic.

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Hi SDF, I'll be interested in hearing what you learn in your upcoming appointment at the neuropathy clinic.

In the meantime, I think you might be interested in participating in this group on Mayo Clinic Connect
- LCHF Living & Intermittent Fasting


@skallinn14 my physicians also feel the vaccine “uncovered” some underlying neuro issues I have by causing over activity to my entire nervous system. In addition to burning in both feet (and hands too for a while, which has fortunately resolved), I have a weak feeling, twitchy and at times painful right leg. I’ve known that I have spinal issues for a while due to degenerative joint disease, but prior to getting the vaccine my symptoms were purely local, i.e. low back pain, neck pain, stiff shoulders etc. The leg involvement was very sudden and started the day after I got my first Pfizer dose. My EMG showed pinched nerves at S1 on both sides, but worse in the right which is my problem leg. This is not something that happened over night, however my neuro symptoms did appear literally overnight after getting the shot. So I think the docs are right about that aspect of it. It’s been a very confusing and distressing 7+ months for me.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm going through similar things now. I'm having my EMG on both legs in a few weeks. How painful was the test and how long did it take? what part of your body was tested to get those results? I'm nervous about both the pain and the outcome. I'm also having and MRI on my cervical spine for sudden neuropathy in my head. This is just unreal. So much pain. Sleep is impossible. Any small issue I had before, as well as big issues, are screaming on overdrive now. Did you report? What did they say? Sorry for the questions. I hope you get relief soon!


I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm going through similar things now. I'm having my EMG on both legs in a few weeks. How painful was the test and how long did it take? what part of your body was tested to get those results? I'm nervous about both the pain and the outcome. I'm also having and MRI on my cervical spine for sudden neuropathy in my head. This is just unreal. So much pain. Sleep is impossible. Any small issue I had before, as well as big issues, are screaming on overdrive now. Did you report? What did they say? Sorry for the questions. I hope you get relief soon!

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@kimas, I’m sorry to report that EMG was very uncomfortable for me. I’m not sure if my state of high anxiety may have made it worse. It’s the ultimate irony when a physician is telling you to relax while he is sticking needles into your nerves. However from what I’ve read, everyone does not find it to be as bad as I did. Hopefully you’ll be one of those! They tested upper and lower extremities on both sides and several places around my spine, to the best of my memory. Was trying to block it all out. I, too, have run the gamut of testing. Have had 2 MRI’s which show many degenerative changes in both my lumbar and cervical spine. None of these should have caused my symptoms to start up overnight, however. Currently, I have good days where things are on a very low simmer - just occasional burning or other mild sensations, and not much twitching. And then there are days like yesterday, when it feels like some kind of storm is taking place in my body. It has caused me no end of emotional distress. I now have severe health anxiety - something I never had before. People who say the risks of the vaccine are much worse than any possible side effects - maybe they are right, but they just don’t know what it’s like to have their lives changed overnight. I am not anti-vaccine. On the contrary, I might even get a booster if needed. All this happened to me after the first dose. My neuro advised me that “reactions like this” (whatever that means) are so very rare and quite unlikely to happen again. So I got the 2nd dose and thankfully there was no worsening. As for reporting, I have not yet, but fully intend to very soon. My reason for holding off has mainly been to get consensus from the docs. I wish you the best with your testing and search for answers.


@kimas, I’m sorry to report that EMG was very uncomfortable for me. I’m not sure if my state of high anxiety may have made it worse. It’s the ultimate irony when a physician is telling you to relax while he is sticking needles into your nerves. However from what I’ve read, everyone does not find it to be as bad as I did. Hopefully you’ll be one of those! They tested upper and lower extremities on both sides and several places around my spine, to the best of my memory. Was trying to block it all out. I, too, have run the gamut of testing. Have had 2 MRI’s which show many degenerative changes in both my lumbar and cervical spine. None of these should have caused my symptoms to start up overnight, however. Currently, I have good days where things are on a very low simmer - just occasional burning or other mild sensations, and not much twitching. And then there are days like yesterday, when it feels like some kind of storm is taking place in my body. It has caused me no end of emotional distress. I now have severe health anxiety - something I never had before. People who say the risks of the vaccine are much worse than any possible side effects - maybe they are right, but they just don’t know what it’s like to have their lives changed overnight. I am not anti-vaccine. On the contrary, I might even get a booster if needed. All this happened to me after the first dose. My neuro advised me that “reactions like this” (whatever that means) are so very rare and quite unlikely to happen again. So I got the 2nd dose and thankfully there was no worsening. As for reporting, I have not yet, but fully intend to very soon. My reason for holding off has mainly been to get consensus from the docs. I wish you the best with your testing and search for answers.

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Wow - Lot's of room for chatting here.
As for the EMG, when I had my first one, many years ago, it was done by a tech who was also a nun - she could have been my mean old Latin teacher! She kept telling me "Don't be a baby" "This doesn't hurt" "Offer it up" (if you're an old Catholic school kid you've heard it before). I avoided them like the plague for years - then the next tech was so gentle and reassuring it was amazing - and the pain was much less!

Then there is the matter of the symptoms starting up suddenly - in the world of inflammation, there is a strong theory that any "jolt" to your immune system can cause a reaction to which you are predisposed to suddenly flare up. For example, in addition to vaccines, inflammatory reactions can occur after a virus or infection, surgery, or an unrelated injury.

I believe, from what I have read here on Connect, both about vaccine reactions and neuropathy and PMR, that the exact "cause" may never be known, but symptoms can appear in a similar way. For example, people often first experience neuropathy symptoms after their bodies are stressed by surgery. It sounds like your docs may be thinking this too.

If the only place I ever read about the Covid vaccines was here on Connect, I would be afraid because of so many symptoms being reported here. But like your neuro, I believe the reactions are very rare. For example, over 300,000,000 doses of vaccine have been given in this country, but there are only 428,000 reports of reactions in VAER, and about 75,000 are considered serious. That's a VERY low percentage - it's just that people with reactions come to Connect looking for answers. In fact, in the Covid-19 group, there are about 1000 people, our of 100,000+ Connect members. Of course, symptoms and illnesses don't feel rare when they affect us!

Finally, please get your doc to report this to VAERS - don't waut for a consensus. The more data they have, the better we will all know the vaccines.

I hope your symptoms subside! Please let me know in a few weeks how you are doing.


Wow - Lot's of room for chatting here.
As for the EMG, when I had my first one, many years ago, it was done by a tech who was also a nun - she could have been my mean old Latin teacher! She kept telling me "Don't be a baby" "This doesn't hurt" "Offer it up" (if you're an old Catholic school kid you've heard it before). I avoided them like the plague for years - then the next tech was so gentle and reassuring it was amazing - and the pain was much less!

Then there is the matter of the symptoms starting up suddenly - in the world of inflammation, there is a strong theory that any "jolt" to your immune system can cause a reaction to which you are predisposed to suddenly flare up. For example, in addition to vaccines, inflammatory reactions can occur after a virus or infection, surgery, or an unrelated injury.

I believe, from what I have read here on Connect, both about vaccine reactions and neuropathy and PMR, that the exact "cause" may never be known, but symptoms can appear in a similar way. For example, people often first experience neuropathy symptoms after their bodies are stressed by surgery. It sounds like your docs may be thinking this too.

If the only place I ever read about the Covid vaccines was here on Connect, I would be afraid because of so many symptoms being reported here. But like your neuro, I believe the reactions are very rare. For example, over 300,000,000 doses of vaccine have been given in this country, but there are only 428,000 reports of reactions in VAER, and about 75,000 are considered serious. That's a VERY low percentage - it's just that people with reactions come to Connect looking for answers. In fact, in the Covid-19 group, there are about 1000 people, our of 100,000+ Connect members. Of course, symptoms and illnesses don't feel rare when they affect us!

Finally, please get your doc to report this to VAERS - don't waut for a consensus. The more data they have, the better we will all know the vaccines.

I hope your symptoms subside! Please let me know in a few weeks how you are doing.

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@sueinmn, thanks for your thoughtful response. I do believe the vaccine is what triggered my cascade of events. The body works in such strange (but amazing) ways. While it has literally rendered me physically changed from pre-vaccine, I do also acknowledge the fact that I could have been one of the patients who did very poorly or even died with Covid. I have even seen one theory (do not have the reference unfortunately) that people with these types of severe inflammatory reactions to the vaccine may have been the sicker ones with the actual disease and/or may have been more prone to becoming a Covid “long-hauler”. When think of it that way I do get some respite from my “why me” thought patterns. I will be filing the VAERS report myself but my understanding is that they contact your physicians for further info. Yes, I do check in here pretty regularly and will continue to do so. Unfortunately I don’t see anything changing in a few weeks as this has been going on for almost 8 months.


Should I get the covid vaccine , since I had blood clots in my legs from Covid

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Do you have a blood clot disorder such as Factor V Leiden?


I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm going through similar things now. I'm having my EMG on both legs in a few weeks. How painful was the test and how long did it take? what part of your body was tested to get those results? I'm nervous about both the pain and the outcome. I'm also having and MRI on my cervical spine for sudden neuropathy in my head. This is just unreal. So much pain. Sleep is impossible. Any small issue I had before, as well as big issues, are screaming on overdrive now. Did you report? What did they say? Sorry for the questions. I hope you get relief soon!

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I’ve had 2 EMG’s. One was very painful and the other not. The doctor I saw where I had no pain said they shouldn’t be painful and if I feel pain tell him and he’ll stop immediately and that he was there to serve me. How often does that happen? So I think it depends on the doctor administering. The good doc said he could always find a different way to get the info if one particular way was too painful.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm going through similar things now. I'm having my EMG on both legs in a few weeks. How painful was the test and how long did it take? what part of your body was tested to get those results? I'm nervous about both the pain and the outcome. I'm also having and MRI on my cervical spine for sudden neuropathy in my head. This is just unreal. So much pain. Sleep is impossible. Any small issue I had before, as well as big issues, are screaming on overdrive now. Did you report? What did they say? Sorry for the questions. I hope you get relief soon!

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I had a MRI of the Lumbar Spine and a Nerve Study test done yesterday. I don't know what the outcome is yet since no one called me. The Nerve Study test was not painful for me, but I have a high tolerance. They kept asking if everything was ok. Very professional. I have had this done before. To me, I don't feel the pain was bad. It was like using a TENS unit but a higher frequency.

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