Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I'm cathy...i have chronic back pain on my spine which is arthritis. It has been masked for years by tramadol which I am weaning off of. My pain management doc got mad because I went to a neurologist for neuropathy. I'm trying to get. Some type of routine with voltaren creme in the AM maybe or allege in the AM and ibuprofen and Tylenol in the afternoon and evening. Trying CBD creme, heating pad, ice, lidoderm patched at night... any suggestion would be helpful. Thank you.

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Hi Cathy @mcd123, Have you heard about Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR)? There is a discussion on the topic here that you might find helpful.

Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:


Thank you, waiting on them to call to get in.

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Best of luck! Will you please keep us updated on how an Anesthesiologist might be able to help you?


I found this very interesting. I am in California or I would definitely look into it.

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I'm happy you checked it out, and found the information interesting. Mayo actually has 3 Pain Rehab Centers: Arizona, Minnesota and Florida. Here is a link with the details.

I live in New York and attended Jacksonville, FL. Perhaps Arizona is a possibility for you.


Best of luck! Will you please keep us updated on how an Anesthesiologist might be able to help you?

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Yes i will. I've researched on-line a little on this and it's defintley looks promising . Thank You


I'm happy you checked it out, and found the information interesting. Mayo actually has 3 Pain Rehab Centers: Arizona, Minnesota and Florida. Here is a link with the details.

I live in New York and attended Jacksonville, FL. Perhaps Arizona is a possibility for you.

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Did rehab work for you? If so I what way.


Has anyone tried a thing called NeuroMD?


Has anyone tried a thing called NeuroMD?

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@wisco50 mentioned that it did not help them in a post in the "What helps spinal stenosis besides surgery" discussion here


I'm cathy...i have chronic back pain on my spine which is arthritis. It has been masked for years by tramadol which I am weaning off of. My pain management doc got mad because I went to a neurologist for neuropathy. I'm trying to get. Some type of routine with voltaren creme in the AM maybe or allege in the AM and ibuprofen and Tylenol in the afternoon and evening. Trying CBD creme, heating pad, ice, lidoderm patched at night... any suggestion would be helpful. Thank you.

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Hi Cathy, I had severe back pain after a bile duct repair surgery and saw a Neurologist who also had a great PT that I went to for over a year. Then Dx of fibromyalgia, after 8 shots in my back of codeine and then Botox
didn’t work. Referred to another Neurologist and started trying Tramadol, trazodone,
amitryptiline and about 10 other Rxs that barely helped. On Nucynta, Celebrex and flexeril now.I swim a lot which helps my overall body and strengthens my back. I hope you find something that works for you!


Hi Cathy, I had severe back pain after a bile duct repair surgery and saw a Neurologist who also had a great PT that I went to for over a year. Then Dx of fibromyalgia, after 8 shots in my back of codeine and then Botox
didn’t work. Referred to another Neurologist and started trying Tramadol, trazodone,
amitryptiline and about 10 other Rxs that barely helped. On Nucynta, Celebrex and flexeril now.I swim a lot which helps my overall body and strengthens my back. I hope you find something that works for you!

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@cerwin, @johnbishop tried any topical lotions? I have a lot of pain in my spine, mostly now lumbar and cervical, with worsening stenosis. Degenerative arthritis makes life interesting, never knowing how I'm going to feel, what and how badly I'll be hurting and it changes pretty fast, too. My back is tough. Very limiting, movement and activity are limited.

I heard a couple of folks on one of these group sites on Connect talking about using CBD cream. I bought some Garden of Life online, the intensive recovery lotion. I use CBD/THC tincture and it helps me a lot with anxiety and pain, helps me sleep quite well. So, I tried the lotion. The results were quite shocking. I get very fast relief from this lotion, almost total for a bit , then it gradually come back. Doesn't keep the pain at bay very long, but sure does give me some relief .

I also used Frankincense and Myrrh in coconut oil. It's a balm, that's all that's in it and it's from The Wise Men, online from Walmart or Amazon. I love the stuff. It's a strange consistency. hardens into a balm, melts on your fingers and in heat. use it either liquid form or balm. I love the fragrance, light and quite pleasant It seems to have healing powers that actually relive the back pain and It it wonderful on my feet and legs for neuropathy pain, tingling, etc. Also, both help my hands, they look and feel better and the arthritis in my hands/fingers/wrist is much less, much improved.

I'm frankly amazed at both these products. they work. Help me, relieve much of my pain. Maybe they'll help give you some relief as well. I hope so.
Blessings, elizabeth


@cerwin, @johnbishop tried any topical lotions? I have a lot of pain in my spine, mostly now lumbar and cervical, with worsening stenosis. Degenerative arthritis makes life interesting, never knowing how I'm going to feel, what and how badly I'll be hurting and it changes pretty fast, too. My back is tough. Very limiting, movement and activity are limited.

I heard a couple of folks on one of these group sites on Connect talking about using CBD cream. I bought some Garden of Life online, the intensive recovery lotion. I use CBD/THC tincture and it helps me a lot with anxiety and pain, helps me sleep quite well. So, I tried the lotion. The results were quite shocking. I get very fast relief from this lotion, almost total for a bit , then it gradually come back. Doesn't keep the pain at bay very long, but sure does give me some relief .

I also used Frankincense and Myrrh in coconut oil. It's a balm, that's all that's in it and it's from The Wise Men, online from Walmart or Amazon. I love the stuff. It's a strange consistency. hardens into a balm, melts on your fingers and in heat. use it either liquid form or balm. I love the fragrance, light and quite pleasant It seems to have healing powers that actually relive the back pain and It it wonderful on my feet and legs for neuropathy pain, tingling, etc. Also, both help my hands, they look and feel better and the arthritis in my hands/fingers/wrist is much less, much improved.

I'm frankly amazed at both these products. they work. Help me, relieve much of my pain. Maybe they'll help give you some relief as well. I hope so.
Blessings, elizabeth

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Hi Elizabeth @ess77, I used to mix my own essential oils with a coconut oil base. I used Frankincense along with some Lavender and a few other essential oils but I never found much relief as far as the numbness from the neuropathy. I didn't really try it much for my arthritis pain in the knees or hip area. I was using the doctor prescribed lotion with Diclofenac and it really didn't help much either so I had my knee replaced which did help for the one knee and a steroid shot in the right hip (same side as my knee replacement). The steroid shot helped for about a month but it's back to the way it was bothering me at night. So, I just roll to the other side if it wakes me up 🙃. If it starts bothering me when walking, I will have to look into a hip replacement.

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