← Return to Covid Vaccination and Hemoglobin Louisville

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Welcome to Mayo Connect, a community of people and their caregivers living with a wide variety of diseases and conditions, who support each other along the way. We try to be informed medical consumers, and our own best advocates in our care. We are not medical professionals, so not able to provide medical advice.

I have also looked, in all the usual places, trying to find an answer for you. When vaccines and drugs are tested, the first subjects are generally healthy individuals, followed over time by those with a variety of medical conditions. Since the Covid vaccines were brought to market as quickly as was safe to stop the pandemic and high rates of infection, the expanded trials have been ongoing, but don't get much press. For example, just recently an article was released indicating that it was tested among people with inflammatory conditions, and found to be safe, with any side effects being treatable.

Currently, it is recommended by the CDC that individuals with blood disorders receive the vaccine if deemed safe by their physician.

How old is your son, and how severe is his anemia?


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Replies to "Welcome to Mayo Connect, a community of people and their caregivers living with a wide variety..."

Thank you for the response. He currently does not have or need a hematologist per his primary doctors suggestion. He is a healthy child overall. He has had all of his vaccinations from birth til now, with no issues. But I am still concerned because his O2 saturation levels are in the 70% level and that is his normal. Yet actual Covid 19 has an impact on O2 saturation levels. So that leads me to wonder how his body would react to the vaccine.

Thank you for the response. My son is 9 years old and he doesn't have anemia. His O2 saturation levels are in the 70% and it does not impact him in any way physically. He can do everything other 9 years old boys do. His percentage is his normal and hasnt impacted or triggered any other issues. Hence my desire to get as much information as I can.