Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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Do you have a link to literature with low iron with COVID infection? I had COVID a year before the vaccine. I want to show my hematologist


Welcome to Mayo Connect, a community of people living with a variety of conditions and diseases. We work to support one another but are not professionals, so we cannot give you medical advice.

If you read the earlier posts in this discussion, you can see that a few others have experienced this after the vaccine, or after a Covid infection and the vaccine. Part of my mission in this crazy Covid pandemic is to search out the latest science and research based information to share. At this time, this is such a new phenomenon, that there just isn't much evidence of who will have certain side effects and why.

Searching all the literature and the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data shows there are fewer than 1000 reports of decreased hemoglobin or ferritin out of 500,000 adverse events and over 340,000,000 vaccine doses. Even if this is underreported in VAERS, you can still see this to be an extremely rare side effect. That is not to say it is not concerning, but by comparison, low hemoglobin has been known for over a year to be an effect of a Covid infection, in much greater numbers than in the vaccine.

As with all things Covid, stay tuned for further developments. As published data becomes available, I will report it here. In the meantime, you can read through this discussion to see what treatments other people are using, and speak to your provider.

If you have more questions, feel free to ask here.

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Is the low iron with COVID infection associated with long term digestive issues like bleeding or malabsorption?


Is the low iron with COVID infection associated with long term digestive issues like bleeding or malabsorption?

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I don't know the answer to that question. Typically, after an illness, low hemoglobin may be the result of reduced red blood cells. All of the issues surrounding post-Covid syndromes are still being studied, and I didn't find anything definitive. A hematologist or gastroenterologist might be able to answer you.

Do you have a doc with whom you can discuss the question?


Do you have a link to literature with low iron with COVID infection? I had COVID a year before the vaccine. I want to show my hematologist

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Here is one of the articles I found on the issue.
It cites some other articles that were way too technical for my brain, but apparently the virus can cause mal-formed red blood cells.
And here is a case study showing a patient with normal hemoglobin on hospital admission developing anemia during the course of illness:
I hope these help. I am still looking for a case study of demonstrated anemia from the vaccine in someone who never had Covid, but none are reported yet.


I don't know the answer to that question. Typically, after an illness, low hemoglobin may be the result of reduced red blood cells. All of the issues surrounding post-Covid syndromes are still being studied, and I didn't find anything definitive. A hematologist or gastroenterologist might be able to answer you.

Do you have a doc with whom you can discuss the question?

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I have a hematologist. He doesn’t seem to care as to the “why”. I am getting iron infusion. My RBCs are above normal, compensating so bone marrow is not the issue. I produced more than normal RBCs. Retic count is high. And RDW. So must be many immature cells. Liver enzymes and bilirubin normal so there is not hemolytic anemia. Just not storing or absorbing iron or using too much to produce all those immature RBC. I eat a very healthy diet. I am going for an endoscopy and colonoscopy again. Had one last year and was normal. Not sure what else to do.


Here is one of the articles I found on the issue.
It cites some other articles that were way too technical for my brain, but apparently the virus can cause mal-formed red blood cells.
And here is a case study showing a patient with normal hemoglobin on hospital admission developing anemia during the course of illness:
I hope these help. I am still looking for a case study of demonstrated anemia from the vaccine in someone who never had Covid, but none are reported yet.

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@sueinmn After reading the November 2020 first'm left wondering if the vaccines are causing similar problems, Case in pointL In July I saw my local hematologist, for my yearly visit. The visit is usually very routine as I've been taking care of my hemochromatosis and porphyria cutanea tarda for a long time and my CBC is usually picture-perfect. However, the July results raised our eyebrows.
RBC 3.43 (Range 3.80-5.40)
Hgb 9.9 (12.0-16.0)
HCT 31.4 (37.0-47.0)
MCHC 31.5 (32.0-35.9)
He said I'm anemic and losing blood somewhere. We discussed possibilities and he ordered more labs and a colonoscopy, which hasn't happened yet.I'm taking Slow Fe for 30 days before another CBC. I had MODERNA vaccine 2/6/21 and 3/6/21. On 2/10/21 I had a TAVR procedure to replace aortic valve. Since then overwhelming fatigue, bloating, loss of appetite,
Further, my hematologist and I wondered why my ferritin dropped from 97 in January to 45 in April to 21 ng/ML yesterday with no phlebotomies. That sounds good for my hemochromatosis, but it's puzzling, and we discussed whether it was in any way related to the blood loss.
I'm still trying to figure out what's going on,


@sueinmn After reading the November 2020 first'm left wondering if the vaccines are causing similar problems, Case in pointL In July I saw my local hematologist, for my yearly visit. The visit is usually very routine as I've been taking care of my hemochromatosis and porphyria cutanea tarda for a long time and my CBC is usually picture-perfect. However, the July results raised our eyebrows.
RBC 3.43 (Range 3.80-5.40)
Hgb 9.9 (12.0-16.0)
HCT 31.4 (37.0-47.0)
MCHC 31.5 (32.0-35.9)
He said I'm anemic and losing blood somewhere. We discussed possibilities and he ordered more labs and a colonoscopy, which hasn't happened yet.I'm taking Slow Fe for 30 days before another CBC. I had MODERNA vaccine 2/6/21 and 3/6/21. On 2/10/21 I had a TAVR procedure to replace aortic valve. Since then overwhelming fatigue, bloating, loss of appetite,
Further, my hematologist and I wondered why my ferritin dropped from 97 in January to 45 in April to 21 ng/ML yesterday with no phlebotomies. That sounds good for my hemochromatosis, but it's puzzling, and we discussed whether it was in any way related to the blood loss.
I'm still trying to figure out what's going on,

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The November article was precvaccine, and addressed blood issues after a Covid infectiom. Is there any possibilty you had a Covid infection, possibly asymptomatic?
Or could it be related to your TAVR procedure or the new valve? Maybe you need to bring the cardiologist into the discussion too.
Just looking at possibilities here.


The November article was precvaccine, and addressed blood issues after a Covid infectiom. Is there any possibilty you had a Covid infection, possibly asymptomatic?
Or could it be related to your TAVR procedure or the new valve? Maybe you need to bring the cardiologist into the discussion too.
Just looking at possibilities here.

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@sueinmn Thanks so much for your response. I was tested for Covid in August and November 2020 at Mayo Clinic; tested several times in December, January and February 2021 in Springfield, MO. All tests were negative. I did send the CBC information to my cardiologist. He, young and overwhelmed without adequate support staff, was puzzled, and just suggested dropping Plavix and aspirin and wait and see.


@sueinmn Thanks so much for your response. I was tested for Covid in August and November 2020 at Mayo Clinic; tested several times in December, January and February 2021 in Springfield, MO. All tests were negative. I did send the CBC information to my cardiologist. He, young and overwhelmed without adequate support staff, was puzzled, and just suggested dropping Plavix and aspirin and wait and see.

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In your place, I would probably share his response with the hematologist and go from there.


@sueinmn THat's what I've been doing. I'm very comfortable with my hematologist, and he respects the fact that I'm in touch with my body and that I do serious research.

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