Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Jake, I think you are looking for excuses. 😉 -although the you might consider a chocolate treat as a reward!

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you’re right. Or an incentive to get started is a possibility.


I have been enjoying morning walks again. Have had some foot issues to contend with and am slowly increasing my activity. Even the geese at the park are slow to get moving.
Anybody still walking?

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I took a few walks on our camping trip, but even in the woods early am temps were at least 80, and there is so much smoke from Canada that we had ash on our picnic table and now on the patio at home.

But chasing with between 1 and 5 youngsters each day, around camp and at the beach, I was doing 5-6 miles a day, so I think that counts.

Cooler air coming for the next week so I can get serious walks again.


Well actually it wasn't an application I guess but I checked the a couple medical things and was told the manager would call me which didn’t happen. Turns out he didn’t know what he was doing. I called today and I can come anytime. now I just have to figure out how to be too busy to go. I suppose I could go and just use the sauna or maybe if push comes to shove the pool. But I shouldn’t be in the pool.

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@jakedduck1 If you absolutely should not use the pool then do not but if the pool is something you enjoy exercising in perhaps you could alert instructors who are present at the same time to keep an eye out for you. I know there is no lifeguard at our indoor pool but there are classes going on for quite a bit of the day with some lanes left for individuals. People definitely watch out for each other but you would need to have contact to confirm that.

It's just a shame if that is something that you could use for exercise but cannot. Obviously, you could pay for a personal trainer or an instructor to be with you in the pool but that gets pretty costly.

Is there any way it could be considered to be PT and paid for by insurance? There are very frequently physical therapists with people in the pool at my club.


I took a few walks on our camping trip, but even in the woods early am temps were at least 80, and there is so much smoke from Canada that we had ash on our picnic table and now on the patio at home.

But chasing with between 1 and 5 youngsters each day, around camp and at the beach, I was doing 5-6 miles a day, so I think that counts.

Cooler air coming for the next week so I can get serious walks again.

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That not only counts towards walking but it counts towards a hero’s medal lol. Keeping track of children in that heat is exhausting.
I bet you sleep good.

FL Mary


I went to the mall yesterday and bought a new recliner and then far will all walk around the mall where it’s nice and cool. On my first walk around I passed the sees candy store up hard hard as it was but on the second pass by an uncontrollable overwhelming force overcame me And forced me in and so I bought my lunch at the candy store. Now that’s what I call a good meal. Perhaps not the most nutritious. So then I started to continue my walk and right across the way what is a chocolate chip cookie store. How much will power can any one person be expected to have. But somehow I managed to pass it by although I did stand there and salivate for a while and gave serious thought about going in but I didn’t. I walked 1.5 miles and walked up & down 6 flights of stairs. I joined the gym but fortunately my application hasn’t been approved yet. Nice to know some medical conditions are helpful at times.

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Way to go Jake! You have great willpower! And you’re walking! I’m here t my Moms in Washington DC. A friend of hers just stopped by and just gave us a box of homemade fudge. Ill try some and think of you. ;-). I haven’t been walking much this week—its been too hot!


Way to go Jake! You have great willpower! And you’re walking! I’m here t my Moms in Washington DC. A friend of hers just stopped by and just gave us a box of homemade fudge. Ill try some and think of you. ;-). I haven’t been walking much this week—its been too hot!

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Just one piece, right?



That not only counts towards walking but it counts towards a hero’s medal lol. Keeping track of children in that heat is exhausting.
I bet you sleep good.

FL Mary

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Hello, everyone! @imallears, my Fl buddy, and I love Orlando too....@sueinmn, @jakedduck1, @rosemarya, @becsbuddy, @contentandwell, and all....

It's good to catch up with you all today. I've been reading your notes as I have energy, but mostly resting and doing only what must be done. Including with my son. He's been a bit on his own since this sinus mess hit me, except the last couple days he was having vomiting issues again, but got it under control this time. I took him and ordered him some vitamin water and electrolyte water, think he will drink that all the time now. I have some occasionally, but he needs it a lot, I think. Anyway, he's doing better now and I'm resting most days.

The sinus infection is in the right sphenoid, the deep sinus next to the brain and the optic nerve. So, my headache et al are on the right side, very real and only touched by prednisone. I'm off the prednisone now, using the sinus rinse with saline, dexamethazone (steroid), and topamycine antibiotic. It seems I probably got this pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria when in hospital recently, although I've had sinus issues for 100+ years. This is apparently serious and tough and untouched by most antibiotics, so we're hitting it with these meds all at once. But, I got worse a couple days ago while waiting for this stuff to come from a formulary pharmacy in Tenn. Have the worsening headache and all the other pain that only responds to steroid.....doc just called and told me I have to give it time and wait for the meds to kick in the end of next week!!!!!

Geez Louise...I'm dealing with this headache, ear/eye/sinus/face pain for days yet. I was shocked at that. She said do not take any oral steroid, as the dexamethazone is quite strong but in a rinse will take days to work. Hope at least it won't get worse from now on, gradually improve. So... ok. This is just the way it is. Deal with it, Beth. I can and will and am now dealing!

Now, back to my friends....haven't done anything yet re the neck vertebrae the radiologist mentioned were worse and needed to be addressed. I'll stay aligned and rest and deal with the sinus infection, then the sinus surgery and then the neck. One thing at a time, right? And, add in there whatever pops up in between each item on the list. I had decided against sinus surgery, as I really don't want anymore deep anesthesia, etc. but quality of life things are pretty important, so I've decided to do what needs to be. She will be sure all the infection is really gone, clear out some bone and tissue to open the passages and then the rest of my years I should be able to breath better all the time, including while sleeping! It should help with the sleep apnea. Ain't that grand? I consider that a God Gift, as the apnea is bad and we do need that oxygen!

Well, I got another 'antique' glass bird water feeder for my visitors. Also, added a nyger feeder for the smalls and today realized I need a better platform feeder to accommodate the mourning doves. Yes, I now have my pair again. Only 2, but that's good to have a pair. I may have lost the 3rd dove, but not thinking about it. Like Scarlett.....

I had a wonderful phone visit from a church friend yesterday. We talked about so many things I can't talk with others about. What a lovely gift from a younger woman who realizes much of my situation. She helped me organize my thoughts a bit, and gave me the name of a fellow at the church who can help me organize my renovations. He may be able to take it on as a project and guide me through it in proper order, using his talent and contacts to do the work. Wow, wouldn't that be something wonderful. Then, she helped me think through a discussion I must have with Rob about my future living plans and his as well. I can't move leaving him alone here. But, he can't even consider moving into a retirement community like I need, since he still considers the possibility of moving to the beach or whatever. we have a lot of things to consider and discuss as we think about our futures, alone and together. Tough decisions ahead, I believe.

I have 2 baffles to put up tomorrow and hopefully slow down my pesky tree rats. And, I think John @johnbishop is sending me help so I can send you good pics of my flowers and birds. So, good things coming, folks.

Blessings and be well. elizabeth


Hello, everyone! @imallears, my Fl buddy, and I love Orlando too....@sueinmn, @jakedduck1, @rosemarya, @becsbuddy, @contentandwell, and all....

It's good to catch up with you all today. I've been reading your notes as I have energy, but mostly resting and doing only what must be done. Including with my son. He's been a bit on his own since this sinus mess hit me, except the last couple days he was having vomiting issues again, but got it under control this time. I took him and ordered him some vitamin water and electrolyte water, think he will drink that all the time now. I have some occasionally, but he needs it a lot, I think. Anyway, he's doing better now and I'm resting most days.

The sinus infection is in the right sphenoid, the deep sinus next to the brain and the optic nerve. So, my headache et al are on the right side, very real and only touched by prednisone. I'm off the prednisone now, using the sinus rinse with saline, dexamethazone (steroid), and topamycine antibiotic. It seems I probably got this pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria when in hospital recently, although I've had sinus issues for 100+ years. This is apparently serious and tough and untouched by most antibiotics, so we're hitting it with these meds all at once. But, I got worse a couple days ago while waiting for this stuff to come from a formulary pharmacy in Tenn. Have the worsening headache and all the other pain that only responds to steroid.....doc just called and told me I have to give it time and wait for the meds to kick in the end of next week!!!!!

Geez Louise...I'm dealing with this headache, ear/eye/sinus/face pain for days yet. I was shocked at that. She said do not take any oral steroid, as the dexamethazone is quite strong but in a rinse will take days to work. Hope at least it won't get worse from now on, gradually improve. So... ok. This is just the way it is. Deal with it, Beth. I can and will and am now dealing!

Now, back to my friends....haven't done anything yet re the neck vertebrae the radiologist mentioned were worse and needed to be addressed. I'll stay aligned and rest and deal with the sinus infection, then the sinus surgery and then the neck. One thing at a time, right? And, add in there whatever pops up in between each item on the list. I had decided against sinus surgery, as I really don't want anymore deep anesthesia, etc. but quality of life things are pretty important, so I've decided to do what needs to be. She will be sure all the infection is really gone, clear out some bone and tissue to open the passages and then the rest of my years I should be able to breath better all the time, including while sleeping! It should help with the sleep apnea. Ain't that grand? I consider that a God Gift, as the apnea is bad and we do need that oxygen!

Well, I got another 'antique' glass bird water feeder for my visitors. Also, added a nyger feeder for the smalls and today realized I need a better platform feeder to accommodate the mourning doves. Yes, I now have my pair again. Only 2, but that's good to have a pair. I may have lost the 3rd dove, but not thinking about it. Like Scarlett.....

I had a wonderful phone visit from a church friend yesterday. We talked about so many things I can't talk with others about. What a lovely gift from a younger woman who realizes much of my situation. She helped me organize my thoughts a bit, and gave me the name of a fellow at the church who can help me organize my renovations. He may be able to take it on as a project and guide me through it in proper order, using his talent and contacts to do the work. Wow, wouldn't that be something wonderful. Then, she helped me think through a discussion I must have with Rob about my future living plans and his as well. I can't move leaving him alone here. But, he can't even consider moving into a retirement community like I need, since he still considers the possibility of moving to the beach or whatever. we have a lot of things to consider and discuss as we think about our futures, alone and together. Tough decisions ahead, I believe.

I have 2 baffles to put up tomorrow and hopefully slow down my pesky tree rats. And, I think John @johnbishop is sending me help so I can send you good pics of my flowers and birds. So, good things coming, folks.

Blessings and be well. elizabeth

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I am so sorry this sinus infection has laid you so low.Glad they got an exact id of the bug so they can try to knock it out. When I get it in my lungs it also takes quite a while to treat.

And I am glad you have a friend able to help talk through some of your planning issues in real time. Such a hard thing, especially when you add your son's needs to the mix. Perhaps there I a way for him to get into a rental near an assisted living/senior living place for you.

Life is going along here-had a short camping vacation and the opportunity to spend time with dear friends and family, but glad to be home and indoors as the fires have made our air quality "the worst on record". Masks all the time outdoors here now, and with rising Covid numbers, in shops, etc too. Got to keep those unvaccinated littles safe!

Sending healing thoughts and hugs to you.


Hello, everyone! @imallears, my Fl buddy, and I love Orlando too....@sueinmn, @jakedduck1, @rosemarya, @becsbuddy, @contentandwell, and all....

It's good to catch up with you all today. I've been reading your notes as I have energy, but mostly resting and doing only what must be done. Including with my son. He's been a bit on his own since this sinus mess hit me, except the last couple days he was having vomiting issues again, but got it under control this time. I took him and ordered him some vitamin water and electrolyte water, think he will drink that all the time now. I have some occasionally, but he needs it a lot, I think. Anyway, he's doing better now and I'm resting most days.

The sinus infection is in the right sphenoid, the deep sinus next to the brain and the optic nerve. So, my headache et al are on the right side, very real and only touched by prednisone. I'm off the prednisone now, using the sinus rinse with saline, dexamethazone (steroid), and topamycine antibiotic. It seems I probably got this pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria when in hospital recently, although I've had sinus issues for 100+ years. This is apparently serious and tough and untouched by most antibiotics, so we're hitting it with these meds all at once. But, I got worse a couple days ago while waiting for this stuff to come from a formulary pharmacy in Tenn. Have the worsening headache and all the other pain that only responds to steroid.....doc just called and told me I have to give it time and wait for the meds to kick in the end of next week!!!!!

Geez Louise...I'm dealing with this headache, ear/eye/sinus/face pain for days yet. I was shocked at that. She said do not take any oral steroid, as the dexamethazone is quite strong but in a rinse will take days to work. Hope at least it won't get worse from now on, gradually improve. So... ok. This is just the way it is. Deal with it, Beth. I can and will and am now dealing!

Now, back to my friends....haven't done anything yet re the neck vertebrae the radiologist mentioned were worse and needed to be addressed. I'll stay aligned and rest and deal with the sinus infection, then the sinus surgery and then the neck. One thing at a time, right? And, add in there whatever pops up in between each item on the list. I had decided against sinus surgery, as I really don't want anymore deep anesthesia, etc. but quality of life things are pretty important, so I've decided to do what needs to be. She will be sure all the infection is really gone, clear out some bone and tissue to open the passages and then the rest of my years I should be able to breath better all the time, including while sleeping! It should help with the sleep apnea. Ain't that grand? I consider that a God Gift, as the apnea is bad and we do need that oxygen!

Well, I got another 'antique' glass bird water feeder for my visitors. Also, added a nyger feeder for the smalls and today realized I need a better platform feeder to accommodate the mourning doves. Yes, I now have my pair again. Only 2, but that's good to have a pair. I may have lost the 3rd dove, but not thinking about it. Like Scarlett.....

I had a wonderful phone visit from a church friend yesterday. We talked about so many things I can't talk with others about. What a lovely gift from a younger woman who realizes much of my situation. She helped me organize my thoughts a bit, and gave me the name of a fellow at the church who can help me organize my renovations. He may be able to take it on as a project and guide me through it in proper order, using his talent and contacts to do the work. Wow, wouldn't that be something wonderful. Then, she helped me think through a discussion I must have with Rob about my future living plans and his as well. I can't move leaving him alone here. But, he can't even consider moving into a retirement community like I need, since he still considers the possibility of moving to the beach or whatever. we have a lot of things to consider and discuss as we think about our futures, alone and together. Tough decisions ahead, I believe.

I have 2 baffles to put up tomorrow and hopefully slow down my pesky tree rats. And, I think John @johnbishop is sending me help so I can send you good pics of my flowers and birds. So, good things coming, folks.

Blessings and be well. elizabeth

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And this, my dear Elizabeth, is why I mentioned you in my Member Spotlight in Connect. You’re facing these daily challenges of illness and stress and yet you’re so positive and inspirational for the rest of us to just keep moving forward, to find happiness in small things and always hope for the best! My mom used to call it looking for the silver lining.

It’s such a relief to hear you’re having good, constructive chats with this young woman who’s helping with some of these tough decision coming up. From where you were a few months ago, it really feels like you’re making positive progress towards a plan for the future.

Looking forward to those pictures of your birds and flowers…and your tree rats! LOL
Huge hug!


And this, my dear Elizabeth, is why I mentioned you in my Member Spotlight in Connect. You’re facing these daily challenges of illness and stress and yet you’re so positive and inspirational for the rest of us to just keep moving forward, to find happiness in small things and always hope for the best! My mom used to call it looking for the silver lining.

It’s such a relief to hear you’re having good, constructive chats with this young woman who’s helping with some of these tough decision coming up. From where you were a few months ago, it really feels like you’re making positive progress towards a plan for the future.

Looking forward to those pictures of your birds and flowers…and your tree rats! LOL
Huge hug!

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You, Lori. are precious!
Bless you. Elizabeth

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