COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Almost the same experience and symptoms after vaccinations. I am in Florida, so I know it was not cold induced, mine started in late April after my 2nd jab. Let me know if chiropractors help. Have also been to my primary and podiatrist, just waiting to get in to neurologist.

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Chiropractor appointment today was a bust. No pinched nerve or other signs related to my back or hips to cause pain in my feet. Though I did enjoy the endorphins blast. They also did a tins (sp?) therapy that was interesting.

Back to the podiatrist on Friday. Hopefully she's done some research and can guide me to a neurologist that can help.

If I didn't think I was also going crazy, I would almost swear that I'm starting to get weird sensations in my fingertips now. Hopefully that's just in my head.

Will keep you posted on my journey.


Chiropractor appointment today was a bust. No pinched nerve or other signs related to my back or hips to cause pain in my feet. Though I did enjoy the endorphins blast. They also did a tins (sp?) therapy that was interesting.

Back to the podiatrist on Friday. Hopefully she's done some research and can guide me to a neurologist that can help.

If I didn't think I was also going crazy, I would almost swear that I'm starting to get weird sensations in my fingertips now. Hopefully that's just in my head.

Will keep you posted on my journey.

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Thank you, and you are not going crazy. I’m feeling it in my wrists and nose now. I sneeze constantly because of the tingling. Maybe we are all going crazy???? I’m still waiting to hear from neurologist that the podiatrist referred me too. Good luck.


So many of my symptoms match with many of you. I am really hoping these things go away with time and I return to who I was. My current body is not familiar to me. I had an iron gut and knew my body well. I cycled and did pilates & yoga regularly.

I had shingrix in 2020 and moderna in March/April 2021. In 2020 I started getting cramps in toes during pilates and my legs were puffy for a while. I had belly issues and bloat and weight loss in late April & May 2021 (also change in stool color & consistency) -then the tingly/numb feet and left hand started in late May and persists. My toes cramp a lot and wiggle involuntarily. Belly is still not not normal. B12 was high. I also have aches in various places-mainly back-high, mid and lumbar. Lots of crepitus all over my body: back/neck/ wrists/ legs. I will say I have moments of feeling okay. Back xray and and ct scan did not show anything of concern to doctors. My leg muscles are always super hard and tight-like I have been working them a lot-but haven’t been. I did sit in a chair making videos and teaching for much of pandemic-so pinched nerve is current guess of doc and PT. MRI and spine doctor are in future. Gastroenterologist thought I was a hysterical female-this was based on a 10 minute telehealth session. He said "I am seeing a lot of this". I later asked what he meant by that and he got defensive. (Apologies for. venting!) My current PT has been most helpful. She is who first wondered if covid vaccine could be related. I am currently working on pelvic floor and ab strengthening. Lymphatic massage seems to help.

One last gripe: Anthem blue cross just sent a letter yesterday saying the network in which all but one of my doctors belong (dignity health) is no longer in their network meaning in the midst of trying to figure this out all my docs will now cost much more.


So many of my symptoms match with many of you. I am really hoping these things go away with time and I return to who I was. My current body is not familiar to me. I had an iron gut and knew my body well. I cycled and did pilates & yoga regularly.

I had shingrix in 2020 and moderna in March/April 2021. In 2020 I started getting cramps in toes during pilates and my legs were puffy for a while. I had belly issues and bloat and weight loss in late April & May 2021 (also change in stool color & consistency) -then the tingly/numb feet and left hand started in late May and persists. My toes cramp a lot and wiggle involuntarily. Belly is still not not normal. B12 was high. I also have aches in various places-mainly back-high, mid and lumbar. Lots of crepitus all over my body: back/neck/ wrists/ legs. I will say I have moments of feeling okay. Back xray and and ct scan did not show anything of concern to doctors. My leg muscles are always super hard and tight-like I have been working them a lot-but haven’t been. I did sit in a chair making videos and teaching for much of pandemic-so pinched nerve is current guess of doc and PT. MRI and spine doctor are in future. Gastroenterologist thought I was a hysterical female-this was based on a 10 minute telehealth session. He said "I am seeing a lot of this". I later asked what he meant by that and he got defensive. (Apologies for. venting!) My current PT has been most helpful. She is who first wondered if covid vaccine could be related. I am currently working on pelvic floor and ab strengthening. Lymphatic massage seems to help.

One last gripe: Anthem blue cross just sent a letter yesterday saying the network in which all but one of my doctors belong (dignity health) is no longer in their network meaning in the midst of trying to figure this out all my docs will now cost much more.

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Hmmm, I have not had neuropathy from the Covid vaccine, but I did have a hard-core whole-body inflammatoryA flare. I had a similar though milder reaction to Shingrix in 2019/2020, then a full-blown reaction to the flu vaccine in September 2020 that was finally calmed with steroids. And again with the Pfizer vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021...

So now I am wondering if this is my future with every vaccine, and when/how it first started. It seems each new vaccine sends my immune system into overdrive.

I find it very curious that your B-12 level was high - this happened to me in May, even though my supplement regimen has been the same for several years, and it was always OK before. Is that another side effect or a coincidence?

As with all things Covid, it seems "the more we learn, the less we know" - stay tuned for further developments.

Be sure your side effects were reported in VAERS. Are any of you symptoms improving?



I have (small fiber) non-length dependent neuropathy. I had my first Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination 2 1/2 weeks ago. It exacerbated my neuropathy symptoms. I’m scheduled for my 2nd shot on Wednesday but I don’t know whether to get it since the 2nd shot is much more likely than the first to have significant adverse effects. I called Pfizer and they claim that Covid-19 vaccination is not related to any neurological side effects although I have read elsewhere it can exacerbate PN. My internist says there is just no data to know whether the 2nd shot is likely to make my symptoms worse.

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I have small fiber neuropathy non length dependent also. Can you tell me how yours started? Mine started when I woke up one morning sudden onset. It was everywhere. Pinpricks. I have read where people have had the shots and then had those symptoms. My shots were in January. I woke up one am in March and mine was full blown on. I have eye pains also. I want to take the flu shot and a booster for Covid but I am worried about it. This is new to me so I am just trying to take it all in. Mine may be idiopathic. I will know soon.


I truly do wonder if I'm losing it. I keep feeling like a bug (flea) has landed on me (mostly my arms, but sometimes my legs) and I freeze,, slowly move to look, but nothing is there.

I haven't seen a flea in over 30 years, but every time I see my (completely indoor) cat grooming himself, I'm reminded that it COULD happen. I have none of the ankle bites I remember from having problems with an outdoor cat from 30 years ago, but I'm ready to bomb my house.

I was also diagnosed with 3 different kinds of pre-skin cancer last year which CAN be attributed to chronic arsenic exposure. So, I've gone down that rabbit hole. Arsenic levels in my water are below what the EPA deems acceptable, but in trying to improve my overall health, I've been forcing myself to drink a lot more water than my average. Who knows?

I know I'm grasping at straws, but any input would be helpful.

I'm seeing the podiatrist again tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Talk again soon!


I'm a diabetic and I had uncontrolled for a while bc I didn't have insurance. But I had felt some foot pain before but nothing like I feel now. After getting both doses of covid vaccine now I have neuropathy, diagnosed and being treated by doctor. The pain is constant and I can't find relief. I'm managing my diabetes now but the pain in my feet is constant especially when I go to lay down for the night. I can't stand it. Feels like burning stinging sensation.


Hi Kathleen, I have SFN and had my 2nd Pfizer vaccine on 2/10. With the first I experienced a flare a wk. after which lasted a week, I also had a sore arm; this time no sore arm but a persistent new symptom plus a few transient ones appeared right after. Not sure if it is a result of or co-incidental this time, the new symptom is a very annoying continuous buzzing/tingling sensation on my right foot/toes , no numbness or pain but prevents sleep; hopefully temporary. I also dreaded the 2nd vac. but never considered not getting it. I Wish you well whatever you decide. Helen

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Thank you for sharing your experience. Did the buzzing/tingling sensation resolve in time?


I developed small fiber neuropathy from the Pfizer vaccine (I believe and two of my doctors, including my neurologist, think it is likely); the temporal proximity to the shot (and no other predisposing conditions or known causes my neurologist tested me for) makes this highly likely. Two weeks after the second dose, I had sudden acute onset of burning in my ankles, which rapidly progressed to my arms, hands and face. Looking back, I recall having some minor side effects after the first dose (like occasional fatigue walking and difficulty standing, both symptoms of small fiber neuropathy). However, because they were mild, I did not attribute them to the vaccine so I proceeded with the second dose three weeks later.
Dr. Waheed, a neurologist at the Univ of Vermont medical school, published a letter to the editor of Muscle Nerve in April 2021 where he describes a clinical case of small fiber neuropathy most likely attributable to the vaccine. And my neurologist tells me that there is some "chatter" among neurologists who are seeing more patients with neuro side effects likely attributable to the vaccine. I self-reported to the VAERs system and recommend everyone do so. (The VAERs folks have reached out to my doctor/the ER room - I thought I had Guillen Barre at first and went there - and requested medical records, so they're on this). It's important to get this data into the system -- not to discredit the vaccine but to make it safer in the long run. It may take time to understand all the side effects.
It is three months since my small fiber neuropathy first emerged. It's no better but I continue to hope this will run its course, as some toxic neuropathies do. I found a cream that works very well for the burning in my feet and arms, and I am on Gabapentin with some relief of some symptoms. I can swim but otherwise can hardly walk or stand. It's hard to accept this because I was a very healthy and active person before this. Overall, however, it's clear that this vaccine is a lifesaver for the vast, vast majority of people. I hope all of you here who have experienced worsened symptoms after the vaccine will improve and overcome this.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope your symptoms resolve. I wonder if you would share the cream you found helpful for burning pain. Thanks again.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Did the buzzing/tingling sensation resolve in time?

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Yes, thank goodness, I think it only lasted about 2 weeks.

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