COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Usually 2-3% doesn't include us. I try a drug for a few weeks and if it doesn't agree, I stop it. I have been on hydroxycholoroquine for over 20 years, all is well. Another usual thing is as we age, other features appear - can be coincidental effect, not causal.

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...hi ... well this was my only new prescription, other 2 had been on for ten years... and there were 3 pages of warnings etc. about side effects, not to take over age of 65 etc., but have had conversations with pharmacists before to almost disregard these pages, their saying its just for insurance purposes; however checking the internet which I ought to have done before taking the pills, I dont think I would have taken them; in fact two quinolone drugs I believe were successfully sued in USA Courts - dont have info at my fingertips now. Things is side effects with these do not always show up whlile taking the quinolone drugs! As in my case about 2 weeks later and can be up to MONTHS later... its on Internet.
As well as P.N. an often-had side effect is tendon snapping back of leg and runners or just walking up stairs etc., they forget that 2 months or more ago they took a quinolone drug. If you read the book Poison Pills a man's wife was terribly stricken after ONE pill, similar to the 14 I took....I firmly believe my P.N. was caused by Norflox (Canada), a quinolone black box drug with all the warnings... for a mere UTI... also that they should only be used when almost life or death infection when a severe reaction may be better than death type thing.JMO

p.s. Just a fast check Health Canada back in 2017:
"Information for consumers

Fluoroquinolones are a class of prescription antibacterial drugs that are used to treat several types of bacterial infections.

Fluoroquinolones are generally well tolerated but they have been associated with rare serious side effects that were disabling and persistent, including tendon damage, nerve damage in the hands and feet, and central nervous system disorders.
***These side effects can occur hours to weeks after exposure to fluoroquinolone treatment."



I'd never experienced NP before 6 months ago. We had a freak winter storm down here in TX in 02.21. We were asked to lower our thermostats to "save the grid" as many were without electricity for days. While this was going on, I pretty much camped in my bed with all my clothes, 2 pairs of socks, and heavy blankets on me. Afterwards, my feet just wouldn't get warm. Then they started burning. Then I started looking up causes.

I've tried increasing water intake, magnesium, potassium, aspirin, accupuncture, elevating feet, hot baths, Epson salts... pretty much anything I read about, I tried. No relief.

Went to GP.: bood test results all normal. Went to a podiatrist: circulation fine, probably have neuropathy.

Started Gabapentin last week. Cold/burning sensation is still there, but less severe.

Next stop is a chiropractor to get an adjustment in case being in bed for 3 days during the storm just created a pinched nerve of some sort.


I realized I'd gotten my 2nd Pfizer vaccine about 1 week before the storm. Ding ding ding! Maybe THAT attributed to the new found pain in my feet which is traveling up my legs.

So I've been reading your forum, and while I had no PN prior to the jab, I think I may well have it AFTER the poke.

tldr: I feel your pain and believe that the vaccine could be causing neuropathy.


I want to extend a warm Mayo Clinic Connect welcome to @billd @rudy1208 and @joslyn. Thank you all for joining the discussion on COVID vaccines and neuropathy. Sharing your experience with other members and offering support can be very helpful as we continue to understand more about this topic.

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Hi Amanda, I'm new and my name is Bill Utley and wondered if the BillD might be me? My interest is Stem Cell Therapy used to treat Diabetic Neuropathy. I've been vaccinated, but have little interest in Covid vaccines, but maybe BillD does.


...hi ... well this was my only new prescription, other 2 had been on for ten years... and there were 3 pages of warnings etc. about side effects, not to take over age of 65 etc., but have had conversations with pharmacists before to almost disregard these pages, their saying its just for insurance purposes; however checking the internet which I ought to have done before taking the pills, I dont think I would have taken them; in fact two quinolone drugs I believe were successfully sued in USA Courts - dont have info at my fingertips now. Things is side effects with these do not always show up whlile taking the quinolone drugs! As in my case about 2 weeks later and can be up to MONTHS later... its on Internet.
As well as P.N. an often-had side effect is tendon snapping back of leg and runners or just walking up stairs etc., they forget that 2 months or more ago they took a quinolone drug. If you read the book Poison Pills a man's wife was terribly stricken after ONE pill, similar to the 14 I took....I firmly believe my P.N. was caused by Norflox (Canada), a quinolone black box drug with all the warnings... for a mere UTI... also that they should only be used when almost life or death infection when a severe reaction may be better than death type thing.JMO

p.s. Just a fast check Health Canada back in 2017:
"Information for consumers

Fluoroquinolones are a class of prescription antibacterial drugs that are used to treat several types of bacterial infections.

Fluoroquinolones are generally well tolerated but they have been associated with rare serious side effects that were disabling and persistent, including tendon damage, nerve damage in the hands and feet, and central nervous system disorders.
***These side effects can occur hours to weeks after exposure to fluoroquinolone treatment."

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Tight tendons can also be relieved before they snap with regular massage and stretching -- PT is best. As far as drugs, take your chances, but with autoimmune, it takes a combination of meds and practical diet/lifestyle. In Europe etc I believe that the cause is bacterial, where in the US, common drug is plaquenil(hydroxychloroquine) which has nothing to do with bacteria. Plaquenil is preventive for organ involvement with RA/Lupus. I've been on it over 25 years. We were talking apples/oranges.



I'd never experienced NP before 6 months ago. We had a freak winter storm down here in TX in 02.21. We were asked to lower our thermostats to "save the grid" as many were without electricity for days. While this was going on, I pretty much camped in my bed with all my clothes, 2 pairs of socks, and heavy blankets on me. Afterwards, my feet just wouldn't get warm. Then they started burning. Then I started looking up causes.

I've tried increasing water intake, magnesium, potassium, aspirin, accupuncture, elevating feet, hot baths, Epson salts... pretty much anything I read about, I tried. No relief.

Went to GP.: bood test results all normal. Went to a podiatrist: circulation fine, probably have neuropathy.

Started Gabapentin last week. Cold/burning sensation is still there, but less severe.

Next stop is a chiropractor to get an adjustment in case being in bed for 3 days during the storm just created a pinched nerve of some sort.


I realized I'd gotten my 2nd Pfizer vaccine about 1 week before the storm. Ding ding ding! Maybe THAT attributed to the new found pain in my feet which is traveling up my legs.

So I've been reading your forum, and while I had no PN prior to the jab, I think I may well have it AFTER the poke.

tldr: I feel your pain and believe that the vaccine could be causing neuropathy.

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Have you also checked in with your regular Doctor, or a neurologist? I had some additional inflammation after shot #2, but no further issues. I was caught in a freeze in Houston in 1996 - at work there was no heat. I was diagnosed with MCTD, a genetic disease, triggered by the cold - and other circumstances. However, diagnosing symptoms like these is comparable to finding the source of a roof leak: it doesn't always come from right above. Depend on your doctors and take their advice. For leg pain, I am pretty sure it is fibromyalgia or similar: fluids accumulate between muscles/tendons pressing against nerves. Movement; leg edema massage (toes to torso), cat/cow/child/cobra yoga, clamshell stretches, Hamstring stretches and "pumping" (heel to toe movement while lying down) helps somewhat. Magnesium, B-12, D3 pretty helpful.


Hi Amanda, I'm new and my name is Bill Utley and wondered if the BillD might be me? My interest is Stem Cell Therapy used to treat Diabetic Neuropathy. I've been vaccinated, but have little interest in Covid vaccines, but maybe BillD does.

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Hi Bill @billyutley, @amandajro was tagging a different member for her response. If you have no interest in this discussion it is easy to stop receiving notifications from the discussion. Just scroll to the top and click the 3 dots on the lower right corner of the discussion description then select Mute this discussion. You will not longer receive email notifications for the discussion.



I'd never experienced NP before 6 months ago. We had a freak winter storm down here in TX in 02.21. We were asked to lower our thermostats to "save the grid" as many were without electricity for days. While this was going on, I pretty much camped in my bed with all my clothes, 2 pairs of socks, and heavy blankets on me. Afterwards, my feet just wouldn't get warm. Then they started burning. Then I started looking up causes.

I've tried increasing water intake, magnesium, potassium, aspirin, accupuncture, elevating feet, hot baths, Epson salts... pretty much anything I read about, I tried. No relief.

Went to GP.: bood test results all normal. Went to a podiatrist: circulation fine, probably have neuropathy.

Started Gabapentin last week. Cold/burning sensation is still there, but less severe.

Next stop is a chiropractor to get an adjustment in case being in bed for 3 days during the storm just created a pinched nerve of some sort.


I realized I'd gotten my 2nd Pfizer vaccine about 1 week before the storm. Ding ding ding! Maybe THAT attributed to the new found pain in my feet which is traveling up my legs.

So I've been reading your forum, and while I had no PN prior to the jab, I think I may well have it AFTER the poke.

tldr: I feel your pain and believe that the vaccine could be causing neuropathy.

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Almost the same experience and symptoms after vaccinations. I am in Florida, so I know it was not cold induced, mine started in late April after my 2nd jab. Let me know if chiropractors help. Have also been to my primary and podiatrist, just waiting to get in to neurologist.


Have you also checked in with your regular Doctor, or a neurologist? I had some additional inflammation after shot #2, but no further issues. I was caught in a freeze in Houston in 1996 - at work there was no heat. I was diagnosed with MCTD, a genetic disease, triggered by the cold - and other circumstances. However, diagnosing symptoms like these is comparable to finding the source of a roof leak: it doesn't always come from right above. Depend on your doctors and take their advice. For leg pain, I am pretty sure it is fibromyalgia or similar: fluids accumulate between muscles/tendons pressing against nerves. Movement; leg edema massage (toes to torso), cat/cow/child/cobra yoga, clamshell stretches, Hamstring stretches and "pumping" (heel to toe movement while lying down) helps somewhat. Magnesium, B-12, D3 pretty helpful.

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Thank you. I have been to my GP and received a blood panel which came back normal, no thyroid issue, no diabetes, no anemia, no rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

I have another appointment with the podiatrist this Friday, but I'm going to see the chiropractor Wednesday.

We'll see what happens...


Almost the same experience and symptoms after vaccinations. I am in Florida, so I know it was not cold induced, mine started in late April after my 2nd jab. Let me know if chiropractors help. Have also been to my primary and podiatrist, just waiting to get in to neurologist.

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Weird, huh?

My podiatrist is doing some research to see if she can find a neurologist that has experience with hyperhidrosis because I had a dorsal sympathectomy in 1984 (sever the nerves in my spinal column to address profuse sweating in my hands)

She thinks because my sympathetic system has been altered previously, something may be amiss there.

Will keep you posted on the chiro visit.


...hi ... well this was my only new prescription, other 2 had been on for ten years... and there were 3 pages of warnings etc. about side effects, not to take over age of 65 etc., but have had conversations with pharmacists before to almost disregard these pages, their saying its just for insurance purposes; however checking the internet which I ought to have done before taking the pills, I dont think I would have taken them; in fact two quinolone drugs I believe were successfully sued in USA Courts - dont have info at my fingertips now. Things is side effects with these do not always show up whlile taking the quinolone drugs! As in my case about 2 weeks later and can be up to MONTHS later... its on Internet.
As well as P.N. an often-had side effect is tendon snapping back of leg and runners or just walking up stairs etc., they forget that 2 months or more ago they took a quinolone drug. If you read the book Poison Pills a man's wife was terribly stricken after ONE pill, similar to the 14 I took....I firmly believe my P.N. was caused by Norflox (Canada), a quinolone black box drug with all the warnings... for a mere UTI... also that they should only be used when almost life or death infection when a severe reaction may be better than death type thing.JMO

p.s. Just a fast check Health Canada back in 2017:
"Information for consumers

Fluoroquinolones are a class of prescription antibacterial drugs that are used to treat several types of bacterial infections.

Fluoroquinolones are generally well tolerated but they have been associated with rare serious side effects that were disabling and persistent, including tendon damage, nerve damage in the hands and feet, and central nervous system disorders.
***These side effects can occur hours to weeks after exposure to fluoroquinolone treatment."

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You’re right. Flouroquinolones (FQ) are dangerous. They serve a purpose but only as a last resort when nothing else has worked and the risk to the patient outweighs the risk of the side effects. Unfortunately many doctors don’t know the full extent of FQ risks or the FDAs updated prescribing guidelines. Simple UTIs or in my case, an ear piercing infection, should not warrant FQ use. It’s like using a sledgehammer to kill an ant.
The damage they can cause can be extensive and irreversible. The multiple black box warnings are real. Most pharmacies don’t call these warnings to our attention beyond the insert which as you said we’re taught to ignore.
Tendons don’t snap because they’re tight. FQs actually cause them to deteriorate. They also cause aortic aneurysms and retinal tears for the same reason. The damage they can do is devastating . As a result, there is now an official diagnosis called FQAD, or Flouroquinolone Associated Disability.
I’ve had FQ induced neuropathy among other issues for 2.5 years. There is no fix. There are things that might help symptoms over time but that’s it. You’re 100% correct in that the symptoms might not present until weeks or even months after you finish the drug. For me it was 2 weeks. By that time the damage was done. Most people are unaware what FQs can do so they never make the connection between the script and the symptoms. Sadly, Physicians don’t either. They miss or dismiss the connection and just call your condition idiopathic and prescribe more medication. One doctor knowledgeable in FQ toxicity said to me, “If you take a drug proven to cause a, b and c and then you develop a, b and c there’s no mystery.”

There’s plenty of factual information about FQs out there. I implore everyone to read about the risks and trust that they are very real.

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