Teeth, own or false, dentist costs, extractions etc.

Posted by JVS @lacy2, Mar 20, 2021

Just wondered if enough folk interested. As a 77 year old had molar extracted last December and one 2 days ago. As I have no family doctor (shortage) and a list of physical illnesses and mental past and present and some medication reactions, I have been checking Internet. I used to check Web.md and almost relied on it but twice found incorrect advice....well one was definitely incorrect the other says gum should be healing in 2 weeks and I was quite worried as mine took so long last time, but other sites and dental pages say 6 weeks to fully heal etc. etc. Ask the dentist? Well with Covid and plastic covering each room and busy busy, its 'IN AND OUT' as quickly as possible. So glad I discovered mayor connect a months or so ago.... so helpful especially hearing from those who understand our illnesses or have them or have conquered them; I still feel people think "I am putting it on." J. Ontario

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@loribmt I know if it takes more then one time I,ll tough it out


@loribmt I know if it takes more then one time I,ll tough it out

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@lioness In case you weren’t sure, you don’t have to be wearing the partial between now and your appointment if it’s causing you pain. Just put it in about an hour before your appointment. In the meantime, having it out of your mouth will allow the tissue to heal. ☺️


@lioness In case you weren’t sure, you don’t have to be wearing the partial between now and your appointment if it’s causing you pain. Just put it in about an hour before your appointment. In the meantime, having it out of your mouth will allow the tissue to heal. ☺️

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@loribmt Thanks I will do that have a good day


Dental work can be a serious medical procedure. There were two deaths in my region due to teeth extractions. Care for your extractions rinsing with warm salt water frequently during healing. Ask your doctor about when to resume the use of blood thinners. You should stop using them at least 10 days before your dental surgery, so my doctor and pharmasist advised me. I also had a tooth extraction under the gum. My doctor gave be a peroxide rinse to help with healing, only to discover that I'm alergic to peroxide. It took my gum alost a year to heal completely. To cut dental costs, find a local dental school or program for frequent cleaning, for little or no charge. Best regards.


Dental work can be a serious medical procedure. There were two deaths in my region due to teeth extractions. Care for your extractions rinsing with warm salt water frequently during healing. Ask your doctor about when to resume the use of blood thinners. You should stop using them at least 10 days before your dental surgery, so my doctor and pharmasist advised me. I also had a tooth extraction under the gum. My doctor gave be a peroxide rinse to help with healing, only to discover that I'm alergic to peroxide. It took my gum alost a year to heal completely. To cut dental costs, find a local dental school or program for frequent cleaning, for little or no charge. Best regards.

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Good information, Lynn! But I will add that rinsing shouldn’t be done within the first 24 hours after any extraction to avoid dislodging the blood clot and also no vigorous rinsing for several days. Gentle rinsing by putting the warm saltwater in the mouth and tipping the head side to help cleanse is the best route.

Do you know the circumstances surrounding the deaths of these individuals with extractions? Wow, that’s a very rare situation. It wouldn’t be caused by the extractions themselves but more so from any serious bacterial infections stemming from long term gum infections. That’s why it is so important people have routine cleanings and exams.
Your suggestion for finding a dental school is a great idea and often there are community service programs which offer free cleanings and exams.


Yes. I saw the article in a local news feed. Both patients had underlying conditions linked to diabetes. They were done by the same dentist. As a licensed insurance agent, this is one of the reasons I encourage seniors to stay away from state sponsored health plans. I'm spending a lot of time in the dental chair myself. I am restoring my teeth and dental health for a modest amount of money. I am a shrewd shopper! Best.


Yes. I saw the article in a local news feed. Both patients had underlying conditions linked to diabetes. They were done by the same dentist. As a licensed insurance agent, this is one of the reasons I encourage seniors to stay away from state sponsored health plans. I'm spending a lot of time in the dental chair myself. I am restoring my teeth and dental health for a modest amount of money. I am a shrewd shopper! Best.

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Hm interesting that it was by the same dentist… Sounds like time for a review board to take a look-see! Underlying conditions can certainly have an impact on dental health, corrective procedures and healing but most have very positive outcomes. Death is really rare! Yikes


I agree. I believe the board did suspend the dental license of the practitioner, based on the article. It is scary. That's why I'm trying to restore, rather than extracting!


@lioness. Ugh, mouth sores are so painful. Are these canker sores? Besides warm saltwater rinses or sucking on iced chips, there are a couple of over the counter rinses that can help. Orajel and Gly-oxide. Unfortunately if they’re aphthous ulcers, which are recurrent canker sores, they’re viral and not much can be done. They’re self limiting but miserable until they disappear.

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Hello ! i have suffered with canker sores my whole life? according to my family, they were handed down from my mom! virus , my sister does not get them nore my twin brother, we are not identical. I have tried 500 remedies and barley get relief, cold sores and canker are two different entities,(do Read), if anyone has suggestions, help, the pain is horrible until they start going away. Gum x, campo phenique, are the help solutions, also tea tree oil, has helped with pain !!!


@loribmt Thanks for this information The one on my lip is recurring but I've never seen the ones in my mouth I'm going to talk to the Pharmacist tomorrow and ask about Gly-oxide or oragel Is it in a rinse?I've had the gel but forgot about it I,ll look into it thanks.I do have OralB debriding rinse but hurts I also have drymouth ug

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try oral gel, campo phenique, or tea tree natural rinses with some of that in it! i suffered my whole life with
canker sores !!!

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