VAERS reporting of symptoms after COVID-19 vaccine

Posted by scpartain @scpartain, May 13, 2021

I filed a VAERS report online describing my experience of contracting Polymyalgia Rheumatica after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

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I saw my Neurologist today and we talked about the vaccine. He said my concerns were valid. He said “if I had a medical history like yours I may not be vaccinated either.” If I do get vaccinated I want to wait for the new vaccine for the variants, hopefully available this fall.
I have always gotten vacccinations and want to get the shingles vaccine. Even though people don’t generally get Shingles more than once it is possible and I don’t want it again.

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@jakedduck1- Good morning Jake. What is holding you up from getting the Shingles vaccination? After getting my first shot, yes there are two, my husband actually came in contact with my arm and came down with a very, very mild case of Shingles. And it was not a pretty sight, nor was it painless.

Here are some posts that if you haven't read them, might be of interest.

Jake- have you had shingles yet?


I received first Moderna vaccine on March 17, 2021. I experienced two hot and red spots on the same arm, plus extensive muscle pain in that arm.
I received second Moderna vaccine on April 20, 2021. My stomach broke out in scabby lesions, my vision was affected enough to bring me to my Optometrist who prescribed new glasses.
Further, I was diagnosed with vertigo by practitioner at Mayo practice in Dexter, ME.
Since that time, on my body "trunk" I have MANY tiny bumps that when I scratch, it produces a slight amount of blood.
This has occurred on my forehead slightly.
I developed bacterial Conjunctivitis which brought me back to the Optometrist twice. This condition has lasted for at least three weeks.

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I'd also like to welcome you, @christykc101- I also had the Moderna Vaccines. They are not easy vaccines to have because they really get your immune system going. As you probably know it isn't the vaccine that creates side effects but your immune system's reaction to being kick-started. This kick start can also kick start hidden problems that had been dormant and maybe never giving you problems.

I've had conjunctivitis a few times growing up and as an adult. I also remember one summer a ton of people were getting it in my town. I live in a beach town and with the ocean swimming, it is passed on easily. It's painful, scratchy, and itchy, not very pleasant at all. I empathize with you seeing that the weather is very warm.

There have been several incidents with having eye problems after having covid or one of its variants. There have also been incidences of getting Covid after the vaccine or between the two doses.

What is your Optometrist saying about it?
Have you been tested for COVID recently?


@jakedduck1- Good morning Jake. What is holding you up from getting the Shingles vaccination? After getting my first shot, yes there are two, my husband actually came in contact with my arm and came down with a very, very mild case of Shingles. And it was not a pretty sight, nor was it painless.

Here are some posts that if you haven't read them, might be of interest.

Jake- have you had shingles yet?

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Merry, did you have the Zostavax shingles vaccine? That contained a live-attenuated vaccine. The new Shingrix doesn’t so it won’t transmit shingles to someone else. I just had my second dose a few days ago. Lucked out with no sore arm from that one this time. But yikes, the other arm with 5 vaccines looked like a cartoon character! LOL.


Merry, did you have the Zostavax shingles vaccine? That contained a live-attenuated vaccine. The new Shingrix doesn’t so it won’t transmit shingles to someone else. I just had my second dose a few days ago. Lucked out with no sore arm from that one this time. But yikes, the other arm with 5 vaccines looked like a cartoon character! LOL.

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Ouch! Glad at least one arm is OK.


Merry, did you have the Zostavax shingles vaccine? That contained a live-attenuated vaccine. The new Shingrix doesn’t so it won’t transmit shingles to someone else. I just had my second dose a few days ago. Lucked out with no sore arm from that one this time. But yikes, the other arm with 5 vaccines looked like a cartoon character! LOL.

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Lori- I have actually had both types. I don't remember the side effects from Zostavax, but I sure do for Shingrix that I had this past year shortly before my vaccinations. Vaccination should be given by a gun instead of a needle. It's barbaric!


Lori- I have actually had both types. I don't remember the side effects from Zostavax, but I sure do for Shingrix that I had this past year shortly before my vaccinations. Vaccination should be given by a gun instead of a needle. It's barbaric!

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Oh Merry -
I remember the injection gun - to me that was truly barbaric! I was a 65# kid, getting vaccines in the school cafeteria with hundreds of others. A very large lady wrapped her arms around me and smashed me into her bosom. The nurse jammed the gun against my arm and shot me. It hurt like bloody %&*#@ and I had a swollen bruised arm for 6 weeks - which all the kids delighted in punching every day in the halls. After that, my Mom refused to let any of us 6 kids have our shots that way (as the oldest, I was the guinea pig.)


Oh Merry -
I remember the injection gun - to me that was truly barbaric! I was a 65# kid, getting vaccines in the school cafeteria with hundreds of others. A very large lady wrapped her arms around me and smashed me into her bosom. The nurse jammed the gun against my arm and shot me. It hurt like bloody %&*#@ and I had a swollen bruised arm for 6 weeks - which all the kids delighted in punching every day in the halls. After that, my Mom refused to let any of us 6 kids have our shots that way (as the oldest, I was the guinea pig.)

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Oh my gosh, Sue!! What a horror story! Shudder. I remember all those vaccine lines in school. But we never had the injection gun. Thank heavens!! Those things are brutal on the skin and tissue. Too much force and if not centered directly they can really cause some issues! Yikes.


Oh Merry -
I remember the injection gun - to me that was truly barbaric! I was a 65# kid, getting vaccines in the school cafeteria with hundreds of others. A very large lady wrapped her arms around me and smashed me into her bosom. The nurse jammed the gun against my arm and shot me. It hurt like bloody %&*#@ and I had a swollen bruised arm for 6 weeks - which all the kids delighted in punching every day in the halls. After that, my Mom refused to let any of us 6 kids have our shots that way (as the oldest, I was the guinea pig.)

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I had no idea! That nurse wouldn't get away with that behavior today! Poor you, ;(((


Those of us who lived long lives have seen the whole vaccine story. But we got rid of polio in our lifetime, with Salk and Sabin vaccine. Now it's coming back because of he fear from non-vaccers. I'd risk my kid getting a vaccine rather than the boy in the wheel chair in my class who could not hold a pencil to write, and we saw kids in fresh air homes with limbs that no longer worked. They wheeled kids out onto the lawns in wheel chairs, and beds on wheels just so that they had fresh air, their bodies almost lifeless, but their brains still intact. We would drive through the countryside and see these children spread out over the lawn with white sheets around them. FDR went through the same thing. He died from polio. When my children were babies we had their shots and each year we presented updates to our local schools. We saw the end of measles, and it's now showing back up again. The State of Tennessee last week took away all vaccine mandates, so children do not have to have any vaccines to enter school in that state, while 10 kids in their nearby state of Mississippi are on life support for Covid. The state of Missouri in the last 6 days has had 1,000 cases a day of Covid, 6,000 cases in 6 days. We're heading back down the Covid trail, and it is frightening. My heart goes out to anyone suffering from illnesses caused by Covid, and also for people who had illness brought on by the vaccines. I don't know of any one personally, but I have heard stories, and it's difficult to hear, but I fear we will be in a world of hurts if this vaccine continues to spread the way this new variant is spreading. One town in Arkansas had 30 beds reserved for Covid patients and they were having 2 or 3 patients a week. Now 21 of those beds are filled, and they are running out of caregivers. We saw barbaric things happen, and still do, but medical sciences has come a long way. We also no longer use kerosene lamps to light our rooms or travel to the grocer in a horse and buggy. Times they are a changing!


This is a great write up. Would like permission to copy and share. I've said some of the same things only not as well as you have put it. Thank you.

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