Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others

Welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with pancreatic cancer or caring for someone with pancreatic cancer. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by fellow members and volunteer patient Mentors, when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Volunteer Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Pull up a chair. Let's start with introductions.

When were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? What treatments have you had? How are you doing?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


Wow! Thanks so much for taking time to share your surgery experience with me. You cannot believe how much your words have help to ease my mind about what I have ahead of me. I’m sure I’ll have additional questions so thanks in advance for all the help!

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Tim- Please reach out if I can help in any way. Just today, I was thinking of you and whispered a prayer for you as I was laughing about something my husband was teasing me about. When I laugh really hard, I find that I instinctively hold my abdominal area as it still hurts just a little at the incision site when I laugh. Positive thoughts- being sent your way today! Warm Regards, Sherry


Hello again: thanks for the comments about PET scans. My husband has started chemo this week so we are just learning the rhythm of the 2 week cycles. So far his biggest complaint is stomach pain which comes and goes. It's not clear if it's related to the tumor. Docs seem to be unsure. Has anyone experienced this and found something that helps?? I am trying to keep up his spirits and mine. This pain seems to drain him.

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Hello @annebauer19

I noticed that your husband started chemo in late June. How is he doing with the treatment?

Have you found anything that helps with his pain?


My chemo started yesterday, and so far no side effects. I will undergo 6 cycles(6) months of therapy, 3weeks on one week off for total of 6 months. I was doagnosis with EPI first and my gastro Dr. sent my to get further testing witch showed a 3cm cyst on my panceras and then he sent me to a surgical onocologist who reccomended the whipple surgery.

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Hello @ryanmary3341

I was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing with chemotherapy. Have you had your second treatment yet? How are you feeling?

I would enjoy hearing from you. Will you post an update when it is convenient?


Hi Moderator, thanks so much for your reply. I will pursue the MSW at the Hosp. and seek recourses from them, sounds like a great idea. I appreciate the link about Mayo's Fin. Ass. I'll be back in the next week of two as I can finally take the labs and MRI results to the Specialists I have appts. with. Blessings to you and thanks again for your help. Olga

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Hello @olgaphil

I hope you are doing better and are making progress in getting your records together to present to a specialist. How is that process going?

Have you been able to speak with a hospital social worker yet?

I would enjoy hearing from you, Will you post an update as you are able?


Hello @annebauer19

I noticed that your husband started chemo in late June. How is he doing with the treatment?

Have you found anything that helps with his pain?

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Fortunately his pain has diminished. No one has been able to give us a clear idea what causes the pain and why it varies as it does. And yet pancreatic cancer is known to be painful. We do however have a number of things to use including oxycodone and various Marijuana products such as RSO.


Hello @ryanmary3341

I was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing with chemotherapy. Have you had your second treatment yet? How are you feeling?

I would enjoy hearing from you. Will you post an update when it is convenient?

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Yes, I started my second chemo cycle on Friday. I got a port installed in my chest which makes it easlier to administer the chemo and draw blood. This second time around is effecting me a little harder. I am feeling a little more fatigue easier, Monday I slept for most of the day. A little more nausea than usual. Not too much of an appetite, but forcing myself to eat more small meals to keep my weight up. So far so good.


Yes, I started my second chemo cycle on Friday. I got a port installed in my chest which makes it easlier to administer the chemo and draw blood. This second time around is effecting me a little harder. I am feeling a little more fatigue easier, Monday I slept for most of the day. A little more nausea than usual. Not too much of an appetite, but forcing myself to eat more small meals to keep my weight up. So far so good.

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I'm glad to hear that you are coping with the chemo treatments and dealing with the side effects, @ryanmary3341. At some point, I'm assuming that you will have some follow-up tests to see how the chemo is working. Do you know the date of the follow-up tests?


I'm glad to hear that you are coping with the chemo treatments and dealing with the side effects, @ryanmary3341. At some point, I'm assuming that you will have some follow-up tests to see how the chemo is working. Do you know the date of the follow-up tests?

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Have not been told on when the follow-up tests will be conducted.


Hi I am Carol. I was diagnosed in September 2020. I am now in stage 4. I was wondering what others are using for chemo treatment. I am on abraxane/gemcitabine but my CA-19 is going up. Have others seen this?


I am receiving abraxane/gemcitabine chemo treatment. I am seeing my CA-19 go up. I thought it would decrease. Have others seen this? Are there other chemo treatments?

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