Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I've experienced some pain in the hands when my PMR was active, although not as bad as the pain in my shoulders and other joints.

Excerpt from article below - "Polymyalgia rheumatica causes several physical and emotional symptoms. Initial physical symptoms include joint pain and stiffness, tiredness, fever, and ... characterized by applying pressure with a finger on the swollen area, creating a ... Carpal tunnel syndrome; Pain in the knees, wrists, and hands affecting only one side." -- Polymyalgia Rheumatica Symptoms: https://www.arthritis-health.com/types/polymyalgia-rheumatica/polymyalgia-rheumatica-symptoms

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Florida: June 11 2021
Seven years ago, I had been told I had polymyalgia rheumatica . I have taken prednisone for that lenght of time, in different amount from 10 mgs to now 5mgs a day. I do not have pain in my joints, only in my muscles. In the first few years the pain was in my upper back, and lower back area. Now it's mostly in the ( rump) area, painful to set and walk. My rheumathologist has now prescribed 15 mgs of methotrexate once a week ,on top of the daily 5mgs of prednisone.
Has anyone ever had this desease for this lenght of time?
And what medicine helped you overcome it, if you are better.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Mimosa


My experience is constant pain, I have had a bit of a reprieve from time to time , but recently have had a horrible flare. My doctor wants to put me back on steroids, due to the long term side effects and that it really didn’t help with pain my doctor agreed. I feel my doctor is no longer a good fit for me so I am seeking someone new
I am riddled with pain, and very discouraged

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Hello @dermnurse68 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am sorry to hear that you experience constant pain. It sounds like you are a good advocate for yourself in that you feel you know when you may need to consult another doctor.

It sounds like you are not wanting to go back on steroids due to the side effects, so I am curious if you have other options in mind or if you are looking to see what another doctor may recommend?


Florida: June 11 2021
Seven years ago, I had been told I had polymyalgia rheumatica . I have taken prednisone for that lenght of time, in different amount from 10 mgs to now 5mgs a day. I do not have pain in my joints, only in my muscles. In the first few years the pain was in my upper back, and lower back area. Now it's mostly in the ( rump) area, painful to set and walk. My rheumathologist has now prescribed 15 mgs of methotrexate once a week ,on top of the daily 5mgs of prednisone.
Has anyone ever had this desease for this lenght of time?
And what medicine helped you overcome it, if you are better.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Mimosa

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Hello @mimosa and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect and this discussion! Since you are interested in connecting with members who have had PMR, I wanted to bring in @maybelblue @johnbishop to the discussion as resources to share with you their journey and what they've been doing throughout their journey.

How has the addition of methotrexate been so far?


Has anyone checked for allergies

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Hello @sdenver and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Can you share more about your thoughts on checking for allergies?


I am newly diagnosed with PMR. I am 76. Have not yet started Prednisone but will likely end of this week. Sed rate 48. CRP 4.7/5. Very uncomfortable since March 13. Wondering if it was triggered by 2nd Moderna vax which was Feb 24! Shoulders, neck muscles, upper back, some hips...trouble lifting covers when turning at night. Pain in shoulders lying on them. Pain in elbows when kept in flexed position while sleeping. I feel like I am constantly in a raise-my shoulders position, tensed up for these months. I couldn't understand why. It was not anxiety that I know of. Finally talked to my oncologist (free of pancreatic cancer 5 years now after treatment--was given 2 months to live by a surgeon who found my belly full of carcinomtosis after having pancreatic resection a few weeks earlier...small bowel obstruction developed and had to be operated on...this is when the cancer was noted in my small bowel and peritoneum. LONG REMISSION. Grateful. JUst saw a rheumatologist last week. She says, probably PMR. We will talk this week to decide on treatment. Very painful and limited in activity because of the muscle tension and stiffness. Other issue I have gained 25 lbs in a year with eating 1000 cal/day. All I want. And I a type II diabetic on insulin long and short acting. New since March 2020. Very upset about the weight and there seems to be NO reason evident (I can't exercise bec of the pain...). But 25 lbs too much for limited activity and very careful diet. Scared of the impact of prednisone (I think it will be 10 mg as a trial/day). I was NORMAL weight, on the trim side, before this gain. Okay, that's my intro. Glad to find this group. Thank you. Sharon


My experience is constant pain, I have had a bit of a reprieve from time to time , but recently have had a horrible flare. My doctor wants to put me back on steroids, due to the long term side effects and that it really didn’t help with pain my doctor agreed. I feel my doctor is no longer a good fit for me so I am seeking someone new
I am riddled with pain, and very discouraged

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I am surprised the steroids did not relieve your pain. I just had a flare up this past weekend and the doc put me on 15 mg for a week. I am already feeling some relief. It happens quite quickly. Are you sure you have PMR? Maybe itt is something else since the steroids don't work.


Has anyone checked for allergies

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Not to my knowledge
Do you think I could have some underlining problem?


I am surprised the steroids did not relieve your pain. I just had a flare up this past weekend and the doc put me on 15 mg for a week. I am already feeling some relief. It happens quite quickly. Are you sure you have PMR? Maybe itt is something else since the steroids don't work.

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That is a great question
It took awhile for my rheumatologist to believe that I did have it because the prednisone was not helpful, it didn’t bring my CRP down much until she put me on Methotrexate


Hello @dermnurse68 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am sorry to hear that you experience constant pain. It sounds like you are a good advocate for yourself in that you feel you know when you may need to consult another doctor.

It sounds like you are not wanting to go back on steroids due to the side effects, so I am curious if you have other options in mind or if you are looking to see what another doctor may recommend?

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My rheumatologist said that since steroids really didn’t help with pain she wouldn’t recommend them again
She mentioned a drug ( forgot the name) that hasn’t been approved for PMR but for the one that causes problems with vision.
Also, I think it is time for a second opinion.


I am newly diagnosed with PMR. I am 76. Have not yet started Prednisone but will likely end of this week. Sed rate 48. CRP 4.7/5. Very uncomfortable since March 13. Wondering if it was triggered by 2nd Moderna vax which was Feb 24! Shoulders, neck muscles, upper back, some hips...trouble lifting covers when turning at night. Pain in shoulders lying on them. Pain in elbows when kept in flexed position while sleeping. I feel like I am constantly in a raise-my shoulders position, tensed up for these months. I couldn't understand why. It was not anxiety that I know of. Finally talked to my oncologist (free of pancreatic cancer 5 years now after treatment--was given 2 months to live by a surgeon who found my belly full of carcinomtosis after having pancreatic resection a few weeks earlier...small bowel obstruction developed and had to be operated on...this is when the cancer was noted in my small bowel and peritoneum. LONG REMISSION. Grateful. JUst saw a rheumatologist last week. She says, probably PMR. We will talk this week to decide on treatment. Very painful and limited in activity because of the muscle tension and stiffness. Other issue I have gained 25 lbs in a year with eating 1000 cal/day. All I want. And I a type II diabetic on insulin long and short acting. New since March 2020. Very upset about the weight and there seems to be NO reason evident (I can't exercise bec of the pain...). But 25 lbs too much for limited activity and very careful diet. Scared of the impact of prednisone (I think it will be 10 mg as a trial/day). I was NORMAL weight, on the trim side, before this gain. Okay, that's my intro. Glad to find this group. Thank you. Sharon

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Hi Sharon, welcome.
That's a lovely photo of you. I hope you'll add it to your profile too.

You may wish to also connect with others in these related areas:
- Pancreatic Cancer https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/pancreatic-cancer/
- Peritoneal Cancer: Anyone else? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/peritoneal-cancer/

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