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So I called my doctor's office and said that I wanted a chest xray done. It's been 6 months since I've been on the meds and want to see what that looks like when I go back for my July checkup. I got a call back from the nurse stating that the doctor wouldn't okay the order because it wasn't medically necessary. I said to her that I wasn't asking him if I should have one. I was asking him to order it. She repeated that he wouldn't order it because it wasn't medically necessary. Seriously? Is it unreasonable to want to see what is happening in my lungs after 6 months? Does this sound unreasonable? Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Not happy. Linda M

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Replies to "So I called my doctor's office and said that I wanted a chest xray done. It's..."

@katemn What
Linda said is true about the Mayo doing x-rays mostly, and CT scan sparingly. My
doctor explained that CT scans are extremely strong and put out a ton of
radiation. Radiation is cumulative, meaning it adds up and stays in your body.
Too much radiation damages DNA and can cause cancer. I was reading an article
last night that was in the Washington Post about that too. In fact, someone on
this forum had posted the link, probably Linda, not sure. A doctor in that
article said that 'No medical treatment is all the way 'good' for you. All will
have some degree of damage. They decide when they treat if the slight damage is
better than not treating a disease."

@ling123 Ling and @windwalker .. Ling I just have agree with Terri .. I was on 3% and didn't feel it was helping enough .. I contacted my doctor and requested 7% .. it was so simple .. prescription was faxed to my pharmacy and boom it was taken care of! If you need nebulizer and compressor info just let me know. Just know that both Terri and I have down this road before .. AND gotten nasty critters in our lungs as a result .. if we didn't care about you we wouldn't be bothering! Hugs to you!

@katemn &
@ling123 True story Ling, we DO care!  -

@windwalker Terri, very good reminder and information .. thank you! Hugs! Katherine

@windwalker Thank you very much for your concern. I have been coughing up thick mucus for over 20 years. It is very annoying. But it has not prevented me from living a normal, active life. I don't have problems with breathing. No wheezing, either. I've in my 60's but still able to play tennis 2-3 times a week all year round. That's how active and healthy I am. I believe the mucus is caused by brochiectasis, which is the cause for me catching MAC eventually. But other than coughing up blood twice (first time pretty heavy, second time very light) in the past 2.5 years, I continue to feel fine. No other health problems with my lungs or other organs. But I do agree with you that I should look into how to improve my mucus situation. I will definitely look into getting the Aerobika that Katherine has recommended. I will also ask my doctor about the possibility of getting help with mucus thinning when I go to my appointment with him in September.

@katemn and @windwalker, thank you both for caring. Very much appreciated. I will definitely take your suggestions to heart and seriously look into acquiring the necessary equipment to help with the mucus situation.

@ling123 Sounds
good Ling. I knew you were in pretty good shape, we just want to keep you that
way! If you can play tennis, then you are doing great my friend.

@windwalker Thanks again. It's so great to know that there are people I have never met who care about me and understand where I'm coming from when I talk about my conditions. This is a unique type of comradery that we can't find anywhere else, not even with our families and friends who don't have the same health problems that we do.

@ling123, Ling you directed this to Terri .. BUT that is what we ALL get from our Community .. our family and friends care about us but they just plain CANNOT "get it" .. they have NOT walked this walk .. ONLY we who have been on this very same journey can understand .. and truly care about the progress .. or non progress as we go along .. AND reach out a helping hand IF we are just ONE step ahead on that journey for a Newcomer .. giving back "Playing it forward"! That is what we do/give to each other! That is what makes our Community so vibrant .. so loving .. so giving .. AND why I am SO proud to be a part of this Connect! Yes, we DO care about you! Hugs to you! Katherine

I want to add that i spoke with Aerobika early in their release. My original one would " stick" and not vibrate. They immediately sent me a new one and couldnt have been nicer. They did tell me that after cleaning please use distilled water to rinse thoroughly so Aerobika would last longer and not stick. Mary jo