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So I called my doctor's office and said that I wanted a chest xray done. It's been 6 months since I've been on the meds and want to see what that looks like when I go back for my July checkup. I got a call back from the nurse stating that the doctor wouldn't okay the order because it wasn't medically necessary. I said to her that I wasn't asking him if I should have one. I was asking him to order it. She repeated that he wouldn't order it because it wasn't medically necessary. Seriously? Is it unreasonable to want to see what is happening in my lungs after 6 months? Does this sound unreasonable? Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Not happy. Linda M

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Replies to "So I called my doctor's office and said that I wanted a chest xray done. It's..."

My doc last ordered not just a CAT but a PET scan, and I agree with him...much more conclusive and informative than a simple xray. I get on about every 6-8 months. Keep in mind I'm asymptomatic, which I believe makes a difference in diagnostics needed...

@lindam272 Linda, if you make an appointment to see the doctor, would he agree to order a chest X-Ray? I have not had a CT scan. Besides a bronchoscopy when I coughed up blood for the first time to rule out lung cancer, my pulmonary doctor always orders a chest X-Ray for me to take before my appointment, which is every 3-6 months. Because I don't have other symptoms, except coughing up blood a couple of times in the past 2.5 year and constant production of thick mucus, he didn't see the need for a CT scan. But he would like to have the most recent chest X-Ray to compare so he has some idea if my condition is getting better, or worse, or stays the same since the last visit. I thought that was reasonable. If your doctor refuses to order a chest X-Ray even after you have made an appointment with him, then I don't see how that can be reasonable. How is he going to determine the current condition of your lungs if he has no recent images of them to compare with? How is he supposed to treat you?

@ling123, Ling Hope you don't mind if I jump in here .. you asked the question of @lindam272 Linda, BUT I would STRONGLY urge you to TAKE THE REINS of your health issues! YOU MUST be your own best advocate .. KNOW that YOU are the employer .. HE is the EMPLOYEE! IF you are NOT getting the health care that YOU feel you need .. it is YOUR body that is going to get MAC! Why?? Because you said " constant production of thick mucus" THAT MUCUS is an absolute breeding ground for MAC and OTHER bacteria .. like the THREE bacteria that I am battling RIGHT NOW!! Do NOT let that doctor push you around .. YOU are the one who is going to suffer the consequences if you get MAC!!

This is what you SHOULD demand AND if this doctor will not supply it .. get another doctor who WILL listen to you! You can tell him MY Mayo Clinic doctor for EACH check up did the following .. AND you want the same: sputum culture/Xray/Pulmonary Testing .. each of these evaluated my progress.
a. The sputum culture to make sure NO mycobacterium OR bacteria was colonizing
b. Xray to compare with the previous to evaluate any changes
c. Pulmonary Testing to evaluate any changes in pulmonary
Ling, I am ONLY speaking from what I would do in your shoes .. YOU must make your own decisions. Also has anyone spoken to you about daily Saline Inhalation and Aerobika use to help with the mucus? Frankly NO doctor ever did for me .. I learned about it on our blessed Forum! At your appointment .. bring it up! Bet they hardly know anything about it! Hugs! Katherine

@katemn Hi Katherine, thanks for the advice. So far I've no issues with my doctor. Like I said, he orders a chest X-Ray before each of my appointment with him to compare with my previous X-Ray results. He will order other tests and consider further treatments if/when he finds that my condition has worsened. Since I have been feeling well and have not had problems other than mucus (which I've had for the past 20+ years), I do agree with him that there is no need for anything beyond what I'm getting until further treatment or more tests are called for. But I will prepare some questions for him based on what I have read on the forum next time I see him in September.

@ling123, Ling that is really smart .. I know that I also had mucus but no doctor told me about "lung clearance" .. Aerobika .. Saline Inhalation .. frankly I learned all those things here on our wonderful Forum .. AFTER my mucus became a breeding ground for THREE MORE bacteria for which I am now being treated for SIX month with an inhaled antibiotic Tobramycin .. PLUS now a THIRD mycobacterium has shown up on my latest sputum culture report that has never been there since I was diagnosed in 2007. Frankly it kind of ticks me off .. I intellectually "knew" that mucus became a "breeding ground" for further problems .. but it was SO darn easy just to go on with my merry life and not bother with the hassle of DAILY lung clearance and DAILY saline inhalation .. Ok .. well now I am "paying the Piper" so to speak since now I have THREE mycobacterium and THREE bacteria in my lungs and not a ONE of the darn things can be "cured" .. just "stabilized" .. SO just a word to all those of you that don't want to be bothered .. I didn't either .. BUT just thought I'd impart my modicum of wisdom! Hugs to all!

@katemn Katherine, good point about being diligent with lung clearing. This is one of the things that I'm planning on discussing with my doctor when I see him in September. To find out what he would recommend me using to help me accomplish the above. I do try to cough up as much mucus as I can throughout the day, especially in the morning. But you never know if that is enough. If there is anything that can help with that effort and do a better job of it, I must get it.

@ling123, Ling, family and friends kind of don't "get" the number of hours I spend being the Volunteer Mentor of our Connect .. BUT what I keep reminding them is that I receive just as much as I give! The below is just ONE example!! I find it the BEST help in getting up mucus .. much better than a device recommended by my doctor .. the Acapella with did ZERO for me. The Aerobika I learned about from our MEMBERS!! If I was you .. forget asking your doctor .. it is YOUR body .. It WORKS!! Below is the info! Hope it helps you .. but do ask him about the Saline Inhalation. Hugs! Katherine

From My File Cabinet:

Members @decosmo and @maryjo2sell who have given great info about the Aerobika in the past.*Aerobika. I highly recommend it. I love mine. I have two. They vibrate well to loosen the stuff and they are so much easier than an Acapella to clean. (I use a bit of antibacterial dish soap. Suds it up .. agitate .. hold the parts and shake them very thoroughly through the sudsy water. 2. Let the parts soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Then several times fill the measuring cup with very warm rinse water .. again agitate the parts thoroughly to make sure they are thoroughly clean of the antibacterial dish soap. ) I have had mine for at least 2 years.

@katemn .. I did some research and decided to share my research. I am NOT recommending this to ANYONE .. just saying it worked for me .. AND if you decide to purchase from Ebay .. ONLY purchase from the SAME vendor on Ebay that I did .. I purchased from him twice (purchased from-100% rating: ravenator123) and the product was EXACTLY the same as the one I purchased from the Medical Supply Co.
AEROBIKA-EBAY http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aerobika-Oscillating-Positive-Expiratory-Pressure-Therapy-PEP-Device/222365799192?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D38530%26meid%3D770f957ccb25404b97e7b52a01662bde%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D162365627793 purchased from-100% rating: ravenator123 ( 1146 ) $54 w.shipping 6/19/17 $64. w/shipping

Katherine, I've had my Aerobic for about 18 months now and when I was looking through the booklet, it mentioned that it should be replaced every 6 months. I have a message in to my resp. therapist about that. Will let you know what she recommends. Linda M

@ling123 Ni
how ma Ling. Two things you said about yourself sent up a red flag for me; that
is that you cough up blood sometimes (that is not normal & can indicate a
small localized infection), and that you cough up lots of thick phlegm. I know
you are putting off antibiotic use for as long as possible, but I feel like you
should at least be on the nebulized saline treatment. It will loosen and thin
the mucous so that it comes up easier. Since I have been doing it for almost a
yr now, my rails and wheezing have gone away. And my lungs are cystal clear.
Some of the credit goes to the tobramycin that I also nebulize for pseudomonas.
It is just saline, salt water, it will not hurt you. But it can do you a world
of good.

@ling123 This
is just me, I would not wait until Sept to discuss getting a prescription for
the sodium Chloride 7% inhalable solution (saline). It really is not a big deal.
He can send the scrip for it straight to your pharmacy. If you do not own a
nebulizer, have him write a script for that too so insurance will cover it. Can
be purchased over the counter as well. Sept is two months away. That is two
months of gunk gathering in your lungs that MAC and pseudomonas, or any other
specie of mycobacterium can take up residence.