What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Love it when something actually works! 🤣

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The guys at my house figured out how to defeat that one - they must have suction cups on their feet. I'm looking for a more bell-shaped plastic one now - it is slippery so I hope it works.


The guys at my house figured out how to defeat that one - they must have suction cups on their feet. I'm looking for a more bell-shaped plastic one now - it is slippery so I hope it works.

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WD-40 works pretty good on the type that I have and I also wipe the pole down and they don't like it. I just haven't done it for awhile. I may try the bell shaped one if I put up a new pole.


Hello, Lori. Love the lily pads. So nice to be missed. I just got out of the Mayo Hospital since Sunday. I was visiting my son in hospital after almost dying on Saturday.

He was vomiting for several weeks off and on and then Friday afternoon, called me for help. I was with him about 40 hours while he vomited every 10-15 minutes, That meant he had no meds in his system for about 2 days, blood pressure and his HR were way high. Other meds were out of his system and I didn't think he would last mush longer. I had given more than I had and was exhausted. I

I took him to Crucial Care. They gave him 2 bags fluids and other meds for stomach. Didn't help. So, after they told us if I hadn't gotten him help he would not be alive now, I drove him to Mayo ED. Mayo worked to stablelize him in ED, then sent to ICU...ICU docs sent to next step down for care. He was released yesterday to home, 5 days in IV, meds, potassium still low, still stomach issues.

Since he was going home, I refused rehab and went home Wednesday. We are now both home receiving Home Health Care coordinated by the wonderful staff to give us the same care and lots of help. I just saw my nurse, will visit me 3X weekly for 4 weeks, then 1X weekly for 2 weeks. I'll have other normal assistance as well. He had PT visit today, will have aide, OT, PT. No nurse. They'll take vitals and help. I'll continue to handle his meds. I will set up weekly housekeeping and whatever he needs that takes a lot off me.

My diagnosis is exhaustion and stress. After CT and MRI, nothing seen. But, discovered fungus infection and calcification in my sinuses and dolichoectasia of the basilar artery. Have no idea what either really mean and will investigate when have energy. I sent messages to my neuro and PCP re this and hope to find out more. Never been diagnosed with either. Have had cronic sinus issues for years, but worse and ignoring with all the rest of the stuff happening. We'll see and deal with whatever it is. That's what we do, isn't it?!

Well, I haven't felt well for several months, weeks and wanted help for my son for him and for my relief. One heck of a way to get it.....

I'm exhausted. Seeing nurse, stairs down and up just once today, wore me out. I'm heading to be soon, it's almost 4.
Pitiful! Housekeeper coming tomorrow and that's very good, Will set up housekeeping for him tomorrow. Also, hiring neighbor boys to clean/feeders and help us both get ready for coming hurricane/storm. Will probably be bad storm for us, not hurricane force, never know. But, have to go through preps anyway, removing anyhting outside that can fly or be dangerous, sandbag/potting soil patio doors, get towels ready, pets stuff ready to go, be sure we have a month of meds and docs in package, fill up on bottled water, canned food, etc. How????? We're both weak and ill....I'll get help from someone so we'll be fine. by Sunday...

We need your good thoughts and prayers. sending you all blessings and my thoughts as well.

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@ess77 So sorry to hear that you and your son have had such a difficult time! I'm glad that you are both home with home health care and help with housekeeping.

Rest as well as you can and keep us informed with updates. We care about you !


@johnbishop. John, your bluebirds are stunning! And being from the Pacific Northwest, we never see squirrels so, of course, I think of them as cute and not as pesty little varmints. (That poor hungry little guy being turned away from the birds' buffet.) My bad! ❤ Laurie

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@johnbishop. Oops, sorry everyone. I mistakenly called John's Indigo bunting a bluebird. Wellll, at least that beautiful creature is a blue bird! In my part of the world, I've only seen seagulls, sparrows, pigeons, maybe the odd robin...but we do have the awesome and regal eagle! I'm sure if I could get out hiking the forests and trails as I did in yesteryear, I would see multi-beautiful species not seen from my fourth floor inner-city window. Lol.


Good Golly Miss Molly do them Downy Woodpeckers love peanut suet nuggets. Just filled that feeder yesterday morning. My Indigo Bunting dropped by again and my daylily near my feeder is gorgeous. Noticed something yesterday that I haven't seen before - two Downy Woodpeckers feeding each other. They looked like they were pecking at the seed block and then kissing each other. So much enjoyment if you are able to see what's happening around you.


@sueinmn Is it time to go moss hunting? My TKR will be in August. Have to be 3 mos out from the last guided image cortisone injection in May. I get around pretty well right now.

You have seen the meditation trail at the river bank. This is Moss Hill at Adams Landing.....which can claim the title of the highest hill in Sherburne County. Jay has created a moss and aggregate path up the hill and got a bit of a head start on the top of the hill. Should we add other moss varieties? Here are images of the retaining wall along the bottom of Moss Hill, (#3) the upper moss path up the hill, (#2), and the top of the hill as of today (#1). Thoughts....????

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@artscaping So pretty! My husband would love to get rid of the moss that grows on the shady side of our house!


Hello, all my connect friends! @artist01, @johnbishop, @loribmt, @sueinmn, @contentandwell, @hopeful322050, @artscaping
You are every one so special. I really consider you my friends, weird, isn't it? Don't know much about each other, never laid eyes on any of you, BUT I feel close to each of you. Amazing to me how we have that connection. I really care, am concerned when you're not well. I feel your thoughts, prayers and friendship. Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot.

My pastor, who is fairly new and whom I've never met, stopped by to see both Rob and me in hospital. Special. I've had a lot of support from my church friends. Lori, I went next door yesterday and spoke with my adorable neighbor. Her husband was let go during pandemic and not working now. She's working from home for a pharm co in research. He's coming over in next day to work on my patio and I'll pay him-will help them - clean off all the dirt that flooded down from under the fence, as it regularly floods 1-2 inches. Used to flood into my den, over the brick step at the doors, but the association installed a large gutter that overhangs a couple of feet. It's helped, just need a berm to redirect the outside water, but this board won't do that. I'm pleased the gutter helps, but it also limits sun/plant area and is half solution. He'll also move heavy planters, straighten things up and get rid of the 'pasture' growing on the concrete from the bird seeds. Should let it grow just for fun!

John, I haven't figured out how to use the baffles on the feeders hanging from tree limbs. Ideas? Also, I started using olive oil, all I had, and it helped frustrate the little rats a bit. I felt sorry for them, they're so inventive and clever, but they have to find food somewhere else. Have WD 40 to apply next.

I have a stack of sand bags and potting soil bags next to my wall, but some of the soil bags have opened, maybe thks to tree rats, or real rats....neighbor will put in place to stop water from coming under doors. I just found some Pig and other co flood barriers at Lowes. I hope to get there and buy some to keep on hand. I can lift them, I think. Water drains out of them and I can store and put in place when needed. Tried to get some last year, but too expensive and only online. Now, made for regular folks. Goody!

Rob needs the rest of a partial script from the hospital. I have to get dressed and pick it up from pharmacy. He can't drive safely now, and not sure I can, but if he misses a dose, he'll be back in hospital in trouble. So, I'll do it. May end up being good for me, although I'm pretty weak and need to stay quiet. But, so it goes, and I'll enjoy getting out.

John, beautiful pics. Lori, you, too. I will send you pics in next day or so, unless something else happens....never know these days. This has been for sure a D grade movie plot. Crazy
Blessings to you all. May you have a beautiful Independence Day, filled with goodness, friendships and family....or just peace and no pain.


Hello, all my connect friends! @artist01, @johnbishop, @loribmt, @sueinmn, @contentandwell, @hopeful322050, @artscaping
You are every one so special. I really consider you my friends, weird, isn't it? Don't know much about each other, never laid eyes on any of you, BUT I feel close to each of you. Amazing to me how we have that connection. I really care, am concerned when you're not well. I feel your thoughts, prayers and friendship. Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot.

My pastor, who is fairly new and whom I've never met, stopped by to see both Rob and me in hospital. Special. I've had a lot of support from my church friends. Lori, I went next door yesterday and spoke with my adorable neighbor. Her husband was let go during pandemic and not working now. She's working from home for a pharm co in research. He's coming over in next day to work on my patio and I'll pay him-will help them - clean off all the dirt that flooded down from under the fence, as it regularly floods 1-2 inches. Used to flood into my den, over the brick step at the doors, but the association installed a large gutter that overhangs a couple of feet. It's helped, just need a berm to redirect the outside water, but this board won't do that. I'm pleased the gutter helps, but it also limits sun/plant area and is half solution. He'll also move heavy planters, straighten things up and get rid of the 'pasture' growing on the concrete from the bird seeds. Should let it grow just for fun!

John, I haven't figured out how to use the baffles on the feeders hanging from tree limbs. Ideas? Also, I started using olive oil, all I had, and it helped frustrate the little rats a bit. I felt sorry for them, they're so inventive and clever, but they have to find food somewhere else. Have WD 40 to apply next.

I have a stack of sand bags and potting soil bags next to my wall, but some of the soil bags have opened, maybe thks to tree rats, or real rats....neighbor will put in place to stop water from coming under doors. I just found some Pig and other co flood barriers at Lowes. I hope to get there and buy some to keep on hand. I can lift them, I think. Water drains out of them and I can store and put in place when needed. Tried to get some last year, but too expensive and only online. Now, made for regular folks. Goody!

Rob needs the rest of a partial script from the hospital. I have to get dressed and pick it up from pharmacy. He can't drive safely now, and not sure I can, but if he misses a dose, he'll be back in hospital in trouble. So, I'll do it. May end up being good for me, although I'm pretty weak and need to stay quiet. But, so it goes, and I'll enjoy getting out.

John, beautiful pics. Lori, you, too. I will send you pics in next day or so, unless something else happens....never know these days. This has been for sure a D grade movie plot. Crazy
Blessings to you all. May you have a beautiful Independence Day, filled with goodness, friendships and family....or just peace and no pain.

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Thank you for the nice note to update us. I am so glad you found a neighbor to help - if you can afford it, maybe pay him a bit to drive you on errands in your car, for everyones' safety and peace of mind? Not to mention it will make him feel more productive - win/win.
We are enjoying the Fourth in a different way - in town instead of camping - kind of liking it though my husband is missing visiting his home town. Look for my post on how we celebrated this morning!


Hello, all my connect friends! @artist01, @johnbishop, @loribmt, @sueinmn, @contentandwell, @hopeful322050, @artscaping
You are every one so special. I really consider you my friends, weird, isn't it? Don't know much about each other, never laid eyes on any of you, BUT I feel close to each of you. Amazing to me how we have that connection. I really care, am concerned when you're not well. I feel your thoughts, prayers and friendship. Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot.

My pastor, who is fairly new and whom I've never met, stopped by to see both Rob and me in hospital. Special. I've had a lot of support from my church friends. Lori, I went next door yesterday and spoke with my adorable neighbor. Her husband was let go during pandemic and not working now. She's working from home for a pharm co in research. He's coming over in next day to work on my patio and I'll pay him-will help them - clean off all the dirt that flooded down from under the fence, as it regularly floods 1-2 inches. Used to flood into my den, over the brick step at the doors, but the association installed a large gutter that overhangs a couple of feet. It's helped, just need a berm to redirect the outside water, but this board won't do that. I'm pleased the gutter helps, but it also limits sun/plant area and is half solution. He'll also move heavy planters, straighten things up and get rid of the 'pasture' growing on the concrete from the bird seeds. Should let it grow just for fun!

John, I haven't figured out how to use the baffles on the feeders hanging from tree limbs. Ideas? Also, I started using olive oil, all I had, and it helped frustrate the little rats a bit. I felt sorry for them, they're so inventive and clever, but they have to find food somewhere else. Have WD 40 to apply next.

I have a stack of sand bags and potting soil bags next to my wall, but some of the soil bags have opened, maybe thks to tree rats, or real rats....neighbor will put in place to stop water from coming under doors. I just found some Pig and other co flood barriers at Lowes. I hope to get there and buy some to keep on hand. I can lift them, I think. Water drains out of them and I can store and put in place when needed. Tried to get some last year, but too expensive and only online. Now, made for regular folks. Goody!

Rob needs the rest of a partial script from the hospital. I have to get dressed and pick it up from pharmacy. He can't drive safely now, and not sure I can, but if he misses a dose, he'll be back in hospital in trouble. So, I'll do it. May end up being good for me, although I'm pretty weak and need to stay quiet. But, so it goes, and I'll enjoy getting out.

John, beautiful pics. Lori, you, too. I will send you pics in next day or so, unless something else happens....never know these days. This has been for sure a D grade movie plot. Crazy
Blessings to you all. May you have a beautiful Independence Day, filled with goodness, friendships and family....or just peace and no pain.

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@ess77 Aw, Elizabeth I’m so happy you went over to talk with your neighbor! We all need help sometimes and often, our neighbors are eager to help if they only know we need them! This is helping them out too and giving her husband a sense of purpose again. It’s such a downer to be out of work. I think this will be positive for him! And definitely a huge relief for you!
We get to a point in our lives where we have to admit we’re not able to do everything we used to! I’ve had to face that this past two years as well and it is really frustrating and demoralizing. We finally had to hire someone to come and do the yard work that I loved for my entire life. Can’t even pluck a weed….It’s taken some patience on my part and relinquishing control to watch someone else pull weeds, trim hedges, nip branches, etc…. My husband has enough on his plate and loathes yard work of any kind. So he doesn’t see little things that need tending outside with plants, plantings, pots, etc. Hopefully some day I’ll be able to play in the dirt again.
Anyway, I took the long way around my point. Hahahah. It’s OK to allow others to help us!! I’m so grateful for your neighbors for your sake.
And as Sue mentioned, maybe you can also ask your neighbor to run those errands for you! You’ve been ill yourself and exhausted. So driving might not be the safest for you.

See? We ARE all like family here on Connect. We all care about each other, but as in any family, some members communicate less and some are with us daily and missed deeply when we aren’t in touch. Happy thoughts now that you’re doing better and both you and Rob are getting the type of help needed to help out each of you.

Happy Independence Day to you and Rob, Hugs, Lori.


Hello, all my connect friends! @artist01, @johnbishop, @loribmt, @sueinmn, @contentandwell, @hopeful322050, @artscaping
You are every one so special. I really consider you my friends, weird, isn't it? Don't know much about each other, never laid eyes on any of you, BUT I feel close to each of you. Amazing to me how we have that connection. I really care, am concerned when you're not well. I feel your thoughts, prayers and friendship. Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot.

My pastor, who is fairly new and whom I've never met, stopped by to see both Rob and me in hospital. Special. I've had a lot of support from my church friends. Lori, I went next door yesterday and spoke with my adorable neighbor. Her husband was let go during pandemic and not working now. She's working from home for a pharm co in research. He's coming over in next day to work on my patio and I'll pay him-will help them - clean off all the dirt that flooded down from under the fence, as it regularly floods 1-2 inches. Used to flood into my den, over the brick step at the doors, but the association installed a large gutter that overhangs a couple of feet. It's helped, just need a berm to redirect the outside water, but this board won't do that. I'm pleased the gutter helps, but it also limits sun/plant area and is half solution. He'll also move heavy planters, straighten things up and get rid of the 'pasture' growing on the concrete from the bird seeds. Should let it grow just for fun!

John, I haven't figured out how to use the baffles on the feeders hanging from tree limbs. Ideas? Also, I started using olive oil, all I had, and it helped frustrate the little rats a bit. I felt sorry for them, they're so inventive and clever, but they have to find food somewhere else. Have WD 40 to apply next.

I have a stack of sand bags and potting soil bags next to my wall, but some of the soil bags have opened, maybe thks to tree rats, or real rats....neighbor will put in place to stop water from coming under doors. I just found some Pig and other co flood barriers at Lowes. I hope to get there and buy some to keep on hand. I can lift them, I think. Water drains out of them and I can store and put in place when needed. Tried to get some last year, but too expensive and only online. Now, made for regular folks. Goody!

Rob needs the rest of a partial script from the hospital. I have to get dressed and pick it up from pharmacy. He can't drive safely now, and not sure I can, but if he misses a dose, he'll be back in hospital in trouble. So, I'll do it. May end up being good for me, although I'm pretty weak and need to stay quiet. But, so it goes, and I'll enjoy getting out.

John, beautiful pics. Lori, you, too. I will send you pics in next day or so, unless something else happens....never know these days. This has been for sure a D grade movie plot. Crazy
Blessings to you all. May you have a beautiful Independence Day, filled with goodness, friendships and family....or just peace and no pain.

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@ess77 Elizabeth, what a nice update. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. We don't need too many "D days", particularly not consecutive ones.

What a great arrangement with your neighbor, definitely a win-win. I wish I had someone to do the outside work. My husband has never enjoyed it but even less so now as he's aged, and I have always hated outside work. We do have the lawn cut and spring and fall cleanup done by a service, so that helps.

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