Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Good morning - @artist01 gives us a very good reminder - walking aids and medical appliances need to be chosen and fitted for each individual. This is best done by someone with the proper training - like in a medical supply store.

If you have one of those insurances that gets an Rx for one from your doc and just sends it to you, make sure you get a PT appointment for a proper fitting and lessons on safe use, especially going up and down curbs, stairs, etc on your own!

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@sueinmn Hi Sue. Thanks very much for reinforcing my message regarding walkers! ❤


Didn’t get much of a walk in this morning as we had to go to aa memorial service. BUT, i did get out while it was sunny and now its pouring rain. Ruined my plans of going out this afternoon try, try tomorrow!


@jakedduck1 I don't think I'm gonna make your 100th birthday party either, Jake. My 86th is coming up this month, and at the rate I'm going I'll be lucky to make it to my 87th!! 🤣
Who wants to live that long anyway? When I was young and mobile I used to say I wanted to live to be 97 and then renegotiate! 😉

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I accidentally cut and pasted so there are duplicates sentences. Sorry about that.

What’s with these negative thoughts Laurie?
You have been so positive and determined and an inspiration to us all.
Your out of the hospital, out of the wheelchair & increasing your walks. Thats quite an accomplishment.
I said I’d say “strong” instead of stubborn but strong prople don’t give up! So, are you being strong or stubborn?
So, what happened to that strong lady we look up to for encouragement & inspiration?
I had a friend and her family was planning her 100th birthday party. That lady was “strong.” She said don’t plan anything because I’m not living to be 100 and true to her word she passed at 99.
So you straighten up and Fly Right & thats an order!!!
Take care of yourself & see you at your party then you can see me at mine.


Didn’t get much of a walk in this morning as we had to go to aa memorial service. BUT, i did get out while it was sunny and now its pouring rain. Ruined my plans of going out this afternoon try, try tomorrow!

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So it’s raining. I don’t think you’ll melt. Umbrellas have been around since Egyptian times. You might want to pick one up. I think It’s fun to walk in the rain.


@jakedduck1. Gosh, I guess I've been TOLD, Jake! Ok, I think I'll go for both strong AND stubborn in the future. Some days it's just kinda' hard to talk positive when I'm feeling a bit down about these multi-setbacks and always having to claw my way back to better mobility.
However, I'm truly grateful for the resilience I seem to have, to keep trying.
Thankyou, my friend, for the Heads Up on my recent negative pathway. I'll try not to fall into that mode of thinking.
Good news - my eldest son and his wife have been visiting me after their 8 hour car and ferry trip to get here. Because of the Covid restrictions we haven't seen each other for over a year. It's been a wonderful visit, including restaurant meals (we can finally do that), and visits to the wonderful park at the Spit to watch people, children playing joyously in the sunshine, dogs doing likewise, seals romping in Discovery Passage, eagles and hawks soaring overhead, seaplanes taking off and landing, pigeons doing their ground searches for leftover picnic goodies. We were hoping for whale sightings seen here recently, but no luck. Still, it was an awesome few days! My middle son and his wife who live here were able to join us too, when his work hours allowed. Haven't visited with them since Covid either, but things are finally opening up at my seniors' residence. It's been a super glorious time with my family, and has broadened the very limited horizon we've all experienced during this pandemic.
Take care, Jake. I appreciate your caring. See you at your 120th!


@jakedduck1. Gosh, I guess I've been TOLD, Jake! Ok, I think I'll go for both strong AND stubborn in the future. Some days it's just kinda' hard to talk positive when I'm feeling a bit down about these multi-setbacks and always having to claw my way back to better mobility.
However, I'm truly grateful for the resilience I seem to have, to keep trying.
Thankyou, my friend, for the Heads Up on my recent negative pathway. I'll try not to fall into that mode of thinking.
Good news - my eldest son and his wife have been visiting me after their 8 hour car and ferry trip to get here. Because of the Covid restrictions we haven't seen each other for over a year. It's been a wonderful visit, including restaurant meals (we can finally do that), and visits to the wonderful park at the Spit to watch people, children playing joyously in the sunshine, dogs doing likewise, seals romping in Discovery Passage, eagles and hawks soaring overhead, seaplanes taking off and landing, pigeons doing their ground searches for leftover picnic goodies. We were hoping for whale sightings seen here recently, but no luck. Still, it was an awesome few days! My middle son and his wife who live here were able to join us too, when his work hours allowed. Haven't visited with them since Covid either, but things are finally opening up at my seniors' residence. It's been a super glorious time with my family, and has broadened the very limited horizon we've all experienced during this pandemic.
Take care, Jake. I appreciate your caring. See you at your 120th!

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How awesome to have a visit, it will lift your spirits for days!
My @jakedduck1, aren't you the sassy one this morning! I can just see Becky trying to keep that umbrella over Poppy, so the little miss doesn't gat all wet!


@jakedduck1. Gosh, I guess I've been TOLD, Jake! Ok, I think I'll go for both strong AND stubborn in the future. Some days it's just kinda' hard to talk positive when I'm feeling a bit down about these multi-setbacks and always having to claw my way back to better mobility.
However, I'm truly grateful for the resilience I seem to have, to keep trying.
Thankyou, my friend, for the Heads Up on my recent negative pathway. I'll try not to fall into that mode of thinking.
Good news - my eldest son and his wife have been visiting me after their 8 hour car and ferry trip to get here. Because of the Covid restrictions we haven't seen each other for over a year. It's been a wonderful visit, including restaurant meals (we can finally do that), and visits to the wonderful park at the Spit to watch people, children playing joyously in the sunshine, dogs doing likewise, seals romping in Discovery Passage, eagles and hawks soaring overhead, seaplanes taking off and landing, pigeons doing their ground searches for leftover picnic goodies. We were hoping for whale sightings seen here recently, but no luck. Still, it was an awesome few days! My middle son and his wife who live here were able to join us too, when his work hours allowed. Haven't visited with them since Covid either, but things are finally opening up at my seniors' residence. It's been a super glorious time with my family, and has broadened the very limited horizon we've all experienced during this pandemic.
Take care, Jake. I appreciate your caring. See you at your 120th!

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“See you at your 120th!”
Now that’s what I call positive thinking!!!
Atta girl!!
We’ll give Methuselah a run for his money yet!!!


So it’s raining. I don’t think you’ll melt. Umbrellas have been around since Egyptian times. You might want to pick one up. I think It’s fun to walk in the rain.

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@jakedduck1 @becsbuddy

I've walked in the rain many times...my baseball hat is waterproof. Just have to be aware of dark clouds looming here in Florida. But pop up showers happen a lot this time of year. It's actually refreshing when it's hot.

FL Mary


I accidentally cut and pasted so there are duplicates sentences. Sorry about that.

What’s with these negative thoughts Laurie?
You have been so positive and determined and an inspiration to us all.
Your out of the hospital, out of the wheelchair & increasing your walks. Thats quite an accomplishment.
I said I’d say “strong” instead of stubborn but strong prople don’t give up! So, are you being strong or stubborn?
So, what happened to that strong lady we look up to for encouragement & inspiration?
I had a friend and her family was planning her 100th birthday party. That lady was “strong.” She said don’t plan anything because I’m not living to be 100 and true to her word she passed at 99.
So you straighten up and Fly Right & thats an order!!!
Take care of yourself & see you at your party then you can see me at mine.

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@jakedduck1 @artist01

I think you are both an inspiration and I want an invite to that birthday party as long as it doesn't interfere with my Cirque du Soleil

FL Mary


@jakedduck1 @artist01

I think you are both an inspiration and I want an invite to that birthday party as long as it doesn't interfere with my Cirque du Soleil

FL Mary

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@imallears and @jakedduck1. Good one, FL Mary. You're invited for sure, 40 years hence, just as long as Jake and I get invited to your Cirque de Soleil tour!

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