Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Hello, Sue. No, my lady, you didn't step on any toes. Never. You come from a place of kindness, caring and wanting to help. I appreciate your insight, always. I need it. You are a gift.

I met with my psychiatrist yesterday, at Mayo. He's a marvel and sent to me from above. I vented the entire visit. He said I need support, and we will work out getting Rob the help he needs. He is scheduled to see a nurse in neurology who works with his neurologist, also a wonderful doctor, person. She will coordinate with the doc and the Integrated Medicine Dept for other therapies to help relieve stress, pain, teach various therapies, as massage, acupuncture, chiro, biofeedback, CBT and whatever. I didn't realize Mayo offered those services. Silly me. We know these therapies help and have been missing since covid began. He's had no support at all. That appt is next week, so help is on the way there.

I don't think the time is here yet for guardianship. We'll see how he progresses with this support and then, if his mental state doesn't improve, I'll take those steps. I pray with some attention from others, he'll begin to improve in these areas. He'll never be ok, but hopefully improved from the klonopin withdrawal damage.

I received a call this morning from scheduling. My psychiatrist referred me to Integrated Medicine and I have a massage scheduled for next Wed. I started crying at the realization of getting help for me and that someone is looking out for me. Wow. Felt so good, Sue. Hope is a wonderful thing. Knowing, through his action, that someone is there for me makes an enormous difference in my outlook. Hope. I didn't realize how much I'd lost...

They called also to schedule a bunch of lab-work re the kidney issues and a follow-up appt with nephrology. Also, appt with urology/gynocology. This system is remarkable, isn't it. So, I'm on track getting help with multiple areas. Still alone, but not as alone and getting help.

Blessings to you and all. Elizabeth

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@ess77 Oh golly, Elizabeth, I’m feeling this huge sense of relief for you that finally you are getting some help for both you and Rob. You are always giving blessings to everyone else, it’s about time you receive some for yourself!

Integrated medicine is an incredible resource and I’m so glad both you and Rob are now going to be exposed to this system of care! Mayo Clinic gives hope!

Your comment: ”Hope is a wonderful thing…I didn’t realize how much I’d lost.”, touched my heart, Elizabeth. The impact of hope is enormous. I know I’ve posted it before but one of the most profound moments in my bone marrow transplant journey, was when I was quite ill, my night nurse came in to do his rounds. He knew I wasn’t my perky self so he went about taking vitals, pushing meds in my IVs, pouring water all in complete silence. Before he left, he bent down and hugged me and whispered in my ear, “The only thing stronger than fear is hope.” It was the nudge I needed! Hope, it’s a powerful thing.

Take care, my dear. Hugs and hope to you & Rob!


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. Thankyou for your chiding but encouraging message! I'm so happy to be up and at 'em again. And you, dear friend, have so many challenging obstacles you face every day. I think of you often and send my very best wishes to you for easier times in the near future. Hugs. Laur

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Thank you, Laur.....We're here to support each other during some tough, challenges of what we call this aging process. Gettin' old! Actually, I think we like getting older, right? I simply wish it didn't require we continue to get stronger and fight to survive. Hope you like riding a roller-coaster. Keep up the good work, lady. Bless you, elizabeth


Hello, Ginger. Are the Nordic sticks helpful even for short walks like in the store, in and out like that? I may be past that since I've 'advanced' to a walker when actually walking for any distance, more than a few steps. I use a cane well to cross the street to see my son, but not much further than that.
Glad you're getting out and walking!
Blessings to you and may you keep getting stronger, moving more. Elizabeth

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@ess77 My walking sticks are useful for short distances, places where I need to feel balanced and aware, etc. Walking in the store, I use the basket for my aid, but the sticks are in it. If I grab a little handbasket, it is awkward, but if I know that is all I will use, is I can still use just one stick, or my cane. Using my sticks seem to allow me more range of action, not just the straight line of a walker, if you can understand that?


Thank you, Laur.....We're here to support each other during some tough, challenges of what we call this aging process. Gettin' old! Actually, I think we like getting older, right? I simply wish it didn't require we continue to get stronger and fight to survive. Hope you like riding a roller-coaster. Keep up the good work, lady. Bless you, elizabeth

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@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. Welllll, I never did like riding on the Rollercoaster! Prefer real live horses myself! 😘


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. Welllll, I never did like riding on the Rollercoaster! Prefer real live horses myself! 😘

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Oh, I do agree! I hate roller-coaster's, always have. Hate is the right word. Don't like the way it makes me feel. But, I'm not ready to get off yet. Not my decision, of course, but I still have some fight in this body. so, hope to stay around for awhile. Bless you and keep moving! elizabeth


I was able t work on my new self today. Poppy and i walked about 1 1/2 miles and then a new friend came to help me clean out 1 room at a time. And the room—my side of the basement actually looks neat! And yesterday i did my exercises in the pool and just about finished a sewing project. Now, to just keep it up!
I just love all the positive strides all of you have made!!!


I'm so glad to read this thread -- I just got a pair of walking sticks to help me feel more secure while walking and will try them later day. I think they will make me feel like an intrepid explorer.

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Welcome to our walking, swimming, exercise group. And some treat themselves by eating chocolate! Ive thought about using walking sticks but it can be a little difficult when holing a dog leash.
Have you been a walker, or is this something new for you?


Hello, Sue. No, my lady, you didn't step on any toes. Never. You come from a place of kindness, caring and wanting to help. I appreciate your insight, always. I need it. You are a gift.

I met with my psychiatrist yesterday, at Mayo. He's a marvel and sent to me from above. I vented the entire visit. He said I need support, and we will work out getting Rob the help he needs. He is scheduled to see a nurse in neurology who works with his neurologist, also a wonderful doctor, person. She will coordinate with the doc and the Integrated Medicine Dept for other therapies to help relieve stress, pain, teach various therapies, as massage, acupuncture, chiro, biofeedback, CBT and whatever. I didn't realize Mayo offered those services. Silly me. We know these therapies help and have been missing since covid began. He's had no support at all. That appt is next week, so help is on the way there.

I don't think the time is here yet for guardianship. We'll see how he progresses with this support and then, if his mental state doesn't improve, I'll take those steps. I pray with some attention from others, he'll begin to improve in these areas. He'll never be ok, but hopefully improved from the klonopin withdrawal damage.

I received a call this morning from scheduling. My psychiatrist referred me to Integrated Medicine and I have a massage scheduled for next Wed. I started crying at the realization of getting help for me and that someone is looking out for me. Wow. Felt so good, Sue. Hope is a wonderful thing. Knowing, through his action, that someone is there for me makes an enormous difference in my outlook. Hope. I didn't realize how much I'd lost...

They called also to schedule a bunch of lab-work re the kidney issues and a follow-up appt with nephrology. Also, appt with urology/gynocology. This system is remarkable, isn't it. So, I'm on track getting help with multiple areas. Still alone, but not as alone and getting help.

Blessings to you and all. Elizabeth

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I am so happy that help is on the way for you and your son. Remember that with integrated medicine involved, if you cannot accompany him to an appointment, they can help arrange transportation for him.

And a massage for you...what a nice thing to look forward to.

I am so glad you have persisted throughout the challenges, and getting help.
Have a blessed day. Maybe now you will be able to sleep a little better...


I was able t work on my new self today. Poppy and i walked about 1 1/2 miles and then a new friend came to help me clean out 1 room at a time. And the room—my side of the basement actually looks neat! And yesterday i did my exercises in the pool and just about finished a sewing project. Now, to just keep it up!
I just love all the positive strides all of you have made!!!

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Ah yes, Becky- it would be dreadful if Poppy wound around yourmsticks and tripped you!

It's so nice that you have some help sorting and cleaning - it so satisfying. Unfortunately, my best friend is a worse saver than I am. I'm afraid all my discards would end up in her home! I'm looking forward to a day of help from my younger daughter, who is very good at not only controlling clutter, but finding new homes for castoffs that have life in them.



Welcome to our walking, swimming, exercise group. And some treat themselves by eating chocolate! Ive thought about using walking sticks but it can be a little difficult when holing a dog leash.
Have you been a walker, or is this something new for you?

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@becsbuddy If Poppy walks well on a leash, and doesn't dart from one side to another, you could try what I have seen others do. Use a waist tie, perhaps a belt or fanny pack, to put the leash on. Your hands are free, the dog is on leash, and you can use the poles. Might this work?

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