COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Hello everyone,
I had Covid in Nov. 2020 and was in the hospital with acute lung failure. I was on very high supplement of Oxygen given a lot of IV medication steroids, antibiotics and a plasma transfusion. My body had already taking a beating. I was weak but had no neuropathy symptoms. I had started working myself back up with exercise and was slowly recovering. I got the first Morderna shot 90 days out from my hospital stay. My Dr. pushed it and recommended and got really sick. I had all Covid symptoms except the lung issues. I was in the bed for a week. My Dr. and Pharmcey both recommended me getting the second one. A small voice in my head said don’t do it but I listened to everyone else and got the second and I became worse. with all symptoms BUT the new symptom was neuropathy. I had pins and needles, tingling in my hands and feet and burning all over my body and my limbs were weak. It’s been 7 months and working hard to get my strength back up in my legs and arms, the pins and needles has went away but the pain and burning is left on my scalp and sometimes face.
My opinion only…..I wished I would have not gotten the shot. I was healing from Covid and the acute lung failure but got so much worse after the shots. I now have a private Dr. that will treat Covid with ivermectin and other meds to help fight off Covid if I get it again. He is not for the shot because of all the side effects he’s treating from the shot and has read. I will not take the shot again. I truly feel the shot made me into a Covid Long Hauler. My husband and his family got the same shot and they had no reactions but did not have Covid. It’s like gambling who will it effect and who will it not. Best of luck to you.


I am just joining the group and it saddens me to see so many people that have gotten neuropathy after the vaccine. I have been post vaccine for almost 2 months and just went to the doctor last week. He said he has seen several cases like mine and prescribed Gabapentin but yet to take it because of the side effects. Has anyone take this drug and if so has it worked. I am having tingling and burning in my hands and feet and it is at it's worst during the night. Sometimes when I wake up it feels like a creepy crawling feeling all over my body. I regret getting the shot, but at this point there is nothing I can do about it. Feeling very depressed 🙁

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Hello, there are a number of people on this discussion who have had neuropathy reactions to the vaccines. I’m sorry you have experienced these as well. I did too. I try to remember the importance of the vaccine, however, and above all remain positive.

I know the pain and discomfort of neuropathy is not easy. I do take Gabapentin. I try to limit it to late afternoon, evening. I only take 200-300 mgs. daily. It does help with the sharp, stabbing nerve pains I get and it relaxes me so that I can typically sleep through most nights. I personally have not found that I have any side effects from it.

There are many helpful posts on the Mayo Connects neuropathy discussion. I encourage you to read these as I’ve found that not everything is helpful for everyone. I take notes from the posts, research a lot, and discuss options with my neurologist.


I am just joining the group and it saddens me to see so many people that have gotten neuropathy after the vaccine. I have been post vaccine for almost 2 months and just went to the doctor last week. He said he has seen several cases like mine and prescribed Gabapentin but yet to take it because of the side effects. Has anyone take this drug and if so has it worked. I am having tingling and burning in my hands and feet and it is at it's worst during the night. Sometimes when I wake up it feels like a creepy crawling feeling all over my body. I regret getting the shot, but at this point there is nothing I can do about it. Feeling very depressed 🙁

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I have sfn since May, two months after the maderna vaccine 2nd dose. I have hot and ice cold feet and legs but the symptoms got better with gabapentin but symptoms still exist. I take 600 mg at night which helps the symptoms and helps me sleep. I'm 75 and it gives me minor balance issues and some constipation but that's better than not sleeping due to the symptoms which are worse at night. Hope you find relief. Gabapentin is what is usually prescribed.


I have sfn since May, two months after the maderna vaccine 2nd dose. I have hot and ice cold feet and legs but the symptoms got better with gabapentin but symptoms still exist. I take 600 mg at night which helps the symptoms and helps me sleep. I'm 75 and it gives me minor balance issues and some constipation but that's better than not sleeping due to the symptoms which are worse at night. Hope you find relief. Gabapentin is what is usually prescribed.

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Thank you for the information. I also have the hot and cold issues. I guess I am mainly worried about so much weight gain as I am in menopause and have already hat that issue. Hope your symptoms get better as well.


Hello, there are a number of people on this discussion who have had neuropathy reactions to the vaccines. I’m sorry you have experienced these as well. I did too. I try to remember the importance of the vaccine, however, and above all remain positive.

I know the pain and discomfort of neuropathy is not easy. I do take Gabapentin. I try to limit it to late afternoon, evening. I only take 200-300 mgs. daily. It does help with the sharp, stabbing nerve pains I get and it relaxes me so that I can typically sleep through most nights. I personally have not found that I have any side effects from it.

There are many helpful posts on the Mayo Connects neuropathy discussion. I encourage you to read these as I’ve found that not everything is helpful for everyone. I take notes from the posts, research a lot, and discuss options with my neurologist.

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Thank you I will continue to read more posts. I was thinking about just taking the Gabapentin at night to see if it helps with my sleeping. I just really don't need the weight gain as I am going through menopause and trying to keep the weight down has been hard.


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. I had a reaction to my first Pfizer vaccine, burning hands, feet and legs to above my knees. So bad that I couldn’t bring myself to get the second shot. It has now been 10 weeks and in the last week my pain has started to lessen and I am hopeful it will continue to. I hope yours does too. I take gabapentin with no problems. What vaccine did you get?

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I received the Moderna shot and no problems with the first dose, it was the second that started all the tingling and burning. Does the Gabapentin seem to help? How often and how many mg do you take a day?


Thank you I will continue to read more posts. I was thinking about just taking the Gabapentin at night to see if it helps with my sleeping. I just really don't need the weight gain as I am going through menopause and trying to keep the weight down has been hard.

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Weight gain with Gabapentin is listed as a rare side effect. Perhaps try a low dose at night time. It can be addicting, but I think it worth trying to see if it helps. You shouldn’t have issues stopping it if you find it doesn’t help, or if you gain weight or suffer from other side effects. I’ve talked with my neurologist about it, and if it works for you it often has fewer side effects than some of the other drugs.

That being said, as with all drugs, people react differently. It’s a matter of finding which medication works best for you.


Weight gain with Gabapentin is listed as a rare side effect. Perhaps try a low dose at night time. It can be addicting, but I think it worth trying to see if it helps. You shouldn’t have issues stopping it if you find it doesn’t help, or if you gain weight or suffer from other side effects. I’ve talked with my neurologist about it, and if it works for you it often has fewer side effects than some of the other drugs.

That being said, as with all drugs, people react differently. It’s a matter of finding which medication works best for you.

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Thank you! I will give it a try and hopefully it will help my insomnia as well.


Thank you! I will give it a try and hopefully it will help my insomnia as well.

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Best wishes for a good night sleep! Try to remain positive and continue to work with your neurologist to explore possible treatments.


I received the Moderna shot and no problems with the first dose, it was the second that started all the tingling and burning. Does the Gabapentin seem to help? How often and how many mg do you take a day?

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I took only one Moderna shot because that alone has caused me severe problems for 14 weeks now. I take 300mg of Gabapentin at bedtime which is a low dose. That enables me to get to sleep, however I’m in considerable pain from the neuropathy during the day.

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