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@apportee, @cila .. Cila, @cathyt .. Cathy, @coylemel333 .. Melody, @digmeme .. Linda, @flib .. Flib, @fransky, @heathert .. Heather, @hopeful33250 .. TeresaH, @janovr .. Jan, @justjanet .. Janet, @jillnc, @katiemknor .. Winnie, @kaystrand .. kay S., @kwilbur .. Kathryn, @laneyk .. Elaine, @liliane .. Liliane, @melissa23 .. Melissa, @mimi68 .. Mimi, @Paula_MAC2007 .. Paula, @rosemarya .. Rosemary, @sophie1019 .. Sophie, @suzieapples, @tdrell .. terri, @tutti .. Lisa

Hello All! I am back from my holiday .. refreshed and raring to go .. wanting to check in with each and every one of you to see just what is going on in your lives .. how you are doing .. how you are progressing .. how things are going.

Please check in so I don’t worry about you .. just a short note to let me know your current status.

I want to thank each of you that jumped in to watch for new people on our Forum while I was gone .. so kind of you. It is so important that we are there for each other on this our shared journey .. you do it well .. again .. thank you!

I am well .. did just great on my trip other than having to explain over and over again that my coughing was NOT contagious. Frankly on my next visit with Dr. Aksamit I am going to request a simple statement that my 3 lung diseases are NOT contagious whether I am coughing or NOT coughing! For whatever reason I tend to cough a LOT in enclosed spaces. Be it in a restaurant .. taxi .. bus .. theatre .. airplane .. whatever. I found a little device: Air Supply Mini-Mate Personal Ionic Air Purifier
held up to my nose helps greatly .. for whatever reason! It is supposed to clean the air. I don’t really care how/why it helps me not cough .. I just know it does .. so I pull it out in enclosed spaces and it helps every time! So that is me .. let me know about you! Sending hugs to all! Katherine

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Replies to "@apportee, @cila .. Cila, @cathyt .. Cathy, @coylemel333 .. Melody, @digmeme .. Linda, @flib .. Flib,..."

Kathryn, both my son and grandson are teachers .. so I know how it is both taxing .. AND a joy it can be! So rewarding to know what an impact you are having on lives. Funny enough .. my grandson (from an entirely different part of the state) is now teaching at the same school that his Uncle is teaching. AND my grandson has fallen in love with a woman who says his Uncle was her FAVORITE TEACHER in grade school!! Is that a kick!! Our family is just getting such a kick out of it! She says our son was such an inspiration to her that she never forgot him .. fifth grade. So you just never know what an impact you are having on lives .. you can be so proud of your chosen profession. I am very proud of my two! Hugs to you! Katherine

Hi Kay, I have a terrible memory .. but I think I remember reading somewhere that the reason for the "cocktail" of antibiotics is because mycobacterium has kind of a hard shell that must be penetrated by one of them prior to the others being able to be effective .. very complicated those darn mycobacterium! I guess that is why is so serious when they become super bugs and resistant! I just wrote myself a note .. I really will try to remember and back to everyone because it is interesting! Katherine

I'm feeling much better after about 3 weeks. The shortness of breath and pressure on my chest is much better. I stop taking my cholesterol meds. and the anxiety pills that my PCP prescribe. I find out the pravastatin generic for Pravachol is interact with R. The acid reflux got worst with anxiety pills. I learned that every meds that my Dr. prescribe to check if they will not interact on the meds that I'm currently taking. I think even though you tell them the meds your taking they don't read all of it. They just give you what they think it will make you feel better. My appetite, I forced my self to eat even though the food doesn't taste good. I don't want to loose weigh anymore. Thank you all for your caring and I pray for all of us in this forum. Cila

Cila, you are SO totally .. absolutely correct!! Nowadays doctors are under SO much time pressure I think they just write prescriptions .. PLUS I tell my two granddaughters that in my opinion .. doctors have had SO little pharmaceutical education in med school .. that I want them to "make friends" .. get to know a female pharmacist at their pharmacy! AND anytime their doctor prescribes a new med .. call their female pharmacist and ASK their opinion .. based on their medical record at the ONE PHARMACY they buy their meds at .. IF there are any interactions with other meds they are taking .. IF there is a generic available (because older meds have a better proven track record than newer drugs PLUS being cheaper) .. IS there an med alternative that might work better. Frankly I fear sometimes that some doctors just prescribe whatever the latest pharmaceutical rep happens to be pushing lately. Hate to sound jaded .. but I've seen it happen .. I have a dear friend in the industry.

That said .. I take my current med list to EVERY medical appointment .. and again .. you MUST be your own best advocate! Also .. I can ONLY speak for myself .. but based on my reading about statins .. I have made the personal decision to make sure my cholesterol stays at a good level but pace taking my statins at that level .. which is NOT a daily statin. BUT note the latest research which is showing the big benefits of statins to the heart health .. I would be concerned about you not taking your cholesterol meds for very long. You might take a look at:
http://www.utswmedicine.org/stories/articles/year-2016/statins-answers.html for further info.
Maybe check into a different cholesterol med that does NOT interact?

Good for you that you are doing your best to keep your weight up! When my husband was ill I bought him Ensure .. he liked the chocolate when it was chilled in the refrigerator .. or just eat whatever you can .. keep your energy up! Be kind to yourself! Sending you a Hug! Katherine

Before I was diagnosed I had 1 night sweat and now 4 months of MAC meds I get hot all the time. I use to be a cold nature person not anymore, its like going through menopause again. I'm not sure if is from MAC or the side effect of the 3 meds.

Hi, Katherine. I went to my GP and she did an EKG, etc. and does not seem worried about my heart. I also had my appointment with the Infectious Disease Specialist today and he seemed really good - answered my questions and wants to discuss things with my respiratory specialist before doing anything. He is querying MAC and indicated because I don't have much sputum, that I may have to get a bronchoscope. I am really really fearful of that...I don't even like the feeling of freezing when i get dental work, so don't know how I will make it through that procedure, even with drugs! Is there any other way to test for MAC? blood or stool for example? I am lucky, too that I got into a cancellation appointment with the respiratory specialist tomorrow, instead of waiting until Nov 4th. But really really concerned about the potential bronchoscope. 🙁

Hi Fran, you really got some good news today! I am SO glad about the heart issues! Also glad the ID doctor was willing to answer questions to your satisfaction .. that is REALLY a good sign .. feeling confidence in your doctor is an important factor is your healing! In terms of production of sputum .. you might ask the doctor if it is possible to have a "salt induced" sputum culture done. I have had this done at Mayo Clinic. I would breathe salty air through a tube .. and then in time could produce more sputum .. spitting it into a sterile cup that could then be cultured. I just googled it .. more info at: https://www.nationaljewish.org/programs/tests/sputum-induction

In terms of a bronchoscopy .. I have had an endoscopy without any issue but not a bronchoscopy. Maybe others could chime in with their experiences .. I know several have had it done without a problem.

No. I do not believe there is any diagnosis possible from either blood or stool. Sorry. This is just me .. but I joked with my dentist that I loved the "just before falling asleep" feeling that Twilight Sleep Sedation gives me .. told my dentist he should start it in the Waiting Room! Maybe just thinking it through .. thinking about the positives that could come from a diagnosis .. maybe that could help you work through your fear? So often our fear .. if thought through really can be worked through with knowledge .. knowledge is power. I hope this helps you .. you have been so brave so far .. work this through too .. I know you will and can! Sending you a big hug! Katherine

@fransky I just had a bronchcospy done 2 1/2 weeks ago.  They do put you out for the procedure.  There was an anti nausa med I had to take they said it helped with reflux and then there was a mouth rinse I had to swish around and spit out. I had an IV and I remember being in the prep room and don't even recall them giving me the sleepy juice as I call it.  Then I woke up coughing in the recovery room.  Only thing that hurt was my throat was sore.  I came home and slept for a couple of hours.  Didn't eat much that day.They put fluid in my lungs and took it out, took a small brush and rubbed along the sides and they took a small biopsy out of my left lung.  I did cough up a small amount of blood for 2 to 3 days,  but that is normal they told me.  They said my throat might hurt for a day or so but it was like 5 or 6.  Think this was due to it was already irritated.  Everyone's experience is different and this was mine hoped it help a little to know what happened to me. Good luck. Jill<br><br>

Hi Fran, Just wanted to tell you about my experience with the bronchoscopy. I had no sputum to cough up but my lungs didn't look so good in the CT scan so I had to have one and that's how they found my MAC. It was not a problem for me at all. They just put me out and I woke up and it was over. I think it's probably a necessary thing in our cases. It'll be ok. Nan

Fran my bronchoscope in July was similar to the others describing theirs. Afterwards they did a routine chest X-ray while you lie in bed...just routine! My coughing up of blood after...just traces ...was minimal...throat slightly sore for awhile never interfered with eating or drinking. It was on a Wednesday and Saturday I flew to another state and a 10 day active trip I do annually...a film festival where I volunteer usher and buy tickets to films all while staying with a girl friend etc. Absolutely no interference...I
I have NO memory of what happened during procedure...it was outpatient at local hospital...someone needs to drive you home...you cannot drive for 24 hours...
My sputum was negative prior...it was the "washing" from the lung that told us all why I had been coughing for 2 years...it grew the MAC...That is why Bronchosope and CATs are gold standards in MAC diagnosis ..terriD