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Hello, Kate

What a coincidence that my first name is Katherine/Kathy. I was just diagnosed with MAC, found out via a phone call from my Mayo doctor last night. I have been coughing for over 14 months and I just kept trying to get someone to tell me why..... Now that I have the diagnosis, what do I do? My first reaction was to try to get more information and that is how I stumbled across your posting. My doctor, Dr. Mullen at Mayo in Rochester, is a very nice man and he explained that some of the side effects of the treatment can be worse than the disease. So, I rejected the idea. When I saw your post saying that the reality may not be as bad as the hype, it gives me a different perspective. Would you be willing to share more of your experience with me? The doctors can only tell you what the books tell them unless they have had a patient who has gone through the process. Even then, different folks can have differing reactions. I am a 58 year old, recently retired (in part due to the coughing with the embarrassing results), I am overweight so the shortness of breath was attributed to that.....

Thank you, Kathy

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@unicorn, I don't think I responded to this earlier. My knees have improved so much since I have extended the amount of exercise, primarily in the water. I have never really liked putting my head under (still hold my nose when I do) so I don't swim; since I don't put my head in I can wear my hearing aids. I march/jog -- frontwards and backwards -- and do a faux breast stroke. My arms do a breast stroke and I kick my legs behind me. I am generally in the water for about an hour. I thought I was only one water walking initially but now there many people who do it prescribed by the physical therapy place that has quarters in my club.
I have mentioned this before but not sure if it was on this discussion. I have new hearing aids and I can stream my Itunes into and do my stuff in time to whatever beat is on. It helps to make me more spirited and it makes the time pass more quickly. I suspect you can buy bluetooth ear buds that would accomplish the same thing, and for me it does help.

Contentandwell: I am a waterbaby, but I do get bored. Impressed you spend an hour in, I only do 20 min. but it is nonstop. xo

Hi all, I was wondering if any of you use a SmartVest? They had me use it during hospitalization on some occasions then my Pulm Dr prescribed it after one of my hospitalizations this past Fall. It seems like an incredibly smart idea but unfortunately it has not been too effective for me...big bummer!!! I was using it as prescribed at 30 mins twice daily. It basically shakes your whole trunk for the purpose of trying to loosen up secretions & mobilize "stuck" mucous in the lungs. It's a shame to see this great piece of equipment (not to mention expensive $$$$) go unused. Of course I can't sell it as it's a prescription so I just keep it in the basement. Maybe it will work for me at a different time. I'm wondering if it's because I have a rather big bust & protruding abdomen (due to a tear in the abdominal muscles) in addition to being overweight. The "vest" is exactly what it looks like & it's worn the same way. Anyone else have expierence with this??? Best, Jen 🙂

@windwalker Hi Terri M, I similarity was encouraged to stop working as an RN & go on disability due to my poor lung condition 24/7 oxygen dependence & immunodefiency. To this day, there's no way I could keep a job due to the simple reasons of being "sick" all the time & getting too much exposure to others, putting my health at jeopardy.

I miss my identity as a "nurse" & my feelings of purpose, in that sense. I also miss making my brain work, the brain stimulation. I have difficulty finding ways to challenge myself mentally. I either struggle with too much of it & find it too difficult which makes me sad & mad & all of that, because my memory & brain functions have been altered over the past 10 years. I want some mental stimulation though but find it difficult to find just the right amount. My nursing "critical thinking skills" are no longer easily retrieved from my brain!!! Grr!!!

I was approved for disability without any difficulty (still a LOT of paperwork & documentation). Since than, I have lessened my dependency for oxygen (miraculously, unbegntost to my physicians) & I have continued, without difficulty, to remain on disability. I must say that I also really miss the income I earned as a RN! That party really, really sucks!!! Things could be a lot worse then being broke, right?!! At least I'm alive & doing better than I have been in the past...and I'm able to be a mom to my Emma & wife to my husband & a daughter to my mom! ~Jen 🙂

@jkiemen Hi
There! Do you have a first name? Most of us here on this forum also suffer with
GERD. Mine was so bad that my esophagus burned most of the time and was
borderline turning into Barrett's Syndrome. The main treatment for it is taking
meds like previcid an hour before eating your dinner. Don't eat or drink
anything three hours prior to bedtime. They even suggest having the head
of your bed lifted 6". That way gravity keeps the contents of your stomach
going downward instead of up your throat. Some doctors believe that we may have
contracted MAC by inhaling water that we have drank before bed or even stomach
contents containing MAC in the gut. Avoid high acid foods and alcohol.  For
sure; acid reflux can pose a real threat by eroding your esophagus causing a
condition called Barrett's Syndrone. That syndrome can lead to throat cancer.
That happened to a friend of mine who passed away two yrs ago. You can learn
plenty by Googling 'GERD' and "MAC and ACID REFLUX'. I hope this has helped. -
Terri M.

@unicorn I do a whole hour at it generally but if don't go to class I pretty much do a full hour. I do it non-stop also. I like to be social but not when I am trying to do my thing there. Some people will get very chatty and I don't want to be rude but I want to get on with it. I really do find the music helps me to do it more spiritedly. The best tunes in my playlist for that are Shakira - "She Wolf", Ricky Martin - "Livin' la vida" loca", Smooth -- Santana and Shakira - "these hips don't lie". I know, sounds weird for an old lady but my daughter turned me on to Shakira. She likes her Spanish albums because she is fluent in Spanish.
These are not near to being my favorite artists but the beat in these songs really gets you going.

@windwalker Hi again, Terri M & all,

I'm cleaning in preperation for my in-laws coming & cleaning is exhausting for me so I'm doing just a little bit throughout the day over a couple of weeks. I came upon a quote I previously had next to my couch (wear I am at much of the day)...Thought I'd share it:

"If you want to be happy...you have to be happy in purpose. When you wake up, you can't just wait to see what kind of day you'll have. You have to decide what kind of day you'll have." --Joel Osteen. I

don't read much by him but happened to see this hanging up somewhere & I took a picture of it so I wouldn't forget it...then printed it out to be reminded of this daily.

Terri M, I LOVE the part of your post where you said you "will NOT accept that you are dying" or that you won't live to reach a certain age!!!!! I'm going to start saying this to myself everyday, starting TODAY!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Much love to you, Jen 🙂

@windwalker Terri, I too have Barrett's Esophagus. I never had gerd, just hoarseness and it took the PCP I was going to then a long time to recommend a second opinion. I take omeprazole (prilosec) for it.
My doctor also told me I should raise the pillow and if we could afford it, to get one of those beds with adjustments for both sides. Not only are those expensive but the way our stairs and hall are I am not sure we could get a K into the bedroom and there are very few of those that come in Q. So, my husband put blocks under the headboard end of the bed. Sleeping on two pillows gives me a stiff neck.
I am also supposed to avoid high acids like citrus, tomatoes, and I don't recall if he mentioned alcohol but now due to having had cirrhosis and a liver transplant I can't drink any alcohol anyway even though my cirrhosis was from fatty liver not alcohol.
Coffee is also restricted but I asked him last year if I could drink low-acid coffee or decaf and he said my Barrett's was not bad and if I wanted a couple of cups a day just drink "the good stuff". He also said that the chance of my getting cancer from it is very, very low. Overall that is true anyway. Not too many people do progress to cancer from Barrett's.
That doctor is also at MGH and apparently well known for working with Barrett's. Speaking of coffee, I researched it to find out about low-acid at one point and it turns out that dark roast has less acid because the extra roasting burns more off. I found that interesting.

Hi there! That is interesting about the dark roast coffee. May have to
make the switch. I take Prilosec too. How long ago did you have your
transplant? Terri M.


  Hi Jen, I really liked the Olsteen
quote. Thanks for sharing it.