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Hello, Kate

What a coincidence that my first name is Katherine/Kathy. I was just diagnosed with MAC, found out via a phone call from my Mayo doctor last night. I have been coughing for over 14 months and I just kept trying to get someone to tell me why..... Now that I have the diagnosis, what do I do? My first reaction was to try to get more information and that is how I stumbled across your posting. My doctor, Dr. Mullen at Mayo in Rochester, is a very nice man and he explained that some of the side effects of the treatment can be worse than the disease. So, I rejected the idea. When I saw your post saying that the reality may not be as bad as the hype, it gives me a different perspective. Would you be willing to share more of your experience with me? The doctors can only tell you what the books tell them unless they have had a patient who has gone through the process. Even then, different folks can have differing reactions. I am a 58 year old, recently retired (in part due to the coughing with the embarrassing results), I am overweight so the shortness of breath was attributed to that.....

Thank you, Kathy

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Replies to "Hello, Kate What a coincidence that my first name is Katherine/Kathy. I was just diagnosed with..."

@windwalker, Hi Terri M, thank you for taking the time to give me such positive feedback! That means a lot to me!!! This is something brand new to do in terms of re-shaping my mind, thinking regarding my many ailments. I'm going to try to put it outside of my mind for breaks in the constant worry. I can return to the worry anytime but I want to challenge myself to be "me, Jen" & not "Jen, sick".

It is hard to try something new when you have done it another way for 10 years! It's so hard being labeled as "terminal"! It has taken over as my identity & it's a sad, lonely & scary place to be. Thanks to you guys, maybe, just maybe, I can change my thinking & stop worrying about dying all of the time! It's an awesome challenge because so much could change in my life by thinking differently!!!!

Thanks, Terri so much for recognizing my determination & for being you to inspire others!!!

You are so incredibly inspiring to me & reading about you exercising & actually impacting your lung function by 4%, that's amazing!!!! If you can do it, I can at least try doing it & see what comes from it. It can only help!
Take care, Jen

fantastic Terri, I bet alot of others will now try cardio, great to know it is possible at 40%, Thanks for all your posts, I have learnt so much.
Hugs Heather

That is interesting. I was diagnosed 2 years ago after having pneumonia and currently they are telling me to hold off on treatment. I too am from Wisconsin and have been wondering about the reflux thing. My throat is irritated and scratchy most of the time and feel like there is always something back there. So what did you do about the GERD and the Water. Did you go to bottled water?

That is interesting. My sister has RA but I do not. Maybe I have the genetic predisposition to it? Most of my life everyone always said you are never sick, everyone around you gets sick but you never contract what is being passed around. So now I have MAI, not sure how, when or why. But the RA thought may be something to look at.

@ling123 Thanks Ling, I've been doing well, this MAC sounds so serious though and to know now that I am susceptible to it. Just one more thing, but as I often say it's better to have these restrictions and effects than to not being here at all.

Hi Heather! Not only does the cardio strengthen your heart and lungs, but
conditioned muscles use less oxygen. That helps with being so short of

Awe, Jen, thank you for your kind words. I am reading this post for the first
time this a.m. Ironically, just last night, my husband commented to me that my
whole attitude has changed since last Nov. That is when I went through the two
pre-qualifying tests for a double lung transplant. For the last 10 yrs I was
positive I would expire by 2017. A dr actually told me that was highly probable,
plus, I felt like I was dying because I couldn't breathe very well, I coughed
constantly to the point of vomitting and pulling muscles. I could not walk 20 ft
without having to sit down and catch my breath. I just accepted that I was not
going to live to see 60. Treatment from the Mayo Clinic has greatly improved my
quality of life. When you feel better, you do better. I am now a fighter. I DO
NOT ACCEPT that I will die too young! Dwelling on illness and death can be a
self- fulfilling prophesy. The mind is powerful. The more I believe I am well,
the better I get. No kidding! I hope today finds you in peace, Jen. I also hope
you are able to continue your walks. Keep your body moving. We have your back
girlfriend!    - Terri M.

@windwalker As I have mentioned before I don't always have time follow this string because it's not a problem I or anyone I know has, but this tip is great, really for all of us. Another reason to get exercise. My brother had a heart attack about 6 years or more ago and at this point he is operating at something like 16% lung capacity. I know his problems stemmed from lack of exercise, he and I were both negligent about that as we got older, and we both had been fairly active when younger. I am so glad that about 6 or 7 years ago I started getting active and now am very active. At 69 I have outlived both of my parents and I am sure it is because in those days people were just not aware of how important it is to be active. Now they even say it benefits your brain and cognizance.

Contentandwell, I am 69 also and my doc said exercise absolutely essential for MAC disease, for airway clearance. He is forcing me to get into terrific shape! I have broken hip, bad foot, and bad knee, so the pool it is. I also walk my big dog a lot. I like being skinny because definition shows quickly. i am skinny because of 2 years on the MAC drugs, but other than walking, really slacked off on exercise because of all the joint issues. But now I don't care, I am moving! Anything is better than coughing up blood again. And yes, exercise is good for everything! That's why the Chinese people live to 90's, they never stop moving, working. My parents played tennis, My mom died 94, my dad is 103 1/2!!! We have to move, even when so so tired...

@unicorn .. Christa You go girl! So proud of ALL our wonderful Community of fantastic Women! Hugs to all! Katherine