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Thank you to everyone and your kind words. My primaries all tell me I am complicated. My Neuro & team discovered using MRS, how NAA is crucial in the formation of myelin. How the enzyme that breaks down NAA is located in oligodendrocytes in spinal cord & brain. His name was Dr James Garbern, died cancer 2011. I am in Seattle moved from mich.Terrible drs here. He was an ms specialist and children's rare Neuro diseases. He would pick up patients at airport, take them to museum while in town. Amazing. Wrote papers, etc.

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Replies to "Thank you to everyone and your kind words. My primaries all tell me I am complicated...."

I looked that up, I had never heard of it and it is many categories, some that I have. My rheumatologist sees me for my autoimmunes. I constantly have very weird episodes that no drs understsand. Interesting. At the Univ of Michigan is when I got most of my diagnoses, but I self diagnosed, sjogrens (dr called 7:30 pm to apologize I did have sjogrens after hounding him for 6 mos, lip biopsy) lupus, diabetes. I forgot to add the ehlers-danlos hyper mobile syndrome to my list, see I ignore then forget problems. Saw movement disorder specialists for finger tremors, of course could not tell me why, never went back they were so condescending.