Young and diagnosed with stage 2 Colon Cancer

Posted by Blessed @blessed, Oct 21, 2011

Diagnosed with Colon Cancer September 19,2011. Resection of sigmoid colon 16 inches removed. Surgery went well. Stage 2 t3, no mo, moderate differientials was the diagnosis and apparently there has not been case studies involving the benefits of chemotherapy on this stage although they use to treat is same as stage 3. If I can do anything to decrease the chance of this cancer returning, most probably in my liver I was told then I want to do it!! Because I am young they just sent my pathology to Mayo for genetic testing. I am ready to get on with killing anything that may be left and insuring it doesnt return. Has anyone else had this delima.?

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My 32 YO son has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon cancer. Has anyone had experience with the Bio-Mat as a treatment, or in conjunction with another treatment?

I've seen comments of people working while going through Chemo. That's so encouraging that life can go on while being a patient. Was that a monumental effort?? Or was the treatment actually not as bad as many of us have heard? My son really needs encouragement, and I need understanding.

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Hello, I was diagnosed with colon cancer at 38 and thank god daily they caught it early (stg 1) but since i was considered "young" to have colon cancer they checked me for a hereditary disorder called Lynch Syndrome and it came back positive. Just an FYI if they havnt checked your son it may be something to look into.. I have returned back to work but live in fear daily especially now with Lynch... This site has good info on it.. Good luck to you and your son!! prayers always

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