dissociative identity disorder (DID): anyone with this diagnosis?

Posted by Nancyd @nancyd, Sep 25, 2011

Does anyone have the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder?

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Hello @ihatediabetes and @liz67

Reparenting is an important part of recovery for anyone who has experienced abuse. It is best to work with a trained therapist who can assist you when the feelings from the past experiences come flooding over you. Grieving what you experienced is very important. Like @ihatediabetes said you must be able to accept everything (without denial) that happened to you and allow yourself to feel the emotions. That can be extremely painful and does require a professional to walk with you as you go through it.


Here are some Youtube videos that talk about reparenting. Perhaps some of these might be helpful in understanding the process.


What? Where did you learn MPD/DID could be "cured?"
In the past 8 years have experienced this, and would you mind sharing how?

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Hello, I USED to have DID. I have 150 names written in my 42 journals. Many of them were groups.
I had tremendous abuse as a child.
Today, I have only one personality...
I never gave up.
It wasn't easy but today I am a whole person.
I had a motto to get me thru my healing. That was: "I will not let them win".
And they didn't either....
Note: I am at a family reunion, so I will be back on Monday.
Lisa, Thanks for the heads up....
Bright Wings


Checking in. I am having a great time at my family reunion. Relationships are terrific.
Everyone is getting along so well.
We are camping at a primitive group camp site. No water or electricity. No electricity was a last minute surprise. Giggling, I had been wondering if I should bring my crockpot.
I have been camping since I was 6. I feel comfortable in this surrounding. My family owned a lake lot for 15 years. I have camped across the US 5 times.
One person on his way will be a challenge. This meeting a personal challenge for each of us.
I will be myself, and as I type this, I wonder who that is....
in their eyes...
I KNOW who I am.
Others are stuck in the past, hating me cuz I told.
Lies many family yelled, protecting whom?
So I am living in the moment...the here and now. Enjoying myself with 15 family members. 14 more on their way.
I finished my healing, I forgave my brother for his hatred of me.
I am sending my roots of resolve to maintain who I am today deep into the center of the earth.
I smile slightly as I write this. The Srength and Energy I am already receiving from the center of the earth are old friends.
I filled with energy and light.
Try it, you may like it.
Smiling at you, Bright Wings


My of medical hospitalizations how I wish I had you as my Nurse!!! Friend. I have PTSD, lots of violence and more. Including AKA Susie.


My of medical hospitalizations how I wish I had you as my Nurse!!! Friend. I have PTSD, lots of violence and more. Including AKA Susie.

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Hi, @kimspr3 - I'm sorry to hear about the violence in your past. I do recall your mentioning that. I can't even imagine how that might cause so much pain all the way to the present day.

Do you have a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder, @kimspr3?


Welcome, I am sorry to hear of your PTSD. If we are writing here on this forum, we all suffer from PTSD. It is now rare for me to get triggered any more.
I am an old RN. 50 years experience in mental health.
I chose to admit myself 5 times to mental hospitals cuz not all of my peeps were nice. This was more towards the end of my healing. The last ones stayed hidden and refused to integrate...UNTIL my mother passed away.
My mom passed on 12/14/10. I completely integrated on 1/11/11. Unfortunately, my husband fell and died on 2/11/11. We had been married almost 41 years.
Today, I am well, happy and I love the life I live. It took me years to get here after my husband died.
I looked up AKA. The definitions I read do not relate to abuse...
Would you care to elaborate on this?
Smiling at you, Bright Wings


4% Battery, more tomorrow. BW


As I think someone also pointed out, Dissociative Identity Disorder is the new name given to what used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder. That was changed in the DSM-4 in 1994 because it has more to do with fragmented identities as opposed to the public perception of several personalities inhabiting one mind; something that is very rare.

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