Advice for a mother whose 15-year-old daughter is cutting?

Posted by Mari-Denise @maridenise, Sep 18, 2011

My 15 year old daughter just told me she has been cutting herself. Any advise would be helpful. I would like to know how to handle the day to day situations so I can help her.

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Did you ask her why she had done it for herself? Did you ever notice if she had a problem lately? Some teens doing that because they've experienced teen depression. Sometimes they're afraid and hesitate to tell their parents because they don't want them to get upset. As parents, you need to consult your teens and ask them what are their problems and assure them to tell their problems to you.

Here's the article to read to help teen depression

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you can take Melatonin over the counter your body already makes melatonin maybe just not enough it is a safe way to help you sleep


I also cut myself when I was 15. Partially it was a way of punishing myself because I didn't feel worthy. I felt like I had no friends, that I wasn't good anything, and to make it worse my boyfriend had broken up with me. The emotional pain was so bad, and cutting was a way of feeling my pain in a physical way.
My advice to you is to keep razors/sharp objects away from her. This sounds silly but my mom did this and it honestly helped not having a way to do it. Also, you might want to ask if she wants to try talking to someone. At the time it didn't seem super helpful to me, but looking back I'm glad I went. Finally, just let her know that you are there for her no matter what. Tell her you love her every day 🙂 The little things help make life not seem so bad sometimes.


I have been through it at younger age 13 my mom and family really supported me i saw a theraphist and got things off my mind and began to do more regular things. I really appreciate whaty family did for me and my main problem was i felt trapped and felt like no one could understand me an i bottled things up. Let her know you love her and tht your their and get her help. Cutting can be dangerous if not taken seriously and treated. My mom at the time was a nurse and new of a child tht cut and it got very infected and became more serious

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