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Replies to "Have you ever been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia? Perhaps you should see a Reumatologist."
It's not in your head!!!
I feel some of the same symptoms!! 🙁
Have you tried using a hot tub??
Hi, im new but I understand how u feel. I was diagnosed w/Condition &u given Lyrica it helps, but I am at max dose 3 times daily lucky husband has good insurance. I too had all kinds of tests (Emg, ct scans, mri) bloodwork, spinal tap. No answers. Just pain! Constant leg cramps. I also have drop foot both feet, had back surgery on L3 better but I can't move around. My primary dr wanted nothing to do w/me I saw his pa for 2yrs I now have specialist for neuropathy, endo neuro surgeon. I want & have hopes of going to mayo so that I can get my life back. Good luck. I tell my daughter there is a reason God has a plan. Take care
A good neurologist will help with the diagnosis also.
I was diagnose with Mayo Facial Pain syndome 10 years ago, but have since been told that, that, was just a pre-symtom of Fibromalgia. Over the years I have been tested for Lupus, M.S. and almost everything else under the sun. In the past few years the heart disease and lung disease have gotten worse and exercise or even physical therapy is impossible for me now. I do some stretching exercises, but sometimes stretching brings on muscle cramps and my joints will lock. Have you ever had that happen? Feels like I get charlie horses up and down my spine. There are so many differant things going on I believed for years it was all in my head.