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How did you get your doctor to culture her tissues, none of the doctors I went to will do it. They are guessing for my cure!

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The ENT did not want to culture the tissues initially, but I asked again and he said he would do it. He said because of her unusual history, it warranted checking.

I was told that they don't do cultures anymore. It seems to me that is the only way to find out what the culprit is without trying a slew of unnecessary antibiotics. When you say your daughter is not immunocomprimised, what do you mean by that? Did they initially suspect allergies? Does she have or did she have nasal sinuitis (runny nose not related to allergies which I guess would be immuno-deficient). Did you have a hard time with Doctors diagnosing symptoms rather than origination of the problem? How did you get insurance coverage at Mayo Clinic, because of GP referral? I hope your daughter is better. Sinus and ear problems are horrible and debilitating.

Also, I wanted a fungicide and was told we need some yeast in our bodies, so no fungicide. I have itchy pain stabs in my ears and bloated stomach, feel full quickly. It sounds like your daughter is worse than I am but when I actually had sinus infection and bronchitis it was just horrible. How long did her flu last after the fungicide?

She was better two days after taking the last Diflucan tab, as far as the flu-like symptoms. We finally have an appointment with a thyroid specialist who handles difficult endocrine cases. The reason he agreed to see her is because of her elevated antithyroglobulin and peroxidase autoantibodies. We see him September 21. I will be asking him about the possible role of fungal infections.

As far as our bodies needing yeast, that's true just like our bodies need beneficial bacteria, like those in the gut that help us digest food properly. What apparently has happened for some people is that overuse of antibiotics allowed fungi like Candida albicans to get a foothold and resulted in an overgrowth. You don't want to eradicate it, but you do want a balance, just like you need a balance of "good" bacteria.

How can you determine when you have balance? Is there a test?

I know this is late, I just signed up. I was diagnosed with fungal infection in my throat in 2009 at Mayo Clinic. I am still having extremely bad pain in my jaw, neck, and pharyngeal areas, have been treated numerous times with Diflucan but am questioning if they ever gave me enough. Do you remember the dosage they gave your daughter? I have seen so many doctors and had so many tests I'm at my wits end. Had my tonsils out in May 2012 and forgot to specifically ask the doctor to send them to pathology so never got a culture from those. Thank you!

It comes in sigle dose packs. They prescribed two, taken 3days apart. She recently had yeast in her urine. I believe she has a chronic infection. So, we have not successfully eradicated it. Have you had an evaluation by a thyroid specialist? My daughter has Hashimoto's. Since being on Synthroid, her TSH actually went up. Her endo says that is expected from a thyroid that has been forced into dormancy due to the autoimmune attack. She has had the same pain you describe. I encourage you to seek an evaluation from a thyroidologist. Hope this helps and good luck!

I was exposed to some bad fungi while I taught school and since then I have had numerous urinary tract infections and now I'm dealing with fibromyalgia. I don't know which doctor to see to find cause of my UTIs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I know that the urologist cultured my daughter's urine. She also had blood cultures done. I also understand that often cultures are negative but if a fungal infection is suspected, some physicians will treat with antifungals and monitor the response. I would think seeing a urologist and bringing your lab results would be a good place to start.

I am a 33 year old mother of four. I have been struggleing with digestive pain and issues for many years. In 2008 I suffered a miscarriage at around 9 weeks. Then in Jan. of 2009 I suffered another miscarriage, only this time I lost our son at 17 weeks after over two months of constant bleeding! I then struggled through the pregnancy of my 4th child. I was in constant pain in the pelvic / lower abdominal area. I started contracting at 28 weeks and was hospitalized. I had a pos. fetile fibernecton(or however you spell it) at 30 weeks, but managed to hold onto our son for 5 more weeks! It was a lon painful process but well worth it! After the birth of this child 10/07/2010 my health really began to worsen. Within a year I was down to 90 lbs with joint pain and stiffness, muscle pain, mood and behavioral changes, and then the infections started. First it was a simple res. infection, then Pnemonia. I took the first course of antibiotics and when they were gone I felt better for about 2 days before the pnemonia set back in. This time it was almost 2 months of antibiotics before I got some relief. This is when things really went down hill. The fatigue and weakness started along w/shoulder pain and tingleing in my left arm and hand accompanied w/ a burning sensation in my mid back. When the routine bloodwork came back pretty much normal, being that I am 33 years old 90 lb woman, it was assumed I was trying to get pain meds and I was labeled an addict and taken of my meds. Roughly 3 weeks later I went to an ER were I was told I had wasting syndrome but the dr. I saw actually seemed to care that I was wasting away and ran some not so routine bloodwork. He wanted to admit me and do further testing but due to my insurance was unable to and I felt like I was sent home to die! That was on a Tuesday, that following Thursday evening a police officer showed up at our door to inform me I was to return back to the hos. they had found something on my bloodwork. In a panic we rushed back to the hospital to find out I had a gram-negative bacterial blood infection. I was hospitalized for a week but while I was there I told them about this nasty phlem I had been coughing up. They cultured a sputum sample and found mixed bacteria and candida dublinisis. I was put on flucanazole for 7 days. After the IV antibiotics and the anyifungal treatment I had about a two week period of feeling somewhat normal. It wasn't to last tho. I started having joint and muscle pain along w/ fatigue an weakness and now on top of it my ear, mouth, and jaw hurt. I did another round of flucanazole this time a 14 day treatment. I haven't responed to antifungals at all. I am still coughing up dark green or black mucus. I still have all of the other symptoms but now I feel like my brain is effected and my blood pressure, the diastolic esp, is high! I feel all around unwell and don't get out of my bed much because any type of activity causes me to sweat horribly and I also am having balance and vision troubles along w/ tremors. I have an appt. at Mayo in MN July 25th 2012. I hope I make it that long! My quality of life is non-existant and I don't feel like I have had the oppertunity to enjoy the child that I struggled so hard to get here! This has been a nightmare, and for the person who said this mother is trying to "up one" on the doctors, if you have never expierienced something like this you should really keep your comments to yourself! This mother has watched her child SUFFER, would you sit back and do nothing?