
Posted by ladawki143 @ladawki143, Jul 7, 2011

Anyone else with achalasia from Mayo? I'm heading up to Rochester soon for surgery.

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I am 46 and I was diagnosed with acalasia of the esophagus in 1992 (at age 22) and underwent an esophageal myotomy and Nissan fundal plication. I have seen some of the best doctors (I have been told) at northwestern in Chicago, mayo in Rochester and most recently in the twin cities. I continue to have reflux and wake up every night with pain. Strangely- the only thing that helps is eating. Most acid blockers have not helped. I have been on omeprazole with mixed results. I also am often extremely bloated by the end of the day- or wake up bloated when I have "chest" or esophagus pain at night. I may have mild gastroparesis but have no stomach pain. I am very, very concerned about the damage the reflux is doing to my esophagus. I have started going through the usual battery of tests again and have my final two in sept. before I meet with my doctor again. Anyone else experience anything like this? Thank you!

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I also read on the internet that apple cider vinegar is very good as well but can have a few side effects eventually. Unfortunately, you do have to be consistent and follow a good diet as well. You know nothing spicey. Its a tough diet to follow. Good Luck


Thanks Elsie. I have tried apple cider vinegar which I think is the same idea but not consistently. I think I will try a nutritionist to get tested for food sensitivities. I've also tried this in the past without success but need to keep trying different things...


I am 46 and I was diagnosed with acalasia of the esophagus in 1992 (at age 22) and underwent an esophageal myotomy and Nissan fundal plication. I have seen some of the best doctors (I have been told) at northwestern in Chicago, mayo in Rochester and most recently in the twin cities. I continue to have reflux and wake up every night with pain. Strangely- the only thing that helps is eating. Most acid blockers have not helped. I have been on omeprazole with mixed results. I also am often extremely bloated by the end of the day- or wake up bloated when I have "chest" or esophagus pain at night. I may have mild gastroparesis but have no stomach pain. I am very, very concerned about the damage the reflux is doing to my esophagus. I have started going through the usual battery of tests again and have my final two in sept. before I meet with my doctor again. Anyone else experience anything like this? Thank you!

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Hi Margo42. I also was diagnose with alcalasia last year. I don' have any pain, just a lot of acid reflux. I am on protonic 40 mg twice a day. I also have esophageal spasm, my doctor put me on alodompine 20mg once a day. I cough a lot and cough up a lot of white clear mucus especially at night. It is like I wake up choking. Do anyone have these same system? I am sorry Margo42 you are having so much pain. Playfully you will be able to find a doctor that can help with your pain.<br><br>


Welcome Margo; I too have reflux, Barrett's Esophogus and nodules at the junction of my stomach. I take 40 MG of Nexium 24 2 times a day plus D3 but I still have to watch my diet. I have been to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester 5 times (just returning from my 5 visit). As I have been told re food, don't eat it if it effects me. Everyone has certain food items that bother's them. My Barrett's has gone from High Grade dysplasia to no dysplasia and this last time I just had a small island of Barrett's that instead of getting a RFA,the Dr.cut it out. Good luck with your tests!

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Chocolate and food with garlic


Welcome Margo; I too have reflux, Barrett's Esophogus and nodules at the junction of my stomach. I take 40 MG of Nexium 24 2 times a day plus D3 but I still have to watch my diet. I have been to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester 5 times (just returning from my 5 visit). As I have been told re food, don't eat it if it effects me. Everyone has certain food items that bother's them. My Barrett's has gone from High Grade dysplasia to no dysplasia and this last time I just had a small island of Barrett's that instead of getting a RFA,the Dr.cut it out. Good luck with your tests!

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Thanks for answering my shout out to you Dandl48 and answering Margo. What types of foods affect you?


Welcome to Connect @margo42.
There are several members talking about reflux and gastroparesis in a variety of discussions throughout Connect. @rsinger22 @ladysky @dandl48 @robbinr @danielad @rexanna @rexanna @pinkmk will you join me in welcoming Margo and adding your thoughts and experiences?

Margo, you may wish to read/take part in these discussions:
- I have acid reflux so bad it is coming up into my sinuses
- I am a relatively healthy person with a problem "bloated belly"
- Barrett's esophagus, gastroesophageal reflux disease and acute gastritis

I can imagine you're concerned about the damage risk reflux poses to your esophagus. What final tests do you have in September?

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Thanks Colleen. I am having an upper endoscopy and bravo ph monitoring test in September.


I am 46 and I was diagnosed with acalasia of the esophagus in 1992 (at age 22) and underwent an esophageal myotomy and Nissan fundal plication. I have seen some of the best doctors (I have been told) at northwestern in Chicago, mayo in Rochester and most recently in the twin cities. I continue to have reflux and wake up every night with pain. Strangely- the only thing that helps is eating. Most acid blockers have not helped. I have been on omeprazole with mixed results. I also am often extremely bloated by the end of the day- or wake up bloated when I have "chest" or esophagus pain at night. I may have mild gastroparesis but have no stomach pain. I am very, very concerned about the damage the reflux is doing to my esophagus. I have started going through the usual battery of tests again and have my final two in sept. before I meet with my doctor again. Anyone else experience anything like this? Thank you!

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Welcome Margo; I too have reflux, Barrett's Esophogus and nodules at the junction of my stomach. I take 40 MG of Nexium 24 2 times a day plus D3 but I still have to watch my diet. I have been to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester 5 times (just returning from my 5 visit). As I have been told re food, don't eat it if it effects me. Everyone has certain food items that bother's them. My Barrett's has gone from High Grade dysplasia to no dysplasia and this last time I just had a small island of Barrett's that instead of getting a RFA,the Dr.cut it out. Good luck with your tests!


I am 46 and I was diagnosed with acalasia of the esophagus in 1992 (at age 22) and underwent an esophageal myotomy and Nissan fundal plication. I have seen some of the best doctors (I have been told) at northwestern in Chicago, mayo in Rochester and most recently in the twin cities. I continue to have reflux and wake up every night with pain. Strangely- the only thing that helps is eating. Most acid blockers have not helped. I have been on omeprazole with mixed results. I also am often extremely bloated by the end of the day- or wake up bloated when I have "chest" or esophagus pain at night. I may have mild gastroparesis but have no stomach pain. I am very, very concerned about the damage the reflux is doing to my esophagus. I have started going through the usual battery of tests again and have my final two in sept. before I meet with my doctor again. Anyone else experience anything like this? Thank you!

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Welcome to Connect @margo42.
There are several members talking about reflux and gastroparesis in a variety of discussions throughout Connect. @rsinger22 @ladysky @dandl48 @robbinr @danielad @rexanna @rexanna @pinkmk will you join me in welcoming Margo and adding your thoughts and experiences?

Margo, you may wish to read/take part in these discussions:
- I have acid reflux so bad it is coming up into my sinuses
- I am a relatively healthy person with a problem "bloated belly"
- Barrett's esophagus, gastroesophageal reflux disease and acute gastritis

I can imagine you're concerned about the damage risk reflux poses to your esophagus. What final tests do you have in September?


I am 46 and I was diagnosed with acalasia of the esophagus in 1992 (at age 22) and underwent an esophageal myotomy and Nissan fundal plication. I have seen some of the best doctors (I have been told) at northwestern in Chicago, mayo in Rochester and most recently in the twin cities. I continue to have reflux and wake up every night with pain. Strangely- the only thing that helps is eating. Most acid blockers have not helped. I have been on omeprazole with mixed results. I also am often extremely bloated by the end of the day- or wake up bloated when I have "chest" or esophagus pain at night. I may have mild gastroparesis but have no stomach pain. I am very, very concerned about the damage the reflux is doing to my esophagus. I have started going through the usual battery of tests again and have my final two in sept. before I meet with my doctor again. Anyone else experience anything like this? Thank you!

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Elsie, Glad to hear your reflux has improved. One suggestion though is that if you haven't had a recent endoscopy is to have one. The reason being is that Barrett's esophagus, and Dysplasia which develops in Barretts from having reflux is painless and can continue to get worse while you no longer have reflux, developing into cancer without even having any symptoms. I know of a 35 year old man here in town who had reflux for a few years and then it stopped with a change of his lifestyle and is now battling for his life with stage 4 cancer in his esophagus which has now spread to his liver.


Hi, I'm over 86 and am told no surgery. Eating was always an enjoyable time ... no longer. I can get food into stomach by turning head extreme left to swallow food or liquid. Sounds easy enough. But I have to chew on left, move food to center, get ready to swallow, turn head near shoulder LEFT and turn right back to close the sphinter muscle. Over and over again. Doc suggested I eat alone, not with hubby, no tv, no distractions .... even then my mind wanders ..... but it must not. Who wants to eat like that? Hubby is into 9th year of Alzheimer's and I'm his caretaker. So .... I try.

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My age is the reason.  I'm over 86.<br><br><br><br>

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