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I was diagnosed in May with splenic marginal zone lymphoma. For the past 6 years I have been dealing with Itp. Now it turns out that it was smzl.I had my spleen removed in July. Now I am waiting until April to have another bone marrow biopsie to see if the lymphoma in my marrow go down. Does anyone have any advice?

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Glad to hear you are recovering. I am also on watch and wait. Going in for a bone marrow biopsy next week. Not sure if that will change my ‘treatment’ of waiting. Enjoy the day. Renee

Thanks for the good wishes. I am going to be sedated for the procedure. I so prefer the drugs over being anxious. I am happy to be in the waiting zone and am working on my mindset as I transition into a new normal, new language and new knowledge. I am in the learning curve zone.

I appreciate you and this site. Enjoy the day. R

Hi, I am 68 years old and was diagnosed with SMZL in November of 2019. I have been watching and waiting since then. I feel okay and my labs are not too abnormal but my spleen has steadily increased in size. I am more than willing to ignore it but my oncologist is increasingly urging Rituxan because of the spleen size, although he admits it is a judgment call. Anyone with SMZL gone through this decision making process? I realize I am fortunate to have options, but I am very reluctant to leave the watch and wait period until absolutely mandatory. I'd like to consult an oncologist who focuses on SMZL but as rare it is, I'd be happy to find an oncologist who focuses on any marginal zone lymphoma. Any other SMZL patients found particular studies of interest to SMZL? Contrary to conventional wisdom, my blood work has improved since I put aside my vegetarian diet and began adding meat, poultry and eggs to my diet. I try to use this diagnosis as a reminder to appreciate and enjoy what abilities I do have each day. Thanks to those who share.


It’s been around 7 months since my diagnosis and for me the biggest challenge of watch and wait for me is the mental game. I try to walk a lot and stay active. I am meeting with doctors at Mayo at the end of April since they work across and with other medical fields of study. I find this site useful too so welcome.

I will be going to hematology and endocrinology. Thanks for all your advice.

Hello, I've not written in a long while. Lots happening in my personal life.
I was diagnosed with SMZL in Oct 2021. My spleen was 3 times the normal size, I had terrible night sweats and my H&H was 9.9 and 32. Bone Marrow biopsy revealed cancer cells were present there as well.
I had 8 infusions of Rituximab over the course of 10 weeks. My labs were nearly all within normal limits on December 20th and again on 1/21 as well as my spleen was nearly normal. I did have another BM biopsy in late January which revealed the T-20 cancer cells were gone, but there were some T-19 cells that were present, non cancerous at this point.
I did have a 2nd opinion with Dr Javier Munoz at Mayo on 12/7 and he thought the current course of treatment was correct with Dr. Salganick at Ironwood Cancer center.
My next appointment is 6/28. However I did see Dr. Salganick on April 19th regarding the return of some light night sweats. He stated he did not want to go to the next level of treatment if I could live with night sweats on and off. I agreed with this. Waiting to see what my labs reveal in June.
As for my personal life; my husband of 19 years and I have Legally Separated, sold our home and he has moved to Florida and I am now in a new house in Peoria. I am trying to continue healthy eating, exercising and a Zen attitude. It is strange and makes my head spin when I consider all the changes in my life since the diagnosis in October. However I do feel that I can focus on my wellness in my new environment.