Oct 11 we held our second Mentor & Moderator Teleconference
Topics discussed
1. Introductions Round Robin - 10 minutes
Tell us your name and primary group, and then answer these 2 questions in 30 seconds or less.
- What aspect of your personality or skill set do you feel adds the most value to Mayo Clinic Connect?
- What is your favorite past time or activity that helps you re-energize and reconnect with you? (feel free to upload pictures to show us 🙂
2. Creating the Kitchen Table Talk - 10 minutes
How to successfully move conversations from one-on-one to include everyone at the table.
Open discussion about what's working well in your groups and what you'd like to see improve. Let's focus on the social interactions for this discussion and the technology as secondary.
3. Working Better Together - 10 minutes
Shifting roles and responsibilities of the Moderators. What does this mean to Mentors?
What resource, tool or support would like to have to help you in your role as a Mentor?
4. New stuff and ideas: Show and tell - 10 minutes
What's new on Connect? What's coming?
Member Spotlight - a new feature, looking for writers
5. Final Thoughts - 10 minutes
Open discussion
Any of the topics above could take the full hour to discuss. I encourage you to start the conversation here to help us focus our discussion during the teleconference. As always, these are ongoing discussions. I welcome your thoughts.
@rosemarya, I think I will try to evaluate the hits and misses of the discussions mentors and moderators initiate. What ingredients contribute to success vs. lack of response. I suspect it is not the chosen topic in most cases. It is likely a combination of circumstances, not all of which are in our control. However, the more that we can understand what makes successes work, they more likely we are to making more successes. I'll get started on this as part of the next phase of strategic planning and bring it back to the moderators and mentor group for feedback. It'll be an interesting project.
The 3 categories you outlined describes the behaviors or "engagement" ladder in all the groups. We are increasing the number of Seeker/Supporters, i.e., return members. Six months ago they only constituted 7.5% of Connect members. Now more than 11% return. I hope to continue to increase this percentage. The target for next quarter (Oct-Dec) is 15%. Fifteen percent is ambitious since most online communities consider 10% to be a success. I'm confident we can do better than 10% and sustain it.
That is a fabulous idea to evaluate the hits and misses, @colleenyoung. That would be so helpful for us to know.
I also think I feel a journal submission coming on! 🙂
How do you know this stuff, @predictable? That's impressive!
@lisalucier and @predictable
Yes, I'm always impressed with Martin's knowledge base!
I'm a birdwatcher of sorts. Got started with a Birdwatching merit badge in Boy Scouts. Birds are one of the most important indicators of the status of animals on Earth, especially those that are not so much predatory on other animals of significance to life in Nature.
This is me: LOL...
I’m Kelly DuBois, and I have a ton of groups, but I'd say that most of my work is done in GI and I work to try identify drug issues and suggest pharmacogenomics testing.
What aspect of your personality or skill set do you feel adds the most value to Mayo Clinic Connect?
Having been through so much with so many medical specialties, I can show proof that self-advocacy and medical recovery are truly possible.
My favorite pastime is being a volunteer mentor for my daughter's robotics team (Greater Rochester Robotics FIRST Robotics Competition Team 340). Awesome program for kids in grades 9-12 to be in. Nothing but amazing for everyone involved!
My apologies but I will not be able participate in today’s teleconference. I am with a patient who is actively dying.
Terribly sorry to hear that, @dawn_giacabazi. Sounds like you are in the right place to be present with that patient now.
@dawn_giacabazi, You are where you should be right now. You patient is fortunate to have you there. Rosemary