Teeth, own or false, dentist costs, extractions etc.

Posted by JVS @lacy2, Mar 20, 2021

Just wondered if enough folk interested. As a 77 year old had molar extracted last December and one 2 days ago. As I have no family doctor (shortage) and a list of physical illnesses and mental past and present and some medication reactions, I have been checking Internet. I used to check Web.md and almost relied on it but twice found incorrect advice....well one was definitely incorrect the other says gum should be healing in 2 weeks and I was quite worried as mine took so long last time, but other sites and dental pages say 6 weeks to fully heal etc. etc. Ask the dentist? Well with Covid and plastic covering each room and busy busy, its 'IN AND OUT' as quickly as possible. So glad I discovered mayor connect a months or so ago.... so helpful especially hearing from those who understand our illnesses or have them or have conquered them; I still feel people think "I am putting it on." J. Ontario

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@lacy2, @loribmt, @artscaping Ok, June!!!!! Here you go......No sage advice from me, just facts and personal growth learned from the many yucky experiences that just keep on coming! So, what to do? You think it through with calm, clarity, prayer, thought and determination to control the next steps taken. Whatever they are. That's how we stop the emotional decisions, or the poor me feelings, or the I can't do this thinkng or whatever the negatives are that grab us by the throat and keep up tied up in knots for years! Keep us from being the best we can be! Keep us from being happy!!!!

You know, I'm constantly amazed I am happy!!!! Not much reason to be, actually, if I dwell on it or think about it. But, I trust my Lord is in charge of my life. I've given it back to Him, and do it over and over, because I keep thinking I can solve problems I really can't. I can think it through with His help and arrive at positve, yes, positive decisions.

Otherwise. I have no way of winning this battle of life or thinking clearly or solving problems or making decisions. I can't do it all by myself.

Lacy, I have no husband. No siblings in my life or other family. I have a lovely, wonderful, brilliant, totally disabled son, a lawyer, who's lived a very difficlut 20 years of life of constant pain and loss......my fiance died in car accident a few years ago, cared 12 years for altzheimer mother, watched her die.....have dealt with gobs of pain and illness myself and I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY IT ALL!!! WILL NOT!

So, we figure out how we can be in control of these things, take control and beat it all

For crying out loud, it's hard work, takes forever it seems, but once I truly let go of the negative junk and determined to step by step be positive, one thought at a time.......AMAZING!

There really are good things around me. Amazing. Good people who are all around. No, not available to listen to me and my sadness, but happy to see me with a smile. EVEN if the smile has to be created for them......then, it's truly special 'cause it is just for them! And, do that enough, think one positive thought, do one positive thing, take one positive or step toward doing what needs to be done.....it is a wonderful feeling and life takes on a brand new meaning, a brand new color!

I realized I don't have many days left on this earth, and the saying I've heard and never took seriously.....you don't get a do-over in life....took on new meaning as my body worsened.....So, I had a number of very serious chats with myself about my reality....REALITY of my life. It belongs to me and I do have control over my decisions, with God's help those are good decisions leading to good days. One breath at a time......

Blessings to you, my friend. One positive blessing, one step in life to make it better.....elizabeth


@lacy2, @loribmt, @artscaping Ok, June!!!!! Here you go......No sage advice from me, just facts and personal growth learned from the many yucky experiences that just keep on coming! So, what to do? You think it through with calm, clarity, prayer, thought and determination to control the next steps taken. Whatever they are. That's how we stop the emotional decisions, or the poor me feelings, or the I can't do this thinkng or whatever the negatives are that grab us by the throat and keep up tied up in knots for years! Keep us from being the best we can be! Keep us from being happy!!!!

You know, I'm constantly amazed I am happy!!!! Not much reason to be, actually, if I dwell on it or think about it. But, I trust my Lord is in charge of my life. I've given it back to Him, and do it over and over, because I keep thinking I can solve problems I really can't. I can think it through with His help and arrive at positve, yes, positive decisions.

Otherwise. I have no way of winning this battle of life or thinking clearly or solving problems or making decisions. I can't do it all by myself.

Lacy, I have no husband. No siblings in my life or other family. I have a lovely, wonderful, brilliant, totally disabled son, a lawyer, who's lived a very difficlut 20 years of life of constant pain and loss......my fiance died in car accident a few years ago, cared 12 years for altzheimer mother, watched her die.....have dealt with gobs of pain and illness myself and I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY IT ALL!!! WILL NOT!

So, we figure out how we can be in control of these things, take control and beat it all

For crying out loud, it's hard work, takes forever it seems, but once I truly let go of the negative junk and determined to step by step be positive, one thought at a time.......AMAZING!

There really are good things around me. Amazing. Good people who are all around. No, not available to listen to me and my sadness, but happy to see me with a smile. EVEN if the smile has to be created for them......then, it's truly special 'cause it is just for them! And, do that enough, think one positive thought, do one positive thing, take one positive or step toward doing what needs to be done.....it is a wonderful feeling and life takes on a brand new meaning, a brand new color!

I realized I don't have many days left on this earth, and the saying I've heard and never took seriously.....you don't get a do-over in life....took on new meaning as my body worsened.....So, I had a number of very serious chats with myself about my reality....REALITY of my life. It belongs to me and I do have control over my decisions, with God's help those are good decisions leading to good days. One breath at a time......

Blessings to you, my friend. One positive blessing, one step in life to make it better.....elizabeth

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HI Elizabeth; thank you for sharing how you have gotten through what sounds like an abundance of pain, suffering, caring for others, and how you did it.... I admire you. For some reason I approach things much differently.... and I do not have the courage you had or have. It is painful walking in my shoes and making the decisions I do but it is the way I am now, and although I do believe in a 'Creator' I do not share the same sense of purpose you have, wish I did, and I just am in awe of people like you who can cope, accept and overcome. J.


@lacy2, @loribmt, @artscaping Ok, June!!!!! Here you go......No sage advice from me, just facts and personal growth learned from the many yucky experiences that just keep on coming! So, what to do? You think it through with calm, clarity, prayer, thought and determination to control the next steps taken. Whatever they are. That's how we stop the emotional decisions, or the poor me feelings, or the I can't do this thinkng or whatever the negatives are that grab us by the throat and keep up tied up in knots for years! Keep us from being the best we can be! Keep us from being happy!!!!

You know, I'm constantly amazed I am happy!!!! Not much reason to be, actually, if I dwell on it or think about it. But, I trust my Lord is in charge of my life. I've given it back to Him, and do it over and over, because I keep thinking I can solve problems I really can't. I can think it through with His help and arrive at positve, yes, positive decisions.

Otherwise. I have no way of winning this battle of life or thinking clearly or solving problems or making decisions. I can't do it all by myself.

Lacy, I have no husband. No siblings in my life or other family. I have a lovely, wonderful, brilliant, totally disabled son, a lawyer, who's lived a very difficlut 20 years of life of constant pain and loss......my fiance died in car accident a few years ago, cared 12 years for altzheimer mother, watched her die.....have dealt with gobs of pain and illness myself and I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY IT ALL!!! WILL NOT!

So, we figure out how we can be in control of these things, take control and beat it all

For crying out loud, it's hard work, takes forever it seems, but once I truly let go of the negative junk and determined to step by step be positive, one thought at a time.......AMAZING!

There really are good things around me. Amazing. Good people who are all around. No, not available to listen to me and my sadness, but happy to see me with a smile. EVEN if the smile has to be created for them......then, it's truly special 'cause it is just for them! And, do that enough, think one positive thought, do one positive thing, take one positive or step toward doing what needs to be done.....it is a wonderful feeling and life takes on a brand new meaning, a brand new color!

I realized I don't have many days left on this earth, and the saying I've heard and never took seriously.....you don't get a do-over in life....took on new meaning as my body worsened.....So, I had a number of very serious chats with myself about my reality....REALITY of my life. It belongs to me and I do have control over my decisions, with God's help those are good decisions leading to good days. One breath at a time......

Blessings to you, my friend. One positive blessing, one step in life to make it better.....elizabeth

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@lacy2, @artscaping, @lorimt Lacy, forgot to mention one of the most improtant things in my life that you've already done!!!!!
Mayo Connect!!!!!!
This is a marvelous group of folks who have and are actually saving lives.....I am one! I began working with Mayo docs several years ago, after virtually hitting bottom as far as my health care is concerned. I needed serious help and couldn't find it in community health any longer. I was sobbing, in tears and had only one place I thought might be able to help me....Mayo Clinic. So, I called and made an appt.

That led me to genuine help in every area of my health. And, now my son is getting this same kind of real, caring, knowledgeable help. AND, Lacy, I was told about Connect, that I might find some folks that understand.....

Well, look at this. What a gift from above for me and others through the years who were or felt alone in their journey to better health and life. I'm getting healthier, Lacy. Good diagnoses, not necessarily good diseases but accurate diagnoses and treatment and caring, genuine help. I thank each and every person on Connect for guiding me to a more postive, healthy life. I'm not alone anymore.

I am not alone.

Just to let you know, these are good folks who are experiencing many things and emotions you and I feel. So, we're not alone. Many of them actually have real knowledge from experienceing and one day, you may well be one of them helping so many be the best possible.
blessings, again and again. elizabeth


@lioness You’re welcome! I’m glad it’s healed over for you. You’ll still have some bone remodeling going on for a while as it takes time to fill in to that area. Are you having a partial made to replace the lost teeth?

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@loribmt It's seems like it's healing nicely and yes I'm getting a partial not only for those 2but I need a whole partial for my molars also Going on on the 23rd for impression I'm now being plagued with mouth ulcers am looking into what can help


@loribmt It's seems like it's healing nicely and yes I'm getting a partial not only for those 2but I need a whole partial for my molars also Going on on the 23rd for impression I'm now being plagued with mouth ulcers am looking into what can help

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@lioness. Ugh, mouth sores are so painful. Are these canker sores? Besides warm saltwater rinses or sucking on iced chips, there are a couple of over the counter rinses that can help. Orajel and Gly-oxide. Unfortunately if they’re aphthous ulcers, which are recurrent canker sores, they’re viral and not much can be done. They’re self limiting but miserable until they disappear.


@lioness. Ugh, mouth sores are so painful. Are these canker sores? Besides warm saltwater rinses or sucking on iced chips, there are a couple of over the counter rinses that can help. Orajel and Gly-oxide. Unfortunately if they’re aphthous ulcers, which are recurrent canker sores, they’re viral and not much can be done. They’re self limiting but miserable until they disappear.

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@loribmt Thanks for this information The one on my lip is recurring but I've never seen the ones in my mouth I'm going to talk to the Pharmacist tomorrow and ask about Gly-oxide or oragel Is it in a rinse?I've had the gel but forgot about it I,ll look into it thanks.I do have OralB debriding rinse but hurts I also have drymouth ug


Oh no @lioness... hope the obtaining impression for partial doesn't touch the canker sores.... I really am not sure but looking up mouthwash for my tooth extraction they say half tsp. salt in cup water; but I noticed someone said half tsp. salt and half tsp. baking soda in water, am wondering if adding baking soda to the salt water, or even just baking soda in wastr would help your mouth, and mine....???? I think it neutralizes acid... best of luck on 23rd! J.


Ah thanks for your support. And, no, I wouldn't want to be a dentist, lol. An assistant? maybe. I think possibly as I had a very gentle female dentist (not sexist) for many years, over 15, and maybe small hands ? Her assistants were like you, goooood. But here and maybe its cos of Covid and they have masks and its hot in there with thick plastic curtains etc...but the male dentists seem to go at it like they are carpenters .. there is a bit of compassion missing although very nice and I always thank them; . the assistant has quite often given me a mini shower, and when spouse there same thing and the assistant sprayed the dentist's plastic shield he wore at beginning of Covid but i think she told him they cant use the regular tools?
Guess its kind of funny, but honestly that acid on my tongue burned like it was making holes in my tongue, but I do have dry mouth and tender inside my whole mouth, even sometimes catsup sort of stings.. the headphones sound a good idea, maybe they are not using them through Covid. It wont stop me going to dentist but I might change offices.. . as we get or I get older, seem to be more sensitive to it all.
Thanks and have a good day. ps They gave me 2 Advils for pain which helped. 🦷

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@lacy2 @lioness You’ve both mentioned dry mouths. I’m so sorry if I’ve missed this somewhere in the discussions, but have you mentioned the dry mouth to your physician? Is this caused by medications you’re on?

There are several products on the market which can help relieve the symptoms. Oracoat Xylimelts really work well. They’re little disks that adhere to your teeth or cheek and time-release Xylitol, which is a natural sugar substitute that gets the saliva flowing and promotes healing. During my chemo treatments, Spry mouth rinse, which also contains Xylitol but NO alcohol, helped sooth my incredibly sore mouth. Other products such Biotene or Act Dry Mouth rinses help with keeping moisture in your oral tissue.
If those fail to help, there are several prescription drugs which help with saliva production.

And to answer the question of putting baking soda in salt water mouth rinse...yes, you can do that. There are also rinses with Hydrogen peroxide, such as Peroxyl, however you don’t want to use that for more than a couple of days as it changes the normal flora of your mouth. Adding honey is also soothing. Just don’t swallow any of these and always follow with just a plain water rinse.

8 ounces of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. If your mouth is tender and the salt water rinse is stinging, you can use ½ tsp of salt instead of a full teaspoon for the first day or two. Use this several times a day. If you want to make it up ahead of time to use all week, then bring the water to a boil first. Store in the refrigerator and warm the solution to room temperature or add some warm water just to make it more comfortable to use.

I hope these Ideas help!


Oh no @lioness... hope the obtaining impression for partial doesn't touch the canker sores.... I really am not sure but looking up mouthwash for my tooth extraction they say half tsp. salt in cup water; but I noticed someone said half tsp. salt and half tsp. baking soda in water, am wondering if adding baking soda to the salt water, or even just baking soda in wastr would help your mouth, and mine....???? I think it neutralizes acid... best of luck on 23rd! J.

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@lacy2 I have been using salt water and b.soda water I alternate them .I use a rinse called Oral B it hurts but then feels better it debrides only once or twice.Im going with what @loribmt recommends ,going to pharmacy today
When I see Dentist talking with him .Thanks hope to get answers on 23


@lacy2 @lioness You’ve both mentioned dry mouths. I’m so sorry if I’ve missed this somewhere in the discussions, but have you mentioned the dry mouth to your physician? Is this caused by medications you’re on?

There are several products on the market which can help relieve the symptoms. Oracoat Xylimelts really work well. They’re little disks that adhere to your teeth or cheek and time-release Xylitol, which is a natural sugar substitute that gets the saliva flowing and promotes healing. During my chemo treatments, Spry mouth rinse, which also contains Xylitol but NO alcohol, helped sooth my incredibly sore mouth. Other products such Biotene or Act Dry Mouth rinses help with keeping moisture in your oral tissue.
If those fail to help, there are several prescription drugs which help with saliva production.

And to answer the question of putting baking soda in salt water mouth rinse...yes, you can do that. There are also rinses with Hydrogen peroxide, such as Peroxyl, however you don’t want to use that for more than a couple of days as it changes the normal flora of your mouth. Adding honey is also soothing. Just don’t swallow any of these and always follow with just a plain water rinse.

8 ounces of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. If your mouth is tender and the salt water rinse is stinging, you can use ½ tsp of salt instead of a full teaspoon for the first day or two. Use this several times a day. If you want to make it up ahead of time to use all week, then bring the water to a boil first. Store in the refrigerator and warm the solution to room temperature or add some warm water just to make it more comfortable to use.

I hope these Ideas help!

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@loribmt Dr prescribed Act mouthwash for my dry mouth and the lozengers. I have fibromyalgia and other problems she thinks it's from I'm not on many meds about 6 .I will look for the gly- oxide to see if this will help I use bottled spring water and put the salt,b.s.in it have used honey also. These are n
More painful then my fractures I have

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