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thank you dutchw kudos to you for not accepting that, I have to go for a pet scan Monday and a mri Thursday, to see if the cancer has spread from lungs, said biopsy showed in one lymph node. then they will advise me of treatment so I am hoping that chemo is not one of them, everyone I know that has been on it says it is horrible. I will never give up and you also keep well and never give up, praying for you to always be well. my cancer is T4N2 non small cell lung cancer squamous cell.

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Good for you Lola, positive attitude, attitude, attitude. 15 years ago my wife was diagnosed with non-Hoskins lymphoma cancer and put on chemo. Her attitude was amazing, always had a smile and her philosophy was “so what, I got this”.. For her, chemo was a walk in the park, one morning she thought she might be sick but wasn’t sure. We shaved her head because she didn’t want it falling out in clumps. She was disappointed because she had several cute caps she wanted to wear, instead her hair grew back nice and wavy. Her cancer came back 7 years ago under her left eye, went back on chemo, same reaction and is still in remission. She instilled the same attitude in me, will not let me give up even though my chemo experience was the exact opposite as hers. Do you have the results of your CT and MRI yet?