The effect of lowering head below heart on eye pressure

Posted by Don Higgins, Volunteer Mentor @dsh33782, Jan 23, 2021

What is the effect of lowing head below heart on eye pressure for glaucoma patients? And is it a serious long term risk to do daily toe touch exercises? One report indicates it can raise eye pressure up to 3 times normai pressure.

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Hi Don @dsh33782, Interesting question. I don't have glaucoma but I just had cataract surgery on both of my eyes a few months ago with 30 days between each surgery. One of the instructions my eye surgeon gave me after each surgery was to not bend my head below my shoulders because it could increase the pressure in the eye and hurt the healing and more. I did find an article that discusses the topic on John Hopkins site.

"Get off the couch! Exercises which you should avoid are anything in which you are upside down or your head is below your heart during the exercise. For example, head stands or down-facing dog pose in Yoga cause your eye pressure to be twice or three times higher than normal."
How should I change my life? - Johns Hopkins Medicine:


John, thanks for posting article from John Hopkins website. Nice to confirm recommendations.


@dsh33782 You are wondering "the effect of lowing head below heart on eye pressure for glaucoma patients?"

Members like @ew100 @lioness @rosemarya @azpowells have experience discussing and may be able to offer information and/or support.

I'm wondering if there is an alternative stretch you can utilize that will not require that you lower your head as much.

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