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Avoiding weight gain when you are on prednisolone

Healthy Living | Last Active: Mar 4, 2021 | Replies (13)

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JK @contentandwell, That might be a good question to post in the – Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why? discussion: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/low-carb-healthy-fat-living-intermittent-fasting-whats-your-why/

When I first started fasting there were times when I was hungry (heck, truth be known, I've always been hungry!). Now that I've been doing 20/4 sprinkled with 18/6 fasting I never feel hungry and most of the time feel satiated after my meals. It's been known to reverse type 2 diabetes and some people no longer need to take insulin after reversing the diabetes. You should join the discussion, lots of good reference information and sharing.

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Replies to "JK @contentandwell, That might be a good question to post in the – Low-carb healthy fat..."

Hi John, I don't intentionally want to ask stupid questions, however, you often use 20/4 and 18/6. Just to be clear, the first number indicates the number of hours you are fasting and the second number indicates the number of hours that you eat. Is this correct?