Kratom warning
I want to post a first hand experience with taking Kratom. I was addicted to pain pills for 18 years, eventually I read that Kratom was the answer to my withdrawals. What a joke??. It did lift my withdrawals alright, and now I am addicted to Kratom for more than a year. The thing is when I started taking it I was 235lbs, and now I am 128lbs I am close to Anorexia . I am living a night mare a vortex that I am no longer able to get of. Please learn from me, do not take Kratom
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Thanks for your thoughts. My husband and I lived for three years in 55+ housing with community activitiies etc. My husband enjoyed the social clubs especially playing pool. Socially, I found it very dull. Mostly conversation regarding the latest knee transplant apt. When we realized our daughters hardship, we wanted something sustainable for all of us. The biggest loss is my husband billards. My daughter is a willing worker and found a teaching position online which with the child support is keeping her afloat. She gets 1700 child support and earns about 1000. Her LA, Ca. one bedroom with free cockroaches was 1700 a month. We charge her 500 plus utl. This is a good situation for all of us. But our very different life styles is a challenge. We love each other and take care of each other....
You are right about only changing ourselves and being ourselves. As they drive off to pick up McDonalds dinner, I am doing yoga and drinking juices and taking vitamins. Different, but with respect. She needs to see that she is worth the work on herself and I need to back off. I get that. I recognize addiction to self destruction though the psychiatry people would probably call it something else.
@healthytoday Your phrase, "Different, but with respect." is a good thought. As you said, she needs to see what is best for herself. It may come sooner or it may come later, but that is her decision to make. As you already know, no one can make that decision for her.
Wishing you well as you work through these feelings. I do appreciate the help you are giving your daughter. While I didn't live with my parents after my divorce, they did give me a lot of support during a time when I certainly need it and I appreciated it.
@healthytoday It's so hard to watch someone we love make mistakes that are bad for their health and happiness. 50 pounds is a lot. I lead a healthy lifestyle like you and I think it would break my heart to see my daughter not treating her body kindly. My daughter is young but I am trying to imagine what I would do if I were in your shoes. I am not one for advice but I think that I would consider the source of the weight gain. Why is she doing this to herself?
You already answered that question. She was in an abusive relationship and now she is divorced. She's in a tough spot. She may need help to move on and up.
Do you think she would be open to seeing a therapist? A therapist would give her space to deal with the root cause of the weight gain and likely she would start to feel better and take care of her body. She may also wish to see her primary care provider to see if she would be a candidate for an antidepressant. Likely she would be.
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This is a relevant topic. Due to COVID-19 you are certainly not the only people in your situation.
I haven't done this myself but I know that letters can be more powerful than spoken words. Have you considered writing your daughter a letter, letting her know what a wonderful person she is, that you want what is best for her, and will always be there? You could leave the religion and weight bit out of it because they appear to be trigger topics right now.
Like I said, I'm not one for advice. Forgive me if this isn't helpful.
Could you share alittle more about the process of life after divorce. Why and what type of man is he? What does a woman need to let go of still wishing things had worked for the best.
Please be very careful with Ativan once you leave the hospital, if they give you a prescription. It is NOT a muscle relaxer. It is a anti-anxiety sedative in the drug class of Benzodiazepines, like Klonopin, Xanax and Valium. It is highly addictive. I realize it is used to help with the anxiety of detox and withdrawals, but it is unsafe to continue using. Benzodiazepines, Opiates and Alcohol have withdrawals that can literally kill you.
I am not just spouting this warning. I am a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. Do your research! Please be safe!
Well I got a infection from a tic
Very long story , but had pain in my scrotum area. Needed pain relief stronger than tylenol
Heard about kratom redmaing
Worked for the pain well finally got antibiotics and stopped taking it. Took about 5 grams to 6 for 35 days. When I stopped had bad withdrawals .
For 3 days. Ansomia and could not eat , depressed and hot flashes. Not a good experience.
No one at the shop I got them said anything about withdrawals.
I came across these reviews by chance. I had a bad fall in November and fractured my L1 and L5 vertibrae. I ended up in ER three times in pain. Did my best to take the morphine low dose 2.5 but in the hospital they gave me injections and then 5 mg 3 times a day. I was 9 weeks on the morphine. My pain subsided and I started getting anxiety. so I cut back 10 mg of statex (morphine) and 50 mg of Lyrica because I couldn’t function on that dosage over a 10 day period. I was told by the nurses in the hospital shouldn’t be a problem. Well the withdrawal was awful. I am also on an antidepres that I have been in for years no problems. I stopped the taper and going on 4 weeks and only have 2.5mg at night and 1.25mg in the morning. I am now almost finished with the 1.25 but still have anxiety. Even though my doctor agrees the withdrawal is from the morphine she wants me to leave the 2.5 mg left and now add rexulti to my antidepressant Effexor X-r extended release. She forgot to tell me all the side effects. Like a major interaction with acetaminophen which intake twice a day. Also I have CMML (Leukemia) and another side effect is low white cells. Watch your Body temperature I sweat all the time. It.s a psychotic medication used for schizophrenia normally and can be added to an antidepressant to help with depression. Older seniors like me 77 have to hope I don’t get dementia with psychosis can’t use this medication. Can cause uncontrollable muscle movements. What doctor recommends this medication to a patient with my history. Also gave me many samples because it cost $165cdn for lowest dosage .25mg. Has anyone had any experience with this. I want to put myself in the hospital but afraid of all drugs now.
That sounds scary. Did you talk to your Dr. Or any Doctor regarding the Krotam? Isn't there some way you could get help trying to stop taking it? I'm concerned about you. I know I don't know you but I am a very caring individual and sounds like you could use some help, I will be thinking of you. Please take care.