Not sure if this answers your question at all, but I’ve been taking Crizotinib (Xalkori), also a ‘targeted therapy’ for 3 months with remarkable tumor decrease in my stage 4 lungs. Minimal side effects. Best wishes to you on your new journey.
Sorry just saw this question about diet. No, not really. But eat at fixed times ,simple food . Use anantacid Gelusil and some stretching exercises, walking ,meditation help a lot. How are you?
Only Xalkori
Since I started it in Nov 2018 there are no new mets or tumours
@shaila1902- Good morning and welcome to Connect. What amazing results you have seen. Will you be on osimertinib for life?
@2onlow8- What incredible results. Good for you! Are you having infusions at a hospital or at home?
Xalkori is a once daily capsule.
@2onlow8- Well that's easy! I have what is called Multifocal Adenocarcinoma of the lungs and am not a candidate for targeted therapy as yet. I'm 4 A.
Tagrisso uodate.
Did you changed your diet?
I am currently on Chemo for Lung stage IIIA, The plan is to take TAGRISSO after CHEMO. Good to hear it works on you@shaila1902.
Sorry just saw this question about diet. No, not really. But eat at fixed times ,simple food . Use anantacid Gelusil and some stretching exercises, walking ,meditation help a lot. How are you?