When plans change because of health issues. How do you cope?
As a society, we look forward to our vacations, or trips, or social outlets and activities. What happens when we have to modify or cancel those plans, because of a health concern, or our own illness?
Recently I decided to cancel a planned for and highly anticipated trip, due to concerns over exposure to crowds and the coronavirus. I live in a very small rural town, and even heading to the closest "big city", that is only about 20,000 people. I had made travel plans last August, for this March, that's a sign of how excited I was. But I deal everyday with immune system issues, and just cannot justify to myself the risk involved. So, I will stay home, and work on my creative endeavors alone, and "watch" through social media, rather than be in a room with 50 other people from all over the country. Waiting to hear if my payments made will be refunded in whole, or not.
What have you had to change? How has your mindset been modified in light of your own health issues? How have you handled the request of an employer to do a business trip that might take you far away? If your plans include young children, how do you explain to them, how things might be different? With Spring vacations/trips looming on the near future, what will you do instead?
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Being flexible has become a way of life since I was diagnosed with Ménière’s disease and vestibular migraines. That said some routine and a good support system has been grounding in the midst of change. I am a professor who loves teaching. I thrive on interaction with students and in nourishing their growth. I have had to miss some classes and minimize computer usage as a result of vertigo. It can come on spontaneously or be triggered by movement. I keep hanging in there with gratitude for what I Can do and by mindfulness practice. I am grateful fir what I still have. The Corona virus will pose new challenges, but my friends, now on-line classes, and “adaptability training” from Menieres should help!
The 120 mile law enforcement challenge cup relay foot race, that my husband works as a motorcycle road guard, has just been postponed to the fall. It was scheduled for April 3-5. There were over 200 teams of 20 runners each, plus supporting personnel. Smart move, as many teams are flying in from all over. I am hoping that the close of escrow on his condo, and his retirement, is not adversely affected by this health crisis.
Locally, the St. Patrick's Day dinner, and grange bake sale have each been cancelled, and schools closed for two weeks.
@lioness Regarding TP, true, but hoarding it? That's just crazy and sort of selfish too I think.
@gingerw There's alot canceled here the grand Prix is cancelled schools some till 4-20
Your so right, I was reading on Nextdoor the neighborhood app that a man went to the market he always goes to shop and was going to buy a couple more four packs even though we had bought a 36 pack last week but the price of the four pack went up from $1.49 to $4.99. Why so much I don’t get it.
@jakedduck1 It's a mystery for sure, and the price gouging is simply greedy.
@lioness I am semi self-isolating. It's not hard to do in this little town! But I do need to have a little bit of people interaction. Me talking to the cat all day right now is getting kind of old ;)) Anyways, I probably will take myself out for a meal on Monday or Tuesday, even if it's just to get the car out of the garage! We are expecting more rain and snow tonight, so I don't think tomorrow driving will be in the cards.
@gingere Thank goodness for crafts hu
Hi all,
There is now a new group dedicated to most things related to COVID-19. You will find many different things that are open for discussion, and topics you might find very timely.
Take a few minutes to peruse what others have to say, get some ideas on coping either socially/emotionally/physically with the restrictions we are being placed under. Share your thoughts and experiences. You just never know when your words will help someone alng their way!
@gingerw Since I live in a senior building its 296 apartments there has been a lot of adjustments made to keep us elderly or more mature ladies from getting the covid -19virus here ..First all the office personnel are staying home with there families one is here daily for us. They need to be save. All are activities have been cancelled much to our shingrin but its necessary as we can still leave the building and don't want to bring anything in here The government shut down the U.S.Postal service to our building so can you imaging when this is all over it will be like Christmas time opening all the mail and packages Yippee OUr grocery stores have home delivery and also drug stores for meds. so we just entertain ourselves with art ,crafts,singing ,hobbies and people have learned to put there on thinking caps on to get started . This to shall pass . God bless everybody