Y-90 liver cancer treatment: What's your experience?
I recently was treated with y-90 on a tumor in my liver. I am interested in knowing of others that have had experiences good, or bad, and of long term results. I have had prior resection of the liver to remove a tumor but a new tumor surfaced in a different section. I am hoping the y-90 will prove to be a more permanent solution. Thanks
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Hola este tratamiento sirve para un Hepatocarcinoma de hígado, yo fui operada en junio del 2020 ahora aparecieron 3 hepatocarcinoma más, me pueden ayudar con sus oponiones. Gracias
@digibson, I used Google translate to translate @mrodriguezc's question to you. They ask:
"Hello, this treatment (Y-90) is used for a hepatocarcinoma of the liver. I was operated on in June 2020 and now 3 more hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have appeared. You can help me with your opinions. Thank you"
Digibson, what was your experience with Y-90?
Thank you for the translation Colleen.
I had my three month CT last week and the results shown the one benign carcinoma remains the same and the two that were cancerous were still shrinking. I guess the question is what is causing his liver to spin off these carcinomas. I had hep c and drank more than I should have. Not a whole lot but it didn't help a liver that was being damaged by hep c. My Radiologist told me that curing the hep c and abstaining from alcohol (which I have done) are the best things I can do to keep from getting more. Do you know what the crisis with his liver is?
Best, Diane
No tengo causa del por que me ocurrió esto, mi higado esta sano, cuán costoso es el tratamiento? En dólares o euros para tener referencia, que doctor lo ve y donde?
In answer to your questions, @digibson.
@mrodriguezc writes: "I have no cause why this happened to me. My liver is healthy? Can you share how expensive is the treatment in dollars or euros for reference? Which doctor did you see and where?
It was a lot of money and I'm not sure how much because it was covered by Medicare and insurance. I think they have lower pricing if you're not covered by insurance. I was treated by Dr. Lindquist at UC (University of Colorado) Medical Center in Colorado, Phone nimbler 720-848-0000 and get to the Interventional Radiology Department. I would trust Mayo Clinic with my life, there just isn't one close to me. Let me know how you do.
Have faith in the Y90. I've only heard good about it and it surely worked for me.
Hello @mrodriguezc,
¿Ha podido recibir algún tratamiento para el cáncer de hígado? ¿Pudo recibir el tratamiento Y-90?
Hola, no, ya que me realice una nueva resonancia y tenia una metástasis en el peritoneo por lo que me debo someter a inmunoterapia, no he consultado si puedo colocar las dos a la vez, usted sabe algo?
Lo siento, no sé qué metástasis es el peritoneo. Haría muchas preguntas a los doctores. Diane