Spinning Wheels

Posted by Sherman @shermananski, Nov 2, 2019

Three years ago in the spring and summer I tapered off paxil after taking it for 7 or 8 years. I felt fine but then had a terrible awful nasty relapse in that November and I’ve been battling it for three years now. (Interesting term, battle... how about prisoner? I need to think about that because it’s important I’m guessing.). Anyways, I’ve been on Effexor ER. I think it helped. But I do not like it. It makes me feel meh and super tired. Im not happy. . I normally love the gym and I’ve stopped going. I haven’t been walking or birding. I have been getting needed house work done. So It’s not all bad. My psychiatrist (A resident in a clinic) knocked me back from 225 to 187. It’s helped. But I’m still stuck. The worse thing though is the Intense need for sugar. Lots of sugar. And the rest of my diet now sucks too. I’ve gained tons of weight and my BP is high. I’m in therapy now. Trying to dislodge numbed emotions. I’ve had to break up with my boyfriend and best friend who has untreated ADD and I can’t tolerate him. My adult daughter is home and in grad school and uses my car so I don’t get to the grocery store like I normally do. And my geriatric kitty is in late stage renal failure. I’m spinning my wheels and venting here. Trying to get my thoughts straight. My act together. Some momentum going. Argh.

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And this web site is not good on a phone. I can’t get back to the list. I’m stuck! Again. lol


And this web site is not good on a phone. I can’t get back to the list. I’m stuck! Again. lol

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And I thought I was posting this in depression and anxiety... whoops.


@shermananski , I just went to the top of the group list and saw your topic heading of spinning wheels. I'm in a set routine right now that is working for me, but I do worry that I will become caught in a rut now and again, to that place where you feel like you just cannot do anything that changes anything for the better. I don't like that you feel trapped, either, it is physically and mentally confining and brings out our negative emotions so much more easily. Can you strike a deal with your daughter to share the car on a schedule, with you taking her to school and picking her up on some days, to give yourself a little more control over getting out and about? What would be a good routine to get into for the coming months that would help you: would that be a part-time job, going to a gym, visiting friends? What has your therapist counseled you to do, and are you following up on that advice? I've never been on Effexor, but it sounds like the lowering of dosage might even indicate that it's not the right medication (alone) to help you with your thoughts. You might add the app from The Mighty to your phone to help you get some more input on how you are doing, it's a very good site, and they just made their phone app better.

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