What is your anxiety like?

Posted by mattkl817 @mattkl817, Jul 16, 2019

Hello y'all,

I have dealt with with anxiety for most of my life but have finally this year been diagnosed with GAD and panic disorder. Now that I have gotten the help I need I have been feeling so much better day to day, but sometimes when life gets tough it flares up again. One thing that I have experienced for years does not sound like the typical anxiety symptoms. I often get this sort of "brain fog" where I will have a hard time thinking, will seem very out of it, I will even slur my speech, and normally it comes toward the end of the day and I am fine the next day. I also get this weird thing where my eyes will feel dried out and sensitive, and I will blink a lot. It doesn't worry me as bad as it used to because I attribute it to my anxiety flare ups, but I was wondering if anyone else experiences anything like this, and if they have any methods to alleviate it.


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Hi @pepsi97, You will see that I have moved your discussion to an in-depth conversation that is already in progress about what different anxiety disorders look like. In addition to General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), have you been diagnosed with depression at all? Deep sleep, over sleeping, excessive sleeping...what it can mean is that often, the problem isn’t the problem, but it’s a symptom of a different problem. Have you spoken with your physician about your deep sleeping angst?

As far as your friend leaving you for the night should you fall asleep, I think you can reassure yourself and your friend by setting several alarms towards the end of the massage to help you wake up. If those don't work, it's important to use the correct tactics in waking deep sleepers like warm clothes to the face, gentle speaking and reassuring arm squeezes. You don't want your friend to cause extra trauma by blowing an air horn or anything of that nature.

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Hi there! No, I don't suffer from depression although like anyone else there were times when I felt sad. Even through I suffer from GAD that doesn't mean I don't have emotions. I am answering late because I have a new job that requires me to work until very late, about 10pm.


Ive had a relaspe. I hadnt talked about my negative thoughts so carelessly before. Its a fear that I am now forced to accept and try to overcome once again.I shouuld have known better.


Ive had a relaspe. I hadnt talked about my negative thoughts so carelessly before. Its a fear that I am now forced to accept and try to overcome once again.I shouuld have known better.

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I get constant negative thoughts and other think its affecting my breathing all the time everyday



I would like to tell my story

It started in November i was getting breathing problems the doctor said its physical symptoms of anxiety and offered me proponalal but it dident work so through December and January I started to worry alot and stress becouse I thought I had a heart problem so over the months I was bed bound not goin out and less productive but still goin to work for 2 hours each day I would go out for a walk for an hour every day so through jan until now I have been constantly other thinkin and worrying over time becouse constant flight symptoms have affected my memory alot and also I feel disconnected from myself and the outside like I feel I'm not here whenever I think it automatically affects my breathing like I get an anxiety attack iv been getting so much anxiety attacks that I literally can't breath properly now every second iv been offered medication like fluxotine but haven't taken it i have proponalal and it works OK on my breathing but im constantly breathing shallow now every day its like iv trained myself not to breath correctly can I reverse this is and is this what happens with people that have gad

Thank you



I would like to tell my story

It started in November i was getting breathing problems the doctor said its physical symptoms of anxiety and offered me proponalal but it dident work so through December and January I started to worry alot and stress becouse I thought I had a heart problem so over the months I was bed bound not goin out and less productive but still goin to work for 2 hours each day I would go out for a walk for an hour every day so through jan until now I have been constantly other thinkin and worrying over time becouse constant flight symptoms have affected my memory alot and also I feel disconnected from myself and the outside like I feel I'm not here whenever I think it automatically affects my breathing like I get an anxiety attack iv been getting so much anxiety attacks that I literally can't breath properly now every second iv been offered medication like fluxotine but haven't taken it i have proponalal and it works OK on my breathing but im constantly breathing shallow now every day its like iv trained myself not to breath correctly can I reverse this is and is this what happens with people that have gad

Thank you

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Two things that might help with the breathing and anxiety: breathe in and out with a paper bag. First breath out into it, holding it closed around your lips. Then breathe in from the air in the bag. This way you won’t be breathing in too much oxygen, which can be a problem. Do this a few times. It is what they tell people to do when they have hiccups that won’t stop. Another way to do this without the bag is to take a deep breath, hold it as long as you can. Then when you let it out, purse your lips like when you whistle, and let the air out as slowly as you can. You might have to do this two or three times to break through the feeling of panic. The second way worked better for me and I did it a LOT. Good luck with these methods. When I was going through these panic attacks, I found the beta blockers didn’t help me either. Eventually I was put onto imipramine very slowly and gradually. It changed my life. Good luck to you. It will pass.


I haven't had a anxiety attack in a while but last night out of nowhere I had one. i haven't had one in months cant figure out why it came on


Hi, I have experienced these symptoms and found out they are due to allergies. When I was a kid I had multiple allergies, then they "disappeared" at puberty. Well, they came back after menopause and then some. I take over the counter meds - but checked with my doc for interactions with my meds and I got the all clear for fexofenodine. The fog and all the symptoms you mentioned disappeared. Good luck.


I saw a psychiatrist and had a few sessions with a psychologist. The doctor recommended putting me on a low dose of an SSRI such as Zoloft, but I told him that I wanted to try and work through it on my own. One of the worst side effects of my chronic anxiety were the constant heart palpitations that I experienced, and I got to a point where I convinced myself that I may have some fatal heart condition. I finally got over my fear, started running a few times a week, started to drink less alcohol, and kept seeing the therapist till I felt comfortable to end my weekly meetings, and felt that I have beat my anxiety. I was doing alright for a good two months or so, but lately my anxiety has been giving me problems again, and I can say that it is probably due to the fact that I am finishing college on Friday, and the stress of final exams, and starting my career has made me anxious again.

Today in fact, after my run, I went the library to study for my last exam on Friday, and started to have really bad heart palpitations again. The ones I used to get were just rapid heart rate for long periods of time, but this time they were more like my heart fluttering or skipping a beat. It really frightened me this morning, and I was in such a panic that I almost wanted to scream for someone to call 911, but I removed myself from the situation, and eventually calmed down, and now here I am.

I am now starting to wonder if I should revisit taking a course of medication, or if it will go away after I finish my exams and graduate. But who's to say when or if it will happen again.

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Medication, It's not something you can work out to my knowledge


You need to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible so your condition can be evaluated, diagnosed and medication regiment suggested. It will take some time to find the right medication, however Xanax or Lorazepam can be prescribed which will help with anxiety and panic attacks. I was like you and had lots of tests including the ones you mention. It's funny, my chiropractor shared with me a conversation with another client that had same symptoms as I had described. He stated that client went to psychiatrist, which was the only doctor they hadn't been to and that was the answer! Best wishes and support in your journey.


Hello @rab,

I just noticed your posts on anxiety attacks. You mentioned in your post, "I can't stop these negative thoughts." Have you ever tried Cognitive Behavior Therapy? It is an excellent method to control thoughts that lead to anxiety or depression. You can read books about this way of controlling your thoughts. One of the better books I've read is by Dr. David D. Burns (psychiatrist) who has written several books about therapy without meds. I read his book, The Feeling Good Handbook. It is easy to read and his suggestions are rather easy to practice as well.

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I am currently taking Venlafaxine, Bupropion,Lorazepam and Mertazapine for sleep. My negative thoughts are gone and my sleep is excellent. I take Lorazepam or Xanax when I start to have anxiety. I hope this helps.

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