Loss of memory due to seizures and medications. Anyone improved?
I had seizures for about 30 months until they were brought under control with Lamotrigine.
The problem is that the effects of the seizures and meds have all but destroyed my long term memory. My short term memory is so bad that I will ask someone the same question that they answered thirty minutes before.
This condition has already taken away my ability to participate in running my company.
Soon I will be basically unable to function as a member in my family.
My neurologist and neuropsychologist have told me that this condition will probably not change.
Has anyone on here had s similar condition and had any improvement?
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Could I be so inquisitive as to ask why you take Lamictal?
Do you have Seizures?
Glad it’s helping.
For epilepsy control
Yes it is
I just push through the side effects every day. Because the alternative is worse and unacceptable
I am sorry that you are experiencing such memory problems and I admit that I am surprised that it might be related to such a comparatively short period of time with epilepsy and lamotrigine. Of course I guess it could be an idiosyncratic situation linked to your genetics or other circumstances. ( I have memory problems but less severe than yours but that is after almost 50 years on Dilantin.) I can only say that for me physical exercise (cycling on a recumbent trike) brain exercise ( sudoku, lumosity and learning foreign lanhuages) mindful meditation and a calorie restricted red meat free diet seem to have helped my general health, control my anxiety and limit my short term memory loss. My long term memory is still fairly good by most people's standards. I don't know if any of these activities would help you but they certainly wouldn't harm. As others have said in your case snxiety might be the problem. Anxiety can be linked in some cases to problems with neurotransmitters and that in turn could theoretically adversely impact memory function. If like me you enjoy teading about such matters I recommend "Healthy brain Happy life" by Wendy Suzuki Ph.D. It will give you a good insight into the various types of memory, the relevance of different key areas of the brain and the benefits of arrobic exercise with positive affirmations. This is not a feel good Wonder-Cure book but a very readable personal account by a leading neuroscientist... and no, I don't get any sort of reward for recomending this book. Best wishes.
Thank you for the advice. I will order the book and begin following your guidance today!
The most economic way to buy it is as a used paperback on Amazon for $7.95 including postage. New on Amazon, it is $13.24 plus postage (I use Amazon Prime so don't pay postage.) The Kindle edition is I think $9.99. I rarely use EBAY but they might have a cheaper used copy? Best wishes.