Problems After Hysterectomy: Abdominal Pain & Cramps

Posted by cherelle @cherelle, May 27, 2019

I had a total abdominal hysterectomy 3 years ago but now for the past year I have been having bad abdominal pain and cramps I have gone to a gastrointestinal Dr and to my ob and both have said they don't see anything but my gastrointestinal Dr gave me some glycopyrrolate 1mg twice a day before it was every few months now it's more often like after intercourse sometimes I feel so bad the cramps is bad please tell me what could be going on.

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@cherelle @naturegirl5 My hysterectomy was in 2013 at 49 yrs old after heavy bleeding and fibroids caused severe anemia. I needed iron infusions for two years before and 6 months after surgery. The surgeon completed a vaginal hysterectomy (taking the uterus and cervix) She did not take my ovaries since they were well adhered to the abdominal wall as I never gave birth. (but I'm a momma to 3 grown kids!) I had post op complications. A hematoma occurred above the cuff that was created in place of my cervix.The hematoma was impossible to drain manually, so my vagina was packed (talk about uncomfortable!) and I remained on bedrest in the hospital for the next 48 hours.
Being anemic I was extremely fatigued. I expected to bounce back after 6-8 weeks post op but that didn't happen. Pain in my shoulder.hip and back I attributed to the anesthesia. My hormones were all over the place. I went from peri-menopapuse to menopause in a matter of 4 months. To help with the symptoms I went on a HRT patch called Climera for 2 years.
@cherelle I have a low sex drive now and since surgery a good deal of pelvic pain after sex.
Yes, every surgery is different but yet we are all the same. I hope I've discussed some of my issues that you have experienced.

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@sandytoes14 Jen, it sounds as your case was more complex than typical. I hope that other than pain after sex you are now feeling well and no longer fatigued.


@sandytoes14 Jen, it sounds as your case was more complex than typical. I hope that other than pain after sex you are now feeling well and no longer fatigued.

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@contentandwell JK, I wish I could say the pain has disappeared after sex but it hasn't. Thankfully, I no longer feel the awful type of fatigue I felt post op.


@naturegirl5 That is good news, to hear the fatigue and discomfort seems to be lessening! I think as patients, we sometimes want to see the instant results and forget "it took more than one one day to build Rome", as an old saying goes. Gosh, I probably just dated myself, but there you go! Be careful you don't overdo you new energy levels, and ease into everything. If you are a journaller, you'll be able to look back on this journey with new respect to how your body has healed.

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@gingerw . Thank you for the reminder. One of my favorite sayings is "progress not perfection". The lesson to me is that as you said, noting happens instantly, in a minute, a day, a week. I haven't been journaling in awhile but I think I'll go back to it after your suggestion. Thanks again.


@contentandwell JK, I wish I could say the pain has disappeared after sex but it hasn't. Thankfully, I no longer feel the awful type of fatigue I felt post op.

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@sandytoes14 Six years out after the hysterectomy, I wonder why the pain after (not during?) sex is still present. I'm happy to know that you are no longer fatigued. What does your gynecologist say about this ongoing pain?


@sandytoes14 Six years out after the hysterectomy, I wonder why the pain after (not during?) sex is still present. I'm happy to know that you are no longer fatigued. What does your gynecologist say about this ongoing pain?

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@naturegirl5 my gyn cannot find a reason why I have pelvic pain. It may be from my having fibromyalgia. She did tell me something interesting for all women—use it or lose it!! The vagina needs lubrication and “exercise”


Hi, is anyone knows a good physiotherapist in Houston who works with women who have Pelvic Prolapse after Hysterectomy? Someone who teaches how to do Kegel exercise maybe?

Kind regards,


@naturegirl5 my gyn cannot find a reason why I have pelvic pain. It may be from my having fibromyalgia. She did tell me something interesting for all women—use it or lose it!! The vagina needs lubrication and “exercise”

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@sandytoes14 I'm sorry that your gynecologist could not provide more of an explanation for the pelvic pain. I've also heard the saying "use it or lose it" in regards to sex as a form of exercise for the vagina. Makes sense to me.


I'm almost 5 weeks out from my radical hysterectomy for endometrial cancer. The cancer was staged Ia (endometrioid) so no adjuvant treatment (chemotherapy or radiation) is recommended. I see my surgeon at Mayo Clinic on September 16 for my post-operative consult. I'm hopeful that she will give me the go-ahead to get back into my exercise routines so that I can lift weights, bicycle during this gorgeous Fall weather, and well, just get active again. I'm still feeling some fatigue but it is far less then it was even a week ago. My cancer team will continue to be at Mayo Clinic and I'm hoping I will learn about what to watch for in the future as I worry about recurrent or secondary cancers. The worries do not occupy every waking moment but they are there in the back of my mind. Expressing gratitude for the means and opportunity to go to Mayo Clinic for my cancer treatment as I consider how my life has changed and will continue to change.


Hi, is anyone knows a good physiotherapist in Houston who works with women who have Pelvic Prolapse after Hysterectomy? Someone who teaches how to do Kegel exercise maybe?

Kind regards,

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@baxtersmom, I'm wondering if you might have a recommendation in Texas for @veronicat?


Hello was wondering if anyone can help I had a hysterectomy but still have one Ovary but since I had this done a year ago I get cramps ever time I pee and have a lot of gas right now I feel bloated is this normal

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