Migraine: Did botox work for you?
I had Botox injections for migraines 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been feeling sick. My vision is blurry, I have pressure in my head, I’m lightheaded, I’m having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and heart rate, my stomach has felt sick, I’m having trouble concentrating and focusing. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really starting to scare me.
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I have usedBotox for a number of years now with very good success, most of the time. Occasionally, my body seems to not respond to one of the rounds of treatment. Initially, I did not get results from the shots but I was told by some people who had success that it took a little while for it to work, so I continued to get the treatments and by the third round of Botox, my migraines dropped in half. They have now dropped by 2/3 generally. Good luck with your decision! I don’t like the shots, but I do like the results.
I have had Botox injections for headaches about 2 months ago, ever since then I too have had the same after effects as John in 2019, plus sessions of over heating from top to toe. How long does this take to wear off ? I am getting quite concerned
Hi @maldetete, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.
i'm tagging @johnetteg to make sure he sees your message and hopefully will return to share his experience about how long it takes for after effects of botox to wear off for him.
Maldetete, did you report these side effects to your doctor?
maldetete, @johnetteg, If you look back on this thread you will find that I had similar problems. When I did it two years ago the assured me there were hardly any side effects. It was 10 times worse than my migraines or headaches, was to sure what they were. Anyway I had severe headaches, fatigue, balance, brain fog and really not able to operate on my normal level!
During my journey through Lyme Disease/Fibromyalgia I have never had anything affect me like the Botox injections.
Good morning, Yes, had a discussion with the Pain Management consultant who stated that what I was experiencing wasn't caused by Botox and I discussed with my G.P. who carried out blood tests which came back normal. In fact two days ago I called him again feeling quite unwell with all the symptoms of an imminent heart attack. I ended up in A&E where I had extensive tests nothing indicating heart problems, I did however have a blood pressure of 164 which is incredibly high for me I am usually around 128. Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me.
Thank you so much for replying Sundance. One question though - how long did it take for the side effects to wear off?
What department did you go to at the Mayo clinic? Where on your head do they give you the steroid shots.?
I'm getting my second botox Injection next week. I've had no side effects, but no improvement either so far.
@sharonrose I have Botox injections for migraines (many years now) and they have been very effective. However, I had been doing some research at the beginning of this intervention and read from many people that the injections took at least three rounds before noticing any change. So, I kept doing them and on the fourth round of injections, my migraines dropped in half and have gradually gotten even a little less than that. Thus, if you have the insurance and willingness to take the chance, you might find success (although I completely dislike all those shots!). I’ve had migraines my whole life and there is no magic in this disease....just trying things until you find something that might help....I do Botox, eat gluten free, take preventive medication, take rescue medication, do not drink alcohol, and try to keep the most boring, stable daily routine.....this is the best route I have found for me (sometimes adding massage or pool therapy); and migraines are down to 4-8 a month, which I consider a miracle.... may you find something that leads you to find relief that you find tolerable💕
Glad they work for you! When I had the one and only time with them all over my head my headaches got worse and felt like I had the worse case of flu I have ever had. That was two years ago. At that time they had not published the side effects they do now!
Glad to hear they helped.
I am getting my second injection for botox this week. There have been no negative consequences, and there has been a slight improvement. My advice is to find a botox specialist... My doc does ONLY botox and other pain injections and he teaches the procedure. He has adjusted the shots slightly from the pattern you find if you research it. He noticed that l had a weak muscle near my neck so he did not inject that area. l was impressed. Initially when l told my neurologist that l wanted to try botox, we discussed that fact that l have scars on my neck/head, as well as a pinched cervical vertebrae. Although he does the procedure, he recommended a specialist .