My dad has a mass on bladder and kidney not functioning

Posted by formydad @formydad, Apr 24, 2019

He is getting surgery tomorrow to remove mass have no idea if cancerous- assuming they will send off - doc said removal may”jump start his kidney which he was unaware is not functioning.. he had prostate cancer and has brach treatment i believe - that cancers gone but i have been reading that having had radiation for it may lead to bladder cancer - anyone experience this?

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@becsbuddy This is a very good suggestion. Often it takes more than a couple of people to understand what is being put in place; the medical team is familiar with procedures and sometimes forgets it is not in laymen's terms!
@formydad I hope your parents will consider a care conference with the whole team, and allow you to help as you want!

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Yeah thanks for all the advice all sounds great- dads back home now they’ve isolated the culture and said they know how to treat infection so they sent him home moved his drain deeper and he has to give himself antibiotic shots think through a pic line- he will be following up soon. I will def be trying to et up more info conf. With team 🙂
Thanks for sharing all your experiences i know they are personal but i appreciate your points of view! Thanks for being patient with me sometimes i get so frustrated about the docs not showing up or calling back or waiting so long i feel like i reach out about the same things alot.. anyway im currently getting over some awful stomach bug so i need to keep away from my parents for a few days but ill be-on phone with them 🙂 wanted to wish you all a Happy And Healthy New Year!


Yeah thanks for all the advice all sounds great- dads back home now they’ve isolated the culture and said they know how to treat infection so they sent him home moved his drain deeper and he has to give himself antibiotic shots think through a pic line- he will be following up soon. I will def be trying to et up more info conf. With team 🙂
Thanks for sharing all your experiences i know they are personal but i appreciate your points of view! Thanks for being patient with me sometimes i get so frustrated about the docs not showing up or calling back or waiting so long i feel like i reach out about the same things alot.. anyway im currently getting over some awful stomach bug so i need to keep away from my parents for a few days but ill be-on phone with them 🙂 wanted to wish you all a Happy And Healthy New Year!

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@formydad The medical community has a lot on their plates, and sometimes forgets the human element. Many times in the past, when faced with a "professional" who wasn't, or given a choice that I could not easily decide, I will ask that person, "Is that how you would like your family member to be treated?" or, "If I was your favorite cousin, what would you advise given the information we have?" There are times it draws them up short and has them reconsider their approach.
It's okay to be frustrated, and angry, and sorrowful. Most all of us here have been in those same shoes at least once. We are all here to offer support and the lessons we have learned from our own experiences.
Get better soon from that stomach bug! Give your folks a big hug when you see them next, and Happy New Year to you and yours, also.


Yeah thanks for all the advice all sounds great- dads back home now they’ve isolated the culture and said they know how to treat infection so they sent him home moved his drain deeper and he has to give himself antibiotic shots think through a pic line- he will be following up soon. I will def be trying to et up more info conf. With team 🙂
Thanks for sharing all your experiences i know they are personal but i appreciate your points of view! Thanks for being patient with me sometimes i get so frustrated about the docs not showing up or calling back or waiting so long i feel like i reach out about the same things alot.. anyway im currently getting over some awful stomach bug so i need to keep away from my parents for a few days but ill be-on phone with them 🙂 wanted to wish you all a Happy And Healthy New Year!

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@formydad I’m so glad that your dad is home. You mentioned that he will give himself antibiotic shots. This is frequently done by a home care nurse. Did the hospital discuss this with you or your parents?
And remember that infection control is extremely important! What information have your parents been given on infection control?


@formydad I’m so glad that your dad is home. You mentioned that he will give himself antibiotic shots. This is frequently done by a home care nurse. Did the hospital discuss this with you or your parents?
And remember that infection control is extremely important! What information have your parents been given on infection control?

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He was instructed how to give the shots- i thought it was a lil strange but he seemed fine with it i know clearing up an infection is extremely important..
this is what my dad said to me from hosp before he went home-
Yes, they say the data is all good, and I will continue with antibiotics at home and follow up at the infectious disease clinic at Barnes. I do believe nurses are Still to be coming over..
Hes going back to work monday... 😳


That sounds so positive. God is answering prayers


Yes He has many!

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@formydad How is your dad doing? And how is he doing with the shots he gives himself?


Heres what my dad said when i asked how he was doing and how things are going-
Still taking Tylenol for a little pain but itching is the worst thing. Have finished with all antibiotics and go Monday to get it checked and hopefully have it taken out.( by it he means the drain-has had fluid in abdomen since surgery)
Doctors have decided I need a 6 week course of proton therapy. Will have to go to Barnes every day for six weeks for a 45 minute treatment. Will probably start soon. More fun!
My poor dad 🙁 not sure what proton therapy is plan on looking into that too.. my husbands mom just past this last sunday and funeral not till feb so been busy with that too - thanks for asking though i’ve been concerned about him but also trying to comfort my husband.


@formydad I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, you are dealing with a lot of parental problems right now.
Your dad sounds as if he's doing well. Proton therapy will probably be the last step in his treatment. A nuisance, yes, but you have to do what will be best in the long run.


Heres what my dad said when i asked how he was doing and how things are going-
Still taking Tylenol for a little pain but itching is the worst thing. Have finished with all antibiotics and go Monday to get it checked and hopefully have it taken out.( by it he means the drain-has had fluid in abdomen since surgery)
Doctors have decided I need a 6 week course of proton therapy. Will have to go to Barnes every day for six weeks for a 45 minute treatment. Will probably start soon. More fun!
My poor dad 🙁 not sure what proton therapy is plan on looking into that too.. my husbands mom just past this last sunday and funeral not till feb so been busy with that too - thanks for asking though i’ve been concerned about him but also trying to comfort my husband.

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@formydad Here are two pieces of information.
"Proton therapy appears to be safer and more effective than conventional radiation therapy, because it can deliver a high dose to a very specific area, with minimal impact on surrounding tissues. ... It destroys cancer cells but causes less damage than traditional radiation to surrounding healthy tissue." Medical News Today Feb 2019
Thank you for letting us know about your dad's condition. We are all pulling for him!
My condolences on the loss of your mother-in-law. You certainly have a plate full of concerns, don't you? How are you holding up, yourself?

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