Hi @deepakkumar,
I’m so glad you’ve joined Connect and ‘connected’ with incredible fellow-members – thanks @nene22 @danab @afrobin for your insights and suggestions. Deepak, might I also suggest you look into another form of tachycardia known as SVT – supra ventricular tachycardia? Episodes of SVT can be triggered by exercise, stress, gastrointestinal problems like nausea, vomiting, medications, caffeine, but most of the time it can occur for no particular reason at all. Basically, SVTs reflect and abnormal or extra electrical connection in the heart.
I’ve had SVTs ever since I can remember, and I know how debilitating these episodes can get! A few years ago, I had a cardiac ablation procedure, (which “resets” the heart’s electrical circuit), as my episodes were getting prolonged, occurred too often, and I couldn’t stop the fast heart rate with any of the vagal maneuvers. In my case, my heart rate was 210 beats per minute! Most people experience an improvement after SVT ablation, but there’s a fair chance that palpitations may return – as they have in my case – and the procedure can be repeated. But, here I am, and so far so good for the both of us, I should say:)
Fortunately, SVT is rarely life-threatening, yet if your heart races for more than a few minutes, or if you start experiencing chest pain, you should go to the emergency room.
I’m tagging @ronbyrd @sue225 @ajmario @ktcrosswalk1 @jigglejaws94 @loli @cheris @martishka @texas7777 @mikeyp @hilly2016 @anniegk Mentor @predictable and you may also wish to view these discussions on Connect:
– Supra Ventricular Tachycardia (PSVT) and Running https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/supra-ventricular-tachycardia-psvt-and-running/
– Feeling Skipped Beats, Palpitations: What could this possibly be? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/what-could-this-possibly-be/
– New and totally lost https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/new-and-totally-lost/
@deepakkumar, how often do the episodes occur? Do you know if any family member has a history of tachycardia?
There is no family history of any type of heart problems. and my episode occur within 2 to 3 months, with may be 1 time or 2 to 5 times , there is no any timing and frequency. but it go away if i change position from sitting to sleeping or sleeping to standing.