Why do I feel uneasy today?

Posted by aliali @aliali, Mar 17, 2019

I have taken my medication (Cipralex, 20 mg) yesterday at bedtime but my stomach was empty! I felt the day after: headache; upper back pain; dizziness; shiverness; accelerated heartbeat. I have exercised to ease these symptoms; exercising usually makes me feel like being undepressed but this time it has just eased the symptoms. Could you help me with that? What causes so: the medication or something else?

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I do not feel to get much help by the physicians around me; some are even ineligible! To be honest, the thing I am seeking thru this discussion is the thing that each and every individual in this community would reject to offer me-a medical advice! I see this community as my physician; it helped me much again and again.

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@alkali We are not doctors here. We are patients. We cannot offer medical advice. That would be practicing medicine without a license. Which is illegal. We can only offer our experiences that we have had in life and what has worked for us. Or we can direct you to Publications and books that may be able to shed some light on issues. We cannot give medical advice.


The physician just said such symptoms are unreal and are never caused in such a situation. He said just let yourself feel the symptoms have gone and you will be OK. I will do so!!


@aliali Try to view the connect community as educational and supportive. We cannot tell you what to do. We can tell you what has helped us and some of the things we do for self-care. It takes effort to improve. Many of us have been searching and struggling. I have had times I want to give up and quit trying. I do know there are no magic potions or pills that will fix everything.
Some medications need to be taken with food. You exercise which a good thing. Have you tried getting involved in something other than focusing so much on symptoms. Distraction works for me as well as others. Is there something you enjoy doing other than exercising? It does take medications a while to work. Keep in touch with your prescribing doctor or speak with a pharmacist.


I would say this may be a panic attack . Could anyone prove it or disprove it?


I would say this may be a panic attack . Could anyone prove it or disprove it?

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Hello, @aliali - just wanted to clarify that you are asking if the following symptoms you mentioned could indicate a panic attack: headache, upper back pain, dizziness, shivering, accelerated heartbeat?

This Mayo Clinic information may be helpful in defining a panic attack https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/panic-attacks/symptoms-causes/syc-20376021

Are you feeling more settled thus far today, @aliali?


@aliali I think that there are certain symptoms of a panic attack, but I have learned that panic attacks are different for everyone. I have dizziness, rapid heart rate and other symptoms but I do not get headache or back pain. I think maybe the answer is to not focus on whether or not it was a panic attack. You felt it and that is enough. It is uncomfortable for sure. I feel for you and wish you good luck.


Hello, @aliali - just wanted to clarify that you are asking if the following symptoms you mentioned could indicate a panic attack: headache, upper back pain, dizziness, shivering, accelerated heartbeat?

This Mayo Clinic information may be helpful in defining a panic attack https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/panic-attacks/symptoms-causes/syc-20376021

Are you feeling more settled thus far today, @aliali?

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Yes; I exercised and feel better than ever! I then should ignore the negative ideas about being ill or being experiencing a panic attack


Hello @falon I have been thinking about you and wondering how your last doctors appointment went. I hope you are doing better on your taper. I hope you will go real slow, I know I am anxious to get off this benzo. But I had all your symptoms 20 years ago, and I thought I was going to die. I lost so much weight, all I could eat was jello for months. I got to the point where my skin felt like it was on fire underneath. Heart palpitations and afraid to go anywhere.
That’s when they put me on Clonazepam. It worked for all this time. That’s why I was afraid to go off, I thought all that horror would come back. But to my surprise it has not as of now. My body must be reverse of everyone else on here. I just wish I had gone off 10 years ago. But I’m doing it now. Things will get better for you I am positive.
Best wishes to you and everyone else on here.
Sorry I think I posted this on the wrong subject theme


@fluffykitty Hi Fluffy kitty. At my last Dr's appointment she decided that I was going too fast. So my cuts are down to 0.125mg every 3 weeks instead of every week. That was just on this past Friday so I'm not feeling much better yet, but hopefully this will help. I am just so anxious to get OFF this poison. I want my brain to start to heal itself. I'm not very patient! Haha. Guess I'll have to be in this case. Thank you for thinking of me. Bless you.


@fluffykitty Hi Fluffy kitty. At my last Dr's appointment she decided that I was going too fast. So my cuts are down to 0.125mg every 3 weeks instead of every week. That was just on this past Friday so I'm not feeling much better yet, but hopefully this will help. I am just so anxious to get OFF this poison. I want my brain to start to heal itself. I'm not very patient! Haha. Guess I'll have to be in this case. Thank you for thinking of me. Bless you.

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@falon Hello Falcon, I’m glad you are going slower on your taper. You should feel better soon. Everything I have read is to go slow. I keep reminding myself that I’m going lower and it is giving my brain a chance to heal. Just think, you are lower already. You are even lower than me. I was on 1.50 all these years. You would get a kick watching me cut my .25 pill. I have all these little chips in my pill cutter box. I figure I am at .20. I am really slow. Next week I might be at .195. Lol 😂. But I will be off soon.

My ears are ringing so loud. But I shouldn’t complain. I had 2 Doctors retire last year that took care of me and my husband. Fortunately I found one that agreed to continue my Clonazepam. I think that helped me decide to go off. We like to hike in National Parks and other places and I always had to make sure I had enough of those pills to get me thru, since they will only give you one month at a time. Soon I won’t have to worry about these any more 😊. Neither will you! Keep up your good work. Let us all know your progress.

Take care

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