CBD Daily Spray and blood thinners

Posted by Betty @hazelnut, Feb 21, 2019

A friend told me that CBD Daily has been a miracle topical pain reliever for her back and knees. I ordered the item and this particular CBD does not contain any THC so I was assuming that it is safe to use being on Xarelto ( blood thinner) and high pressure meds. I have steroid injections but wanted to try this after reading so many positive comments from the users. The spray can be purchased on Ebay and the cheapest place to buy was on Walmart. I called the pharmacist and she said that I could not use the spray because of the blood thinner. Ugh ! I am waiting for a call from the cardiologist and hoping for a different opinion and the okay to try it. Has anyone tried this item that is on blood thinners?

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Thanks. I'm having so much trouble with this onslaught of health problems. Diagnosed with three serious and progressive conditions in four months!!! One after the other. First step is making this pain go away or at least lessen it. I've always been a very active person so not even being able to clean my windows without having to lay down from the pain is very hard, but, I then think too that at least these days we have more medical help to deal with all the problems of getting older. Back in the day people just had to put up with all these conditions and maybe die from some of them. But, thanks for the advice. I bought some Salonpas thinking they might help with the pain, but they didn't seem to help. I'll ask the pharmacist about Tylenol.

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Morning Catmon.......I understand what you are going through.My rhumatologist gave me a prescription for Voltaren cream and said to use the CBD spray oil over the cream. My orthopedic doctor was giving me a prescription for Lidocaine patches before I was diagnosed with the severe fibromyalagia . My insurance covered both. The patches worked well for me for quite a while....12 hours on and 12 hours off....I did have steroid injections but have decided I will not get anymore.The last shot left almost constant pain where the injection was done and part of my right foot has remained numb. The doctors usually recommend Tylenol because a nsaid that effects the stomach but who knows as it seems on a regular basis the FDA is changing their opinions on what is safe and what isn't ! I was never a sick person till the heart valve surgery.....hip arthritis that I could deal with though. I never had any symptoms of any heart problems and the heart surgeon said it is always to have surgery before it becomes an emergency. After the surgery I became anemic, anxiety and panic attacks increased, arthritis in hip became worse, my vision was effected, my weight increased, got tinnitus, one doctor said I had Lupus, which thank God it was not but at the age of 69 now have rosacea too. and constant visits to my dentist since during the surgery a five tooth bridge was loosened and now had to be removed. According to the heart surgeon the heart was perfect and no blockages but that I was born with a small valve and that was the problem. I now have AFIB and fluttering . I'll know on the 26th what will be done about that ! I have a new cardiologist after hearing the same response for 14 months...the benefits outweigh the side effects of all the meds. PLease always check with your doctor on any meds or even vitamins because some vitamins can effect your prescription meds. I hope you can get some relief from the pain.


Hello Betty! I can sympathize with you over back and knee pain. I am in the same boat. For my almost bone on bone knee issues I have gotten shots of Synvisc every 6 months. It works like a charm without the negative effects of cortisone...but it costs.
I was in Holland in May and visited a health store that sold marijuana products. From walking so much around Amsterdam and even from standing still in museums, my back was aching very badly. I asked if some topical CBD oil (without THC which is unnecessary) could help my back. The naturopath salesman said that he could certainly sell me some and make money but truthfully, it cannot penetrate into the back. I didn't ask about taking a pill by mouth.
One thing I do find very helpful is turmeric which is nature's anti-inflammatory. I put some into my morning smoothie.
And what causes inflammation throughout the body?...carbs. So I have upped the veggie intake to 7 servings per day and cut back on anything sweet or too bready.
And of course, exercises and stretches are very important. I visited my physiotherapist last week and she gave me a number of exercises to do which will help as I sail (or limp) into old age!

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Morning AFRobin....Are the synvisc shots know as gel shots ?


Morning Catmon.......I understand what you are going through.My rhumatologist gave me a prescription for Voltaren cream and said to use the CBD spray oil over the cream. My orthopedic doctor was giving me a prescription for Lidocaine patches before I was diagnosed with the severe fibromyalagia . My insurance covered both. The patches worked well for me for quite a while....12 hours on and 12 hours off....I did have steroid injections but have decided I will not get anymore.The last shot left almost constant pain where the injection was done and part of my right foot has remained numb. The doctors usually recommend Tylenol because a nsaid that effects the stomach but who knows as it seems on a regular basis the FDA is changing their opinions on what is safe and what isn't ! I was never a sick person till the heart valve surgery.....hip arthritis that I could deal with though. I never had any symptoms of any heart problems and the heart surgeon said it is always to have surgery before it becomes an emergency. After the surgery I became anemic, anxiety and panic attacks increased, arthritis in hip became worse, my vision was effected, my weight increased, got tinnitus, one doctor said I had Lupus, which thank God it was not but at the age of 69 now have rosacea too. and constant visits to my dentist since during the surgery a five tooth bridge was loosened and now had to be removed. According to the heart surgeon the heart was perfect and no blockages but that I was born with a small valve and that was the problem. I now have AFIB and fluttering . I'll know on the 26th what will be done about that ! I have a new cardiologist after hearing the same response for 14 months...the benefits outweigh the side effects of all the meds. PLease always check with your doctor on any meds or even vitamins because some vitamins can effect your prescription meds. I hope you can get some relief from the pain.

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Thanks Betty. You've been through more than I have. I need to ask--how do you cope? How do you keep from being sad over all this and find happiness? Before my afib started I was happily quilting, painting, walking and hiking, going on bike rides, was part of an art group and sometimes two, planning trips to see grandkids and other family, but I haven't even listened to music since. I don't feel any incentive or drive to do anything. It's like the life has gone out of me. I don't think it's so much feeling sorry for myself as feeling like my life is pointless all of a sudden, like nothing matters. Everyone else I know is happy, carefree, and pain free. I still get pressured to take more responsibility in various organizations but I know I can't make any commitments because I never know what is going to happen and I'm finding that people don't understand--they don't have a clue. With the elections coming up I'm getting pressure to volunteer on campaigns, etc. It doesn't take much anxiety or fatigue to put my heart in afib mode and sitting too much OR standing too much means I get hip pain and have to move around or lay down. I'm defined and my life is dictated by my ailments and my meds.
I'd like to find my way back again. I'm considering counseling when I get back from my next trip. I hope the PT helps me with the pain too. I think having less pain and being able to do more without pain would make me feel better too. Another thing I'm dealing with is severe regret that I didn't take vitamin D to ward off the osteoporosis and severe regret about all the heavy lifting I did to bring on my hip arthritis. I used to work like a man in my younger days and moved a lot by myself with moving heavy boxes, etc. I used to be so strong but never considered the stress I was putting on my knees and hips. But, you are dealing with more and seem to have a better approach to all of it. Thanks for pointers on pain management BTW.


Thanks Betty. You've been through more than I have. I need to ask--how do you cope? How do you keep from being sad over all this and find happiness? Before my afib started I was happily quilting, painting, walking and hiking, going on bike rides, was part of an art group and sometimes two, planning trips to see grandkids and other family, but I haven't even listened to music since. I don't feel any incentive or drive to do anything. It's like the life has gone out of me. I don't think it's so much feeling sorry for myself as feeling like my life is pointless all of a sudden, like nothing matters. Everyone else I know is happy, carefree, and pain free. I still get pressured to take more responsibility in various organizations but I know I can't make any commitments because I never know what is going to happen and I'm finding that people don't understand--they don't have a clue. With the elections coming up I'm getting pressure to volunteer on campaigns, etc. It doesn't take much anxiety or fatigue to put my heart in afib mode and sitting too much OR standing too much means I get hip pain and have to move around or lay down. I'm defined and my life is dictated by my ailments and my meds.
I'd like to find my way back again. I'm considering counseling when I get back from my next trip. I hope the PT helps me with the pain too. I think having less pain and being able to do more without pain would make me feel better too. Another thing I'm dealing with is severe regret that I didn't take vitamin D to ward off the osteoporosis and severe regret about all the heavy lifting I did to bring on my hip arthritis. I used to work like a man in my younger days and moved a lot by myself with moving heavy boxes, etc. I used to be so strong but never considered the stress I was putting on my knees and hips. But, you are dealing with more and seem to have a better approach to all of it. Thanks for pointers on pain management BTW.

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Dear Catmon...It is difficult but there are always others that are worse. I am also a widow for 26 years so it makes it more difficult to cope. I do have a daughter that I adopted from birth 4 years after my husband passed but she has had medical issues too , so the stress from worrying about her is always there. I have been blessed to have many friends. When I called the cardiologist I originally had and telling him about all the side effects he suggested I see a counselor and a physiatrist !!! I thought well...why don't you change my meds and listen to what's going on.....I did see a "shrink" but that was more meds and he wanted me to see a counselor at $185.00 an hour ....I didn't see the counselor ...I wish I lived closer to Mayo Clinic as I certainly would have gone there from day one and would probably be living a decent life. There is a difference of quality and quantity of life. I stopped the phych meds as it seemed the side effects from those were just as bad. I hope you have peace on your next trip and hopefully your doc will give you some pain meds that work better for you .


Dear Catmon...It is difficult but there are always others that are worse. I am also a widow for 26 years so it makes it more difficult to cope. I do have a daughter that I adopted from birth 4 years after my husband passed but she has had medical issues too , so the stress from worrying about her is always there. I have been blessed to have many friends. When I called the cardiologist I originally had and telling him about all the side effects he suggested I see a counselor and a physiatrist !!! I thought well...why don't you change my meds and listen to what's going on.....I did see a "shrink" but that was more meds and he wanted me to see a counselor at $185.00 an hour ....I didn't see the counselor ...I wish I lived closer to Mayo Clinic as I certainly would have gone there from day one and would probably be living a decent life. There is a difference of quality and quantity of life. I stopped the phych meds as it seemed the side effects from those were just as bad. I hope you have peace on your next trip and hopefully your doc will give you some pain meds that work better for you .

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Yes, there are others worse off. I think part of my problem is that I'm 100% alone. I have some "friends" here, but they are more acquaintances than anything and they have their own problems and their own lives. My family lives far, far away. But, I still consider myself fortunate in that I own my own home, have a little kitty, for the most part have good medical care, and aside from the plethora (I love that word) of conditions that have popped up like nasty troublesome weeds I can't get rid of, I am otherwise in good health. But, maybe once I get used to all this, I can manage to be somewhat happy again. I've found over the years that when I have a challenge, it's always an adjustment. I have been through worse, like when I found out my daughter was a victim of a serious felony and the police wouldn't do anything about it--that was so horrible that I thought I'd waste away. When you're a mom I've found it's harder to see your kids go through something horrible or a bad illness than it is for you to go through it yourself. So, I guess, if I survived that, and if my daughter survived that, then I should be able to handle this.
Anyway, thanks for being a listening ear today. I hope the rest of your day goes OK and that you have a decent, if not a good and rewarding, week.


Thanks Betty. You've been through more than I have. I need to ask--how do you cope? How do you keep from being sad over all this and find happiness? Before my afib started I was happily quilting, painting, walking and hiking, going on bike rides, was part of an art group and sometimes two, planning trips to see grandkids and other family, but I haven't even listened to music since. I don't feel any incentive or drive to do anything. It's like the life has gone out of me. I don't think it's so much feeling sorry for myself as feeling like my life is pointless all of a sudden, like nothing matters. Everyone else I know is happy, carefree, and pain free. I still get pressured to take more responsibility in various organizations but I know I can't make any commitments because I never know what is going to happen and I'm finding that people don't understand--they don't have a clue. With the elections coming up I'm getting pressure to volunteer on campaigns, etc. It doesn't take much anxiety or fatigue to put my heart in afib mode and sitting too much OR standing too much means I get hip pain and have to move around or lay down. I'm defined and my life is dictated by my ailments and my meds.
I'd like to find my way back again. I'm considering counseling when I get back from my next trip. I hope the PT helps me with the pain too. I think having less pain and being able to do more without pain would make me feel better too. Another thing I'm dealing with is severe regret that I didn't take vitamin D to ward off the osteoporosis and severe regret about all the heavy lifting I did to bring on my hip arthritis. I used to work like a man in my younger days and moved a lot by myself with moving heavy boxes, etc. I used to be so strong but never considered the stress I was putting on my knees and hips. But, you are dealing with more and seem to have a better approach to all of it. Thanks for pointers on pain management BTW.

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Try praying to God for healing! He loves us and wants the best for us! Hugs


Morning Catmon.......I understand what you are going through.My rhumatologist gave me a prescription for Voltaren cream and said to use the CBD spray oil over the cream. My orthopedic doctor was giving me a prescription for Lidocaine patches before I was diagnosed with the severe fibromyalagia . My insurance covered both. The patches worked well for me for quite a while....12 hours on and 12 hours off....I did have steroid injections but have decided I will not get anymore.The last shot left almost constant pain where the injection was done and part of my right foot has remained numb. The doctors usually recommend Tylenol because a nsaid that effects the stomach but who knows as it seems on a regular basis the FDA is changing their opinions on what is safe and what isn't ! I was never a sick person till the heart valve surgery.....hip arthritis that I could deal with though. I never had any symptoms of any heart problems and the heart surgeon said it is always to have surgery before it becomes an emergency. After the surgery I became anemic, anxiety and panic attacks increased, arthritis in hip became worse, my vision was effected, my weight increased, got tinnitus, one doctor said I had Lupus, which thank God it was not but at the age of 69 now have rosacea too. and constant visits to my dentist since during the surgery a five tooth bridge was loosened and now had to be removed. According to the heart surgeon the heart was perfect and no blockages but that I was born with a small valve and that was the problem. I now have AFIB and fluttering . I'll know on the 26th what will be done about that ! I have a new cardiologist after hearing the same response for 14 months...the benefits outweigh the side effects of all the meds. PLease always check with your doctor on any meds or even vitamins because some vitamins can effect your prescription meds. I hope you can get some relief from the pain.

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Prayers for u





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I have been using cbd liquid for at least two years . My pharmacist endorsed it and my bed know I use it. I also on xarelto and have been since 2013 when I had a total heart block. .no negative effects. I only use an oil made ny a company named
Anada that is sold K in pharmacy’s. For me it does exactly what u are looking for. Helps back and right leg.i take 1 mg in The morning and 0.5 mg in the evening. Before I started my leg really hurt if I drove 30 min. Now I can drive all day with no problem
P.s. I had a fall last spring from my bike , as usual my blood covered a large area on left side but no effects from cbd.

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