How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Thought I’d add to the How About a Laugh page. This is my new old puppy Popcorn. He’s maybe 15years and his tongue is always out!


Oh he is adorable and has the perfect name. He’s waiting for some jokes so we should get this thread popping again before the political scene heats up. We need more laughs and new recipes too! Maybe there will be some jokes on the Democratic debate tonight from Las Vegas. .🤔

FL Mary


Thought I’d add to the How About a Laugh page. This is my new old puppy Popcorn. He’s maybe 15years and his tongue is always out!

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@becsbuddy Cute! Looks like he is saying "...and take that!..."


@becsbuddy Congratulations on your new old puppy Popcorn. He is so sweet! He is probably good-natured as well.


Thought I’d add to the How About a Laugh page. This is my new old puppy Popcorn. He’s maybe 15years and his tongue is always out!

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@becsbuddy So cute and cuddly I,ll bet too.


Thought I’d add to the How About a Laugh page. This is my new old puppy Popcorn. He’s maybe 15years and his tongue is always out!

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@becsbuddy- WHat a beautiful dog! SO cute and cuddly! He came to the right house.


@becsbuddy Congratulations on your new old puppy Popcorn. He is so sweet! He is probably good-natured as well.

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Hi, Teresa, yes he is sweet, but... He cries if I’m not sitting next to him. But I do love him! Even though he is almost blind, toothless and has a terrible skin condition. I guess I should expect that since he is a rescue


Hi, Teresa, yes he is sweet, but... He cries if I’m not sitting next to him. But I do love him! Even though he is almost blind, toothless and has a terrible skin condition. I guess I should expect that since he is a rescue

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Awww, Becky. He's just transitioning and he's old. He'll hopefully settle down.


Two days ago my teacher asked what our favorite animal is. I told her mine was fried chicken. She said I wasn't funny. I wasn't trying to be funny and I don't know why she said that; because everyone laughed. And fried chicken really is my favorite. Anyway, she sent me to the principal's office. I don't know why, my parent's always told me to tell the truth. The principal asked me what happened and I told him. He laughed too, but told me not to do it again. I was getting confused about being honest and not telling the teacher my favorite animal.
Yesterday my teacher asked what our favorite LIVE animal is. I told her chicken. Then she asked why and I said because it could be made into fried chicken. Again, everyone laughed but she said I still wasn't funny and sent be back to the principal's office. It was a repeat of the day before. I left the principal's office even more confused about how to tell the truth but not say certain things.
Today my teacher asked us who our favorite military leader is. I said Colonel Sanders. Guess where I am now?


Love it! Didn’t expect the last question and answer lol.

Why did the man get hit with a bike every day?

Because he was stuck in a vicious cycle.

Groan....FL Mary

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