How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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@jackiem95 I can certainly sympathize with your problem as I've had three surgeries of the upper digestive tract and I'm always trying to figure out a diet that will work to keep my system regulated, but not work so well as to cause diarrhea. You mentioned Miralax and referred to it as a "heavy duty laxative" however, it is not a laxative but a stool softener. Have you ever tried it? There are other stool softeners like Colace (that is the brand name but it is available as a generic) It does take a few days of treatment before you notice a difference.

A balanced diet is always important as well as exercises, especially after eating. Stretches and bending at the waist, walking, etc. can also be good ways to prevent and/or treat constipation. Also, drinking lots of water is important as well. I have heard of some members who do self-massage on the abdomen, massaging in a clock-wise manner.

I suppose, as @colleenyoung said, you have to keep working to find the right balance that will work for you.

Have you tried mild exercises after eating?

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Miralax, (called Restoralax or Lax-a-day in Canada) is an " osmotic" laxative (believe Milk of Magnesia falls into this category as well). Recently, Miralax stopped being effective and caused unpleasant side effects. Until I see the gastroenterologist in two weeks, I have started taking Senokot (a stimulant laxative) and magnesium supplements.
I also find it sometimes helps to start the day with two mugs of hot water with lemon slices.


Miralax, (called Restoralax or Lax-a-day in Canada) is an " osmotic" laxative (believe Milk of Magnesia falls into this category as well). Recently, Miralax stopped being effective and caused unpleasant side effects. Until I see the gastroenterologist in two weeks, I have started taking Senokot (a stimulant laxative) and magnesium supplements.
I also find it sometimes helps to start the day with two mugs of hot water with lemon slices.

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Have u talked to doctor about this? All laxatives I tried caused stomach aches and gas pains. Now I have LINZES5. Works great


Have u talked to doctor about this? All laxatives I tried caused stomach aches and gas pains. Now I have LINZES5. Works great

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I tried Linzess only once about a year and a half ago. Only two capsules. It worked (and its effects continued into the next week), however it gave me awful bloating and pain (enough that I couldnt sleep). So, I am nervous about trying it again. Someone on Mayo Clinic Connects mentioned a 70 mg dose which sounds like 1/2 of the standard dosage. Will ask the gastroenterologist if that's a possibility (if available in Canada in the lower dosage). So far, the Senokot is causing the least amount of trouble but who knows. I have a long history of adverse drug reactions.


I have a long term problem with GERD and more recently with IBS-D. Am on the low Fodmap diet and recently saw a new GI who changed my PPI to Dexilant along with two Pepcid tablets—one before dinner and another at bedtime. This was working—until I became terribly constipated. Dr. told me to take Citrucel for the constipation. I tried the powder and the caplets, both of which caused really bad acid reflux. Forget that! Now I am supposed to take Miralax. I think to myself: here I am on this restrictive Low FODMAP diet to control diarrhea—and now I am supposed to take a laxative
that causes it?? I am wondering why I just don’t eat some of the restricted foods on the diet that used to give me diarrhea? Dr. says Metamucil causes a lot of gas. Well, if I go back to the Metamucil wafers I successfully used for years before the IBS, having gas is better than being plugged up and uncomfortable.

Am I losing my mind here? Has anyone had the problems with constipation on Pepcid or similar meds? Were you able to solve it without a heavy duty laxative like Miralax that more or less restricts you to the house while you wait for it to work?

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I was taking Linzess 290mg & immediately gained weight. I quit taking it & lost 3 pounds in 2 days! Plus, it didn't help my constipation. Anyone have experience with Linzess?


I have a long term problem with GERD and more recently with IBS-D. Am on the low Fodmap diet and recently saw a new GI who changed my PPI to Dexilant along with two Pepcid tablets—one before dinner and another at bedtime. This was working—until I became terribly constipated. Dr. told me to take Citrucel for the constipation. I tried the powder and the caplets, both of which caused really bad acid reflux. Forget that! Now I am supposed to take Miralax. I think to myself: here I am on this restrictive Low FODMAP diet to control diarrhea—and now I am supposed to take a laxative
that causes it?? I am wondering why I just don’t eat some of the restricted foods on the diet that used to give me diarrhea? Dr. says Metamucil causes a lot of gas. Well, if I go back to the Metamucil wafers I successfully used for years before the IBS, having gas is better than being plugged up and uncomfortable.

Am I losing my mind here? Has anyone had the problems with constipation on Pepcid or similar meds? Were you able to solve it without a heavy duty laxative like Miralax that more or less restricts you to the house while you wait for it to work?

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Hi @nancydowling you may have noticed I moved your post to this existing discussion on IBS medications so that you can connect with others who may have similar experiences as you. Simply click VIEW & REPLY in your email notification to get to your post.

That must be so frustrating to have these side effects.

I wanted to tag fellow Connect member @sue225 @tracy430 @irenec and @agoodmind4u as they may be able to share their experiences with you.

Back to you @nancydowling how long were you on linzess?


Are your constipation issues related to Crohn's disease by any chance ? The reason I ask, is that I have Crohn's and chronic constipation that has turned into a daily battle. I'm always looking for new strategies to try because I feel like I'm running out of options.

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I'm just now being tested and awaiting results on a Crohns or UC diagnosis with a specialist. When I had my initial appointment with him, he showed me 2 images on his computer of my recent MRI and my recent CT scan. They showed 3 sizable balls of stool in one image and 2 in the other image. I'd been pretty ill for 4 months with daily diarrhea 5 or 6 times every morning.
I had intermittent constipation too
While waiting one month for him to call me with his follow-up, in the meantime, he directed me to drink 2 litres of water per day and take 1 tsp of Metamucil per day. My constipation stopped, and my diarrhea improved! Two litres of water daily is a lot of water to drink but I complied because I was so ill. It may be worth a try for your constipation.
The doc has just ordered another Fecal Calprotectin test so I'm waiting again for a final diagnosis. I've suffered an awful outbreak of mouth cankers lately, which I've read can be a Crohns symptom, so my educated guess is that it may be Crohns. We'll see. I may have a colonoscopy, but the doctors say it would be risky for me due to my multiple conditions.
I hope this info might help you. My specialist is imminent in his field and highly respected by his colleagues.


I'm just now being tested and awaiting results on a Crohns or UC diagnosis with a specialist. When I had my initial appointment with him, he showed me 2 images on his computer of my recent MRI and my recent CT scan. They showed 3 sizable balls of stool in one image and 2 in the other image. I'd been pretty ill for 4 months with daily diarrhea 5 or 6 times every morning.
I had intermittent constipation too
While waiting one month for him to call me with his follow-up, in the meantime, he directed me to drink 2 litres of water per day and take 1 tsp of Metamucil per day. My constipation stopped, and my diarrhea improved! Two litres of water daily is a lot of water to drink but I complied because I was so ill. It may be worth a try for your constipation.
The doc has just ordered another Fecal Calprotectin test so I'm waiting again for a final diagnosis. I've suffered an awful outbreak of mouth cankers lately, which I've read can be a Crohns symptom, so my educated guess is that it may be Crohns. We'll see. I may have a colonoscopy, but the doctors say it would be risky for me due to my multiple conditions.
I hope this info might help you. My specialist is imminent in his field and highly respected by his colleagues.

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Hello. I have had ibs-d maybe from pelvic radiation damage although they say thats healed by now; cdiff in 2018 and since then fecal incontinence. I dont want another colonoscopy at 77 and many other illnesses and my family just noticed a test called Faecal calprotectin. Would I be in line to ask a doctor for this test.. I have no family dr just a walkin clinic and emerge dept. Thanks.J. Ontario


Hello. I have had ibs-d maybe from pelvic radiation damage although they say thats healed by now; cdiff in 2018 and since then fecal incontinence. I dont want another colonoscopy at 77 and many other illnesses and my family just noticed a test called Faecal calprotectin. Would I be in line to ask a doctor for this test.. I have no family dr just a walkin clinic and emerge dept. Thanks.J. Ontario

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I just had a colonoscopy at age 78. I deal with the same issues as you and still have no luck. I had a procedure yesterday to check anal muscles. I see the Dr. on Thursday with the results of the procedure.


I just had a colonoscopy at age 78. I deal with the same issues as you and still have no luck. I had a procedure yesterday to check anal muscles. I see the Dr. on Thursday with the results of the procedure.

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Thanks. I know colonoscopies have a small percentage of possible problems like bowel perforation but reading that after age 65 is more risky so am nervous to have another, last one 2008 he said showed nothing (but when I got copy of my dr file saw his report, a few years later, which showed some issue with colon.
Although he said radiation from 1985 (for cancer of cervix 4 times a day each side for 5 weeks) he said radiation damage has healed.. but surely it scars the bowel or must do "something." It was about 10 years later diarrhea started occasionally and has progressed, with the help of too many antibiotics for uti's, to C.Diff in 2018 and another 140 antibiotics (VAncomycin) and then to fecal incontinence and never a firmed stool, just mush on and off all day.. so am pretty fed up along with other medical issues.
Not looking for sympathy but just dont think can go through another colonoscopy at this time.... but was interested to know if I could have mri or another xray of abdomen or the calprotectin test which my daughter just saw on tiktok.
Living with this (and other issues) at 77 is a life changer and, no, diapers do not soak up pasty and I had a problem while having blood test the other day, so embarrassing and a little goes a long way! ugh !!!


Thanks. I know colonoscopies have a small percentage of possible problems like bowel perforation but reading that after age 65 is more risky so am nervous to have another, last one 2008 he said showed nothing (but when I got copy of my dr file saw his report, a few years later, which showed some issue with colon.
Although he said radiation from 1985 (for cancer of cervix 4 times a day each side for 5 weeks) he said radiation damage has healed.. but surely it scars the bowel or must do "something." It was about 10 years later diarrhea started occasionally and has progressed, with the help of too many antibiotics for uti's, to C.Diff in 2018 and another 140 antibiotics (VAncomycin) and then to fecal incontinence and never a firmed stool, just mush on and off all day.. so am pretty fed up along with other medical issues.
Not looking for sympathy but just dont think can go through another colonoscopy at this time.... but was interested to know if I could have mri or another xray of abdomen or the calprotectin test which my daughter just saw on tiktok.
Living with this (and other issues) at 77 is a life changer and, no, diapers do not soak up pasty and I had a problem while having blood test the other day, so embarrassing and a little goes a long way! ugh !!!

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I'm so sorry you are going through this and I hope you can get some help soon. I had radiation for endometrial (uterine) in 1995. I had episodes of diarrhea starting about 10 years later. I told the doctors that I was sure it was from the radiation but just like you I was told it had healed. During the years I had a lot of polyps so I had colnoscopies every 2-3 years. In 2015 exactly 20 years after the first cancer a Colonoscopy discovered a malignant tumor in my colon . Genetic testing concluded that the cancer was caused by the radiation. The surgeon removed almost 2 feet of my small bowel in addition to the almost one foot of the colon where the tumor was. He never told me that he would remove anything other than the tumor and margins around it. When i asked why he did that he said it was "funky " from the radiation and wasn't doing me any good. I had tried to tell him that I had a lot of radiation and my system was a mess but he said it was a long time ago.

Since the surgery I have episodes where stuff shoots out of me. I have cramps snd terrible gas and gas pains. I eat a lot of white rice and my activities are limited.

However I am not incontinent and am so sorry that you are. I am 78 and I have a Colonoscopy every year.

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