How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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This is not a test it is a surgical procedure. The patient has an ostomy bag after where the stool is diverted to rather than the rectum. You can google the procedure and get a more in depth description and so on. Hope this helps


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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Have you been tested for c-dif


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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I have had IBS-D for over 20 years, I have had tests after test and they still diagnose me with IBS, I am taking Atropine 0.025/ Diphenoxylate 2.5 mgs. which has helped, but only for so long. I spent last Tuesday night in the hospital with severe diarrhea. I was of course dehydrated, and my potassium was very low from loss of electrolytes. It has been an on going battle, I use adult disposable pull ups, and that at least gives me a little security when going out. I like to wear my own under wear over top, it just makes it feel better. Stress plays a major roll in IBS-D as well as the foods we eat, however, as for me the type of foods I eat really makes no difference, I can eat 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich and I am headed for the bathroom. I do know that fruit and vegetables seem to trigger it most. I have found personally that if I take my usual medication for awhile then switch to something else for awhile then back to my usual, that seems to help also. But for the most part, finding what works for you is the only way to deal with this stuff. If you get the pull ups, I have found that Food lion has a brand called Healthy Accents that are very good and very reasonable in price. The truth is there is no cure for IBS, all you can do is treat the symptoms. Find what works for you, and use the pull ups for more protection. It wouldn't hurt to avoid stress as much as possible and be aware of what your triggers are. As for your back problems, I too have back problems but the two are not related. Having back problems does not cause IBS and vise versa. I wish you all the luck in the world, you CAN learn to live with IBS.


I have had IBS-D for over 20 years, I have had tests after test and they still diagnose me with IBS, I am taking Atropine 0.025/ Diphenoxylate 2.5 mgs. which has helped, but only for so long. I spent last Tuesday night in the hospital with severe diarrhea. I was of course dehydrated, and my potassium was very low from loss of electrolytes. It has been an on going battle, I use adult disposable pull ups, and that at least gives me a little security when going out. I like to wear my own under wear over top, it just makes it feel better. Stress plays a major roll in IBS-D as well as the foods we eat, however, as for me the type of foods I eat really makes no difference, I can eat 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich and I am headed for the bathroom. I do know that fruit and vegetables seem to trigger it most. I have found personally that if I take my usual medication for awhile then switch to something else for awhile then back to my usual, that seems to help also. But for the most part, finding what works for you is the only way to deal with this stuff. If you get the pull ups, I have found that Food lion has a brand called Healthy Accents that are very good and very reasonable in price. The truth is there is no cure for IBS, all you can do is treat the symptoms. Find what works for you, and use the pull ups for more protection. It wouldn't hurt to avoid stress as much as possible and be aware of what your triggers are. As for your back problems, I too have back problems but the two are not related. Having back problems does not cause IBS and vise versa. I wish you all the luck in the world, you CAN learn to live with IBS.

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Thank you so very much. This does help to understand more about IBS-D. You have been very helpful. It can just hit me without warning even watching all that I eat. When you think itI is calming down, well here it comes. I try and be very mindful of the stress and boy is that stressful. You take care and I do want to hear from and I will be gathering all information I can get to proceed further.


Have you been tested for c-dif

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I do not know but will see if any of the tests included this. Thank you.


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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I've had IBS for many years. I've taken different meds in the past, but the last five years I've stopped taking prescription meds and daily eat the following: 1 serving of probiotic yogurt mixed into 1/2 cup fiber cereal in the morning, and five 0.52 GM caps of psyllium before bedtime. I use to have frequent bouts of diarrhea, and have reduced episodes greatly. My doctor hasn't needed to prescribe any meds for me, and though I still have periods of pain associated with IBS, at least I don't have to deal with the diarrhea issues like I once did. I don't know that this will be helpful for your particular case of IBS, but perhaps something to discuss with your doctor as a possible option to try.


I've had IBS for many years. I've taken different meds in the past, but the last five years I've stopped taking prescription meds and daily eat the following: 1 serving of probiotic yogurt mixed into 1/2 cup fiber cereal in the morning, and five 0.52 GM caps of psyllium before bedtime. I use to have frequent bouts of diarrhea, and have reduced episodes greatly. My doctor hasn't needed to prescribe any meds for me, and though I still have periods of pain associated with IBS, at least I don't have to deal with the diarrhea issues like I once did. I don't know that this will be helpful for your particular case of IBS, but perhaps something to discuss with your doctor as a possible option to try.

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THanks for the info. I do see my doctor tomorrow. I have diarreah, when it starts, at least 6-8 times, nauseated and just miserable. HAve pain. I do have a very interesting thing i do. I can feel a trigger, like a sneeze, after that i have nausea and diarreah. I know its weird, but this really does happen. I have been on Verberzi, a new med, for the IBSD. IT helps, i guess, but i get constipated. So I see my doctor tomorrow. AGain, thanks for the info


I've had IBS for many years. I've taken different meds in the past, but the last five years I've stopped taking prescription meds and daily eat the following: 1 serving of probiotic yogurt mixed into 1/2 cup fiber cereal in the morning, and five 0.52 GM caps of psyllium before bedtime. I use to have frequent bouts of diarrhea, and have reduced episodes greatly. My doctor hasn't needed to prescribe any meds for me, and though I still have periods of pain associated with IBS, at least I don't have to deal with the diarrhea issues like I once did. I don't know that this will be helpful for your particular case of IBS, but perhaps something to discuss with your doctor as a possible option to try.

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Well, i saw my Primary today and not much happened. Felt very down after. WE talked and I really thought he understood. His nurse made me an appt with a gastro doc. IT would be Sept 29. Okay that's a long time when you are dealing with IBSD and pain. The gastro doc is one who is not really liked and is "rough with people". I called to get anoher gastro doc and they did get me one but now it is Oct 13. I am really tired of dealing with this.


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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Sure understand your anxiety and feeling "down", as that is a long time to wait when having pain and all the other issues you are experiencing. Would the gastro doctor possibly have a 'call list' you could be put on to get in sooner if another patient cancels and there'd be an appointment opening. I've put myself on a call list quite a few times and had good luck getting in for an appointment sooner. And, GOOD FOR YOU, in requesting another doctor when you weren't comfortable with the one first found for you!! So important to have doctors we can relate to and are understanding of our health issues.


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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Good morning to all. I did see my new doctor and they listened, asked questions and seemed sincere. A endoscopy and colonoscopy is scheduled for the 23rd. They are also scheduling a test wherein i swallow a radioactive "pill". This should take about 4 hours. SO I Feel content that something is moving other than my bowels. I will keep you updated. You have all been tremendously helpful and supportive. Thanks to all.

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